72 Part 2

When Jiang Xun was packing her things in her room, Qi Yi came. He seemed to be very happy because Jiang Xun didn't choose Gu Li and Gu Yu. Even if Jiang Xun was indifferent to him, he just took it as her being embarrassed and was sulking with him. He waited until the others were gone before he took her suitcase, wanting to escort her home.

Jiang Xun refused, but it was useless, so she just let him be.

However, Jiang Xun didn't say anything to him on the way and kept a cold appearance. When Qi Yi drove to her building. Jiang Xun just told him to leave. She didn't even let him go upstairs. When has Qi Yi received such a cold reception? His face turned blue with anger as he stood downstairs for a while before driving away.

Jiang Xun put her luggage aside and was about to take off her clothes for a bath when Gu Li sent a message and asked her if she was home. Jiang Xun thought about it, and was just about to reply to him when a phone call came in.

She looked at the number, it was a number she had never seen before.

She guessed it was Qi Yi. It wasn't surprising that he had her phone number. The program group all had each of the guests' numbers saved, so it would be easy for him to get it.

After Jiang Xun pressed to answer, she heard Qi Yi's low voice.

"Can I help you?" Jiang Xun was still indifferent.

Qi Yi went silent for a moment, seeming to suppress his emotions, "Can I treat you to a meal tomorrow?"

Now that there was no camera, Jiang Xun unscrupulously revealed a cold smile. She replied calmly, "I don't have this intent."

Qi Yi was taken aback by her swift refusal.

Jiang Xun said helplessly, "Director Qi, I thought I had expressed my attitude very clearly these past few days."

"What?" Qi Yi didn't understand what she meant. But inexplicably, he had a bad feeling.

"Please don't come find me again. After the recording is over, we won't have any interactions. There's no need to contact me again." Jiang Xun lightly explained.

Her words were like a wake-up call, making Qi Yi pale, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Xun sighed slowly, "Did I still not make myself clear enough?"

Qi Yi had never taken this statement seriously before. He only thought she was sulking because of his non-response, but now he took the initiative to invite her to a date, she still said so. Could it be true that she really gave up on him ?

Qi Yi's heart ached everywhere. This was the first time he had encountered this situation as well as the first time that he felt such a heartache due to a woman. In a short while, he didn't know how to react or what to say. He held the phone in a daze and couldn't say a word.

However, Jiang Xun directly hung up the phone without waiting for him.

When Qi Yi heard the beep from the phone, his heart felt so painful that he couldn't breathe.

After Jiang Xun was interrupted by Qi Yi, she forgot to reply to Gu Li. Instead, she went to the bathroom to take a shower and went to bed as soon as she came out and dried her hair.


In the Gu family, both parents waited until their son came back today to ask him the result. Gu Li told his parents he no longer had social phobia. At home, they asked about everything that happened in the show one by one.

The Gu family's parents also watched the show. Knowing their son liked Jiang Xun, they also had a good impression of Jiang Xun. When they saw Jiang Xun approaching Gu Yu, they felt anxious for their son. After all, Gu Li didn't know how to chase girls compared to the gentle and considerate Gu Yu. Even the Gu parents didn't think Jiang Xun would choose their own son.

When they heard their son say that Gu Yu was the wolf, their eyes lit up.

Although Jiang Xun didn't choose anyone, at least she didn't refuse her son, right? There was still hope.

The Gu parents unified their views and came to this conclusion. Gu Li himself also thought the same way. After getting the approval of his parents, he only became more determined.

"Son, you have to take the initiative." Father Gu earnestly advised, "When I was pursuing your mother, I only won over your mother by my shameless courting. With you looking so handsome, as long as you put in the effort, Jiang Xun will definitely be moved by you."

Mother Gu nodded, "That's right, go send a message to Renjia and ask if she's home."

Gu Li said with a face full of seriousness, "Okay."

Thus, that was the text message Jiang Xun received.

However, Gu Li didn't get a reply, but saw the message had been read. He was a little worried and sad, hesitating whether to call or not.

Father Gu called out, "It's too late, forget it. Ask her out tomorrow."

Mother Gu added, "Don't be too eager. When courting a girl, you have to take it slow. Don't be afraid, Baby, Mom and Dad will help you."

Gu Li nodded, "I will work hard, I like her."

After speaking, he blushed while Father Gu and Mother Gu tacitly smiled at each other.

Their son finally grew up.


Sister Meng did indeed call the program group, but no one gave her a second at all.

When Bai Ran called Sister Meng to ask about the situation, she was scolded again. She told her to take off work for a period of time and wait until the surge passed.

The broadcast viewership of the second season's program tripled that of the first season. This time, the number of netizens following the show wasn't a small number. Trying to grasp at any straw, Bai Ran even posted a statement on Weibo to protest against the program team for editing discriminately.

