68 Part 2

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xun stopped him.

"I need to speak with you."

"Let's just talk here, it's getting late." Jiang Xun's attitude of keeping him at an arm's length was completely different from when she came to see him last night.

Qi Yi's face turned dark as he looked at her displeased.

Jiang Xun stared back at him without any avoidant. The atmosphere was very tense.

Qi Yi said, "Didn't I tell you yesterday to not accept the gifts?"

Jiang Xun didn't speak.

Qi Yi impatiently urged, "Speak!"

"Speak what?" Jiang Xun reluctantly glanced at him.

"Do you like Gu Yu?" Qi Yi said this in a cold tone with an icy glint in his eyes, as if if Jiang Xun didn't do what he said, he would do something to her.

"WhetherI like Gu Yu or not, I don't need to tell you," Jiang Xun bit her lower lip and turned her head away from him.

"You can't like him." Qi Yi was almost angered into vomiting blood by her words.

"Oh? Why? Why can't I like others?" Jiang Xun glowered at him.

Qi Yi was placed in a dilemma by what she said, "You!"

His word didn't make its way out when his stomach started hurting.

His breathing stagnated as his face suddenly paled. His frowning expression seemed extremely painful.

Today, seeing Jiang Xun getting more and more intimate with Gu Yu made him so angry that he didn't eat at all. He only drank some liquid food, so his stomach started hurting again. Moreover, he also was angered by Jiang Xun until his chest felt tight and couldn't breathe for a second.

Jiang Xun was frightened when she saw him suddenly like this, "What happened to you?"

Qi Yi gritted his teeth and couldn't speak, clutching his stomach. After a while, he answered, "I'm fine."

"Does your stomach hurt again?" Jiang Xun worriedly asked.

Qi Yi nodded.

Jiang Xun took out the stomach medicine from the drawer and poured a glass of water before bringing it to him, "You should take some medicine."

Qi Yi stared at the medicine in her hand and asked hesitantly, "What kind of medicine is this?"

Jiang Xun paused, "Stomach medicine."

Qi Yi was in terrible pain. Seeing the sincere and nervous expression on her face, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. He reached out to take the medicine and looked at Jiang Xun's eyes as his eyes became gentle.

When Qi Yi swallowed the medicine in one gulp of water, Jiang Xun seemed to be relieved.

The system prompts Jiang Xun, "Qi Yi's favorability value has increased."

Jiang Xun replied, "En, I've already felt it."

After a while, Qi Yi's complexion improved a little. His complexion recovered a little color and both of them calmed down by now.

Jiang Xun softly whispered, "Did you come find me just to talk about this?"

Her tone was full of hope, yet all Qi Yi said was, "You, stay away from Gu Yu."

"Why? Does the program team still care about how the guests are paired?" Jiang Xun said mockingly, "The program team is also going to interfere with who I'll get together with?"

She mentioned the program team in every sentence but just won't mention him, which was obviously deliberate.

Qi Yi was a little angry, "Then it's up to you."

Jiang Xun was silent for a while, "Then you should leave."

Qi Yi sullenly glanced at her, "You're really going to do this?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you this sentence?" Jiang Xun looked straight into his eyes.

Qi Yi felt a little guilty. His heart pounded rapidly as he didn't know what to say.


After a while, Qi Yi finally stood up, "I have already said what should be said. It's getting late, I should be going."

Jiang Xun hesitated, "Wait."

Qi Yi: "What?"

Jiang Xun: "I have something to ask you."

Qi Yi: "Talk."

Jiang Xun: "You probably know who the wolf is, right?"

Qi Yi stared into her eyes and thought, did she already know?

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Xun: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you."

"Who do you think is a wolf?" Qi Yi asked.

Jiang Xun said hesitantly, "Is it... … Gu Li?"

Qi Yi frowned and looked at her suspiciously, "Why do you say Gu Li?"

Jiang Xun: "Is it not?"

"Who told you that it was Gu Li?" Qi Yi was very sensitive. Hearing her tone, he knew that she wasn't sure either, obviously someone else told her.

Jiang Xun insisted, "Just tell me if it is or not."

Qi Yi went silent for a while, "It's not."

Jiang Xun revealed a surprised look, "Really?"

Now, Qi Yi was even more sure that someone had said something to her. However, when he asked again, Jiang Xun still refused to say who.

Since Qi Yi had no way to find out, he didn't ask any more.

"I'm leaving, you can rest." It won't be good for him to stay here for too long,

When he opened the door and was about to leave, Jiang Xun suddenly spoke up, "Let me ask you one last question. What would you do if I chose the wolf in the end?"

The author has something to say:

Qi Yi: Who is hurting my woman?

Jiang Xun: Hehe, who's your woman?