68 Part 1

"Reason." Qi Yi looked up at Jiang Xun, furrowing his brows, "Why don't you want to continue recording?"

Jiang Xun pursed her mouth, "I just don't want to record this anymore."

"What do you think you are doing? Not recording just because you don't want to." Qi Yi lectured harshly.

"I can't continue like this." Jiang Xun was getting a little agitated. "I feel like I'm deceiving myself and hurting others."

"You must finish recording the show." Qi Yi said in a deep voice.

Jiang Xun stared at him with wide eyes, her eyes filled with sadness and grievance, which made him flustered and at a loss as well as tugged a little at his heartstrings.

Qi Yi concealed his inner throbbing conflicts. He stated icily, "When you came here, you signed a contract with the program team. Therefore only after two months can the recording end."

Jiang Xun looked at him disappointedly. That faint glance made him feel cold.

The room fell into silence. Jiang Xun gave a self-deprecating laugh and then turned to leave.

Qi Yi couldn't help but stop her, "From now on, you can keep your distance with other male guests and I'll arrange the rest."

Jiang Xun repeated, "Keep my distance?"


"No need, I understand what you mean. I'll choose one of the guests. After all, my original intention was to come here to find a boyfriend." Jiang Xun replied indifferently.

"What do you mean? Who do you want to choose?" Qi Yi appeared gloomy and stood up.

"This has nothing to do with you. Since this can't be over, then I would rather start and end well. Maybe some other person will be more suitable for me." Jiang Xun looked at him as she said this like she was doing this out of spite.

Qi Yi narrowed his eyes and dissatisfied peered at Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun turned a blind eye and continued, "I'm leaving now."

"You said that some other person might be more suitable for you, who are you referring to?" Qi Yi asked stiffly.

"Do I need to tell you this?" Jiang Xun's tone became even colder.

"Gu Yu? Or Gu Li?" Qi Yi walked in front of her and asked with an ugly expression.

Jiang Xun frowned, "What does it have anything to do with you?"

Qi Yi thought about it and suddenly said, "Tomorrow the male guest will be giving out gifts, don't accept any gifts from either of them."

Jiang Xun: "Why?"

Qi Yi replied: "There's no reason. If I tell you to not accept it, just do it."

Jiang Xun: "Since there's no reason, then I won't listen to you."

When Qi Yi heard her words, an anger immediately ignited in his chest, "What exactly do you want?"

Jiang Xun twitched the corners of her mouth into a smile. This was the first time she smiled in front of Qi Yi, but it was very ironic.

"I don't want to do anything, I'll just keep recording until the end. Are you satisfied now?" She turned to leave. Qi Yi stretched out his hand to pull her, but she just shook him off.

"Jiang Xun!" Qi Yi was enraged and called out her name.

Jiang Xun stopped at the door. She stood with her back to him for a while, as if waiting for him to say something, but Qi Yi didn't speak anymore. She sighed and walked away, heavily.

Qi Yi clenched his fists and watched Jiang Xun disappear at the end of the corridor. His expression looked unpredictable. No one knew what he was thinking.


The next morning, the staff collected all the gifts the male guests gave and set them on the table in the living room on the villa's first floor.

After the female guests went downstairs, they saw these gifts at first glance.

There were four gift boxes with different colors. The name of the male guest was written on the bottom of the box, indicating who gave the gift. Inside the box is also a card which shows who the gift was meant for.

The female guests will choose the gift of the male guests they want to know more about. When opened, if the name written inside is their own name, then the male and female guests pair will gain a chance to go out alone. The female guests can also choose the same gift from the same male guest at the same time.

However, there will be only one owner of each gift.

Jiang Xun hesitated and chose Gu Yu.

Lu Jia may have seen that Gu Yu had already become a pair with Jiang Xun, so she focused on Yan Xiao. After all, Yan Xiao chose her at the beginning, only she has been focusing on Gu Yu and ignoring Yan Xiao. Now that she knew Gu Yu and her had no hope together, she simply shifted the target.

In this way, no one chose Gu Yu except Jiang Xun.

While Lu Jia chose Yan Xiao, Zhao Wen Yin chose Gu Li and Bai Ran also chose Yan Xiao.

Yet , except for Zhao Jiu Xuan's gift for Bai Ran, all the other three's gifts were for Jiang Xun.

In the end, only Jiang Xun and Gu Yu were successfully matched in the gift link.

Qi Yi, who had been watching Jiang Xun in the master control room, became furious, "What can we continue to film like this? We might as well just focus on filming Jiang Xun and Gu Yu. How are the others going to pair up? What's the point of a show without any suspense!?"

"Where are Lin Wen and Chen Xi? Why aren't they doing anything?"

"There are only four male guests in total and three of them chose Jiang Xun. How are the other three female guests going to participate, what else is there left to watch?!"

His anger came so fast that everyone was shocked. They didn't know why he lost his temper out of nowhere, making everyone afraid to approach him.

Several on-site directors and screenwriters were all scolded. They could only listen to him and didn't dare to talk back. All these arrangements were approved by Qi Yi beforehand. Now that this situation occurs, they are also very helpless. Indeed, if all three of them like Jiang Xun and Bai Ran and Zhao Jiu Xuan were getting together, then the show's watch points would decrease by a lot.

Qi Yi commanded the others to come up with a solution by today and come up with a new plan. These two episodes of the show had nothing exciting to watch. They must shoot something else, otherwise the ratings will definitely drop.

When Qi Yi had a meeting with them, Jiang Xun and Gu Yu went out on a date again. This date was different from yesterday. They went to the amusement park and zoo, which were thrilling and warm. This was the best way to promote the relationship between a man and woman. Seeing them having a good time only made Qi Yi's mood even worse.

At night, Qi Yi thought Jiang Xun would still come find him. Who knows that he would wait until eleven thirty but no one came? He went to the master control room to take a look. Jiang Xun was currently on the bed, playing with the gift that Gu Yu gave her. Although she didn't have any expression, he felt she seemed to be in a good mood.

Qi Yi suppressed his anger. Staring at Jiang Xun on the display, his feeling was incredibly complicated.

Qi Yi gave a long sigh. He was the only one left in the master control room, because everyone else went to rest. Thinking about it for a while, he turned off the camera connected to Jiang Xun's room. Then he changed clothes and went outside Jiang Xun's room.

Knocking on Jiang Xun's door lightly, he appeared solemn and a little nervous. After all, there were still other female guests living next door. Although Qi Yi saw everyone else asleep in the master control room, he was still quite cautious.

Jiang Xun heard the knock on the door and asked, "Who?"

"Me." Qi Yi lowered his voice.

Jiang Xun was a little surprised. She truly didn't expect Qi Yi to come back to look for her this late. As for why, she instantly knew why once she thought about it.

She didn't open the door immediately, but said, "I'm asleep, what's the matter?"

"Open the door." Qi Yi said coldly. Did she really think he couldn't see that she wasn't asleep?

Only then did Jiang Xun put on her slippers and open the door.

As soon as the door opened a sliver, Qi Yi pushed the rest open. He strode in quickly and closed the door.