But what they didn't expect was that with the subsequent broadcast of the show, the true face of Bai Ran was completely revealed in front of netizens.

In the seventh episode, there was a private interview with each guest, asking about their views on Bai Ran and Jiang Xun.

Zhao Wen Yin said Bai Ran told her that Jiang Xun liked Gu Li and that only Gu Li was worthy of her, which was why she hated Jiang Xun and went against Jiang Xun at the beginning.

Lu Jia said Bai Ran told her that Jiang Xun told her in private that she had very tasteless clothes, causing Lu Jia to be so angry that she never found Jiang Xun pleasing to her eyes.

Only later did they realize that something was off and stopped believing in Bai Ran's words.

Yan Xiao and Zhao Jiu Xuan didn't have any kind words either. Zhao Jiu Xuan even complained that Bai Ran was dangling him to play ambiguously with him at first and then became so heartless later on.

After these interviews came out, the voices of the netizens scolding her increased to the point where they started investigating about her life and digging up all the scandalous things she had done before.

Her previous incident can be seen as a bizarre post, allowing the netizens to eat another huge melon again. Until the last episode of the show came out, Bai Ran's infamy in framing Gu Li's was confirmed. This angered fans of Gu Li and Jiang Xun. Out of anger, naturally they wouldn't be merciful. Their cursing caused Bai Ran to delete Weibo nor did she even dare to go online.

As things evolved to the end, her address was also dug out by the netizens. Whenever she went out, there would be people squatting outside her home, waiting for her, so she could only change her address. However, because of this, the company didn't arrange for her to work. In addition, she lived from paycheck to paycheck. She might earn much, but she also spends a lot more, all of which on luxury goods. Once she lost her job, those meager savings weren't enough to even change a house. Plus in her current situation, no one would be willing to help her, not to mention that she didn't have any sincere friends.

There is only one man who has been pursuing her that was willing to take her in. Although she looked down on him, she had to accept it. The other party took the opportunity to make her be her girlfriend, otherwise he wouldn't let her in. She could only agree. Since they were a boyfriend and girlfriend, living under the same roof, naturally having that kind of relationship would happen. Although Bai Ran was reluctant, she could only endure it. After a few calm days, that man started to disdain her from reading those comments online. Since, anyway he already slept with her and got rid of the itch, he dumped her.

Bai Ran thought that it was enough to make her feel uncomfortable to be with a d*ck that she didn't like before. She didn't expect to still be kicked out of the house by him.

She has always been haughty. After suffering so many blows and being ridiculed by men, she couldn't stand the provocation and almost broke down.

Soon, she was terminated by the company and posted an apology video on the Internet. In the video, where was her previous beauty? No makeup, with a horrible complexion and serious dark circles. The netizens almost didn't recognize her. Some people even claimed it was fake and that wasn't her actual person.

In the video, Bai Ran explained why she had deceived Jiang Xun and rambled. To sum it up, the netizens concluded it was jealousy. She hated the aloof beauties like Jiang Xun the most as well as all women who were more beautiful or popular than her.

In short, Bai Ran finally disappeared. Some said she had returned to her hometown in the country, while others said she entered the hospital due to a mental breakdown.

However, online discussions about the second season of [Let's Date, Who's The Lying Wolf?] were still going on.

Gu Yu's identity was also exposed. He was the son of the president of a listed company, who was one of the investors in the show. Him participating in the show was just for fun.

Netizens scoffed at such a handsome wealthy man, who came to participate in the show just to play with other people's feelings. Their cursing voices at him also continued, which caused his company's stock to drop a few points. Gu Yu was also ordered to apologize publicly on the Internet before being sent abroad by his family.

As for Gu Li, he only made people feel distressed for him.

Netizens left messages one after another hoping Jiang Xun would see it:

"Won't you save the child? Take a look at the cute and pitiful Gu Li."

"Look how good Gu Li is, innocent and affectionate. Miss Jiang Xun, please give him a chance."

"Fairy ah, are you really not going to consider Xiao LiLi?"

"Let's organize a group to go to the flower shop to buy flowers. There, we can plead Jiang Xun to give Sweetie Gu Li a try."

"Yeah, yeah, you can also break up if you guys don't mesh together. The time on the show is too short, you can try getting along in reality!"

"The flower baskets I bought from Fairy last time have all been well received by people around me. I'm going to buy more than a dozen of them for my boss to give away to his family and friends!"


When the netizens formed several large groups and came to Jiang Xun's "Yi Xiao Xun Hua" flower shop, they saw a note posted at the door.

[The boss is out for travel, business is temporarily suspended, undetermined return date. ]