73 Part 1

Ever since that day, Qi Yi fell into a complicated mood. He wanted to calm down for a few days, so he didn't take the initiative to contact Jiang Xun. Moreover, he has been busy editing the next few episodes of the show. Because of the issue with Bai Ran, the viewership of the show increased significantly. The netizens' reaction was also very intense, therefore he had to deal with a lot of things.

When he finished, he realized that he still couldn't forget Jiang Xun. By the time he came to find Jiang Xun, he found she had changed her phone number and the flower shop was closed. Not being able to contact her at all made Qi Yi panicked all of a sudden.

He could only send emails to the mailbox Jiang Xun left on the profile.

However, he didn't know what to say. Jiang Xun had already directly rejected him. With her heartlessness and him still not being able to forget her, Qi Yi's pride didn't allow him to steep so low, but he didn't know why, he just couldn't stop himself from thinking about her.

Since Jiang Xun's disappearance, he realized what he had missed. His stomach would trouble him every day. Whenever his stomach hurted, so did his heart, reminding him of Jiang Xun.

After half a month, the notice in front of Jiang Xun's shop finally disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced with another piece of paper: [Sub-lease]

There was a phone number on it, but it wasn't Jiang Xun, but an intermediary.

For the past half month, Gu Li has been checking the shop everyday. When he saw the news of the subleasing, he also became anxious.

He rented the storefront, hoping that Jiang Xun would come back someday.

Yet after waiting for a few months, there was still no news about Jiang Xun.

Gu Li would also send text messages to Jiang Xun's previous number every day. Although he knew that it might not be possible to receive a reply, he still sent it every day.

Seeing his persistence, Father Gu and Mother Gu didn't know whether it was correct to support him at the beginning. But gradually, with the help of a psychologist, Gu Li's social phobia was no longer serious and could communicate with strangers normally. Because of him opening up to love, his attainments in painting also became higher.

Seeing his son improving and his personality becoming more cheerful, Father Gu and Mother Gu were naturally happy. It can be said that he only changed because of him falling in love with Jiang Xun. The Gu parents really want to meet Jiang Xun and thank her.


It has already been half a year since the end of the last episode of the [Let's Date] show, while the third season was no closer to start filming. They heard that the producer suffered from some shock and didn't want to shoot, but wouldn't transfer the copyright of the show. Because this show was single-handedly made by him and with copyright being so heavily viewed nowadays, as long as he doesn't agree, others won't be able to shoot it either.

Therefore, the fans felt pity and the attention toward these second season guests also didn't dissipate.

They heard afterwards, Zhao Wen Yin and Yan Xiao were still together, but Lu Jia and Zhao Jiu Xuan soon broke up.

Gu Yu went abroad, while no one wanted to mention Bai Ran. The most anticipated Gu Jiang CP has not made any progress. They only heard that Gu Li held an art exhibition. There was a painting in the exhibition of Jiang Xun, which was incredibly beautiful that it could suffocate people. Someone offered a high price to buy it, but Gu Li insisted on not selling it.

Many fans sighed and sighed due to the fact that Jiang Xun's flower shop closed. It's a pity they wouldn't have a chance to see Fairy Jiang Xun again.

Someone opened a forum specifically for Jiang Xun. In there, it included some high-definition pictures of Jiang Xun from the show. Because each picture was extremely beautiful, many people saved them. This forum is also updated every day. Later on, people even posted pictures of the flower baskets made by Jiang Xun.

This forum has always been a hot topic in the post bars of [Let's Date, Who's the Lying Wolf?].

The administrator is said to be Jiang Xun's number one fan. Later, he also posted some portraits, oil paintings, sketches and even ink paintings of her. Fans directly cheered for him.

Since the administrator updates new pictures and portraits of Jiang Xun every day, Jiang Xun's loyal fans will still check out the forum every day.

Finally, one day, someone left a message under the forum saying that they saw a particularly large and well-decorated flower shop in the city center, also named "Yi Xiao Xun Hua" and wondered if it has anything to do with Jiang Xun.

A fan replied: "Maybe someone who saw Jiang Xun gained popularity and wanted to rub off that since Jiang Xun's not opening hers, so they opened it under this name. How despicable."

"Yes, really, Miss Jiang Xun definitely didn't think of this. She didn't even register this name. Even if it is stolen, there's nothing she can do."

"My uncle is from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. I'll ask him to check it out."

"Look at whether the trademark is registered or not. If it's not registered, we can spend money to register it and prevent that person from using the name, only Fairy Jiang Xun can use that."

"En en! I'll be waiting here..."

For the next few days, some of the fans living in the area went to check out the flower shop and came to the post: "There's only a beautiful young lady in the flower shop, but it's not Jiang Xun. The young lady said she's just an employee while her boss is in Yun Nan, making a flower garden. However, she wouldn't disclose what the boss' name was."

"I went there to buy flowers, the shop is really well decorated!"


"It's me!!! My uncle checked it for me! Guess what!?"


"Why aren't you spilling it yet ? The one upstairs, don't dangle my appetite like this!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Where are you?"

"Ah ah ah, I'm here. Something happened just now and I had to take care of it, let me continue."

"Get to the point already."

"My uncle told me, that the name of the owner of that store is Jiang Xun! Hahahaha!"

"My God, this can't be real, can it? That shop was actually opened by Fairy Jiang Xun?"

"I have to go, release the address. I didn't pay attention to it before."

Administrator: "Please post the address, thank you."

"Hey, you even got the Administrator to show up."


Based on the address on the post, Gu Li found the flower shop. As expected, the decoration was spectacular like the netizens said. After Gu Li entered, a young girl greeted him.

When Gu Li asked about the boss, the girl showed an embarrassed expression, "Recently, a lot of customers have come to look for the boss."

Gu Li: "Do you know when she'll be back?"

The girl shook her head, "I don't know, she didn't say."

Because Gu Li has been waiting for so long, he was already very happy with getting any news about her. Therefore, he didn't get discouraged and said with a smile, "Then I'll buy a bouquet of flowers."

The girl looked at him in a daze, "What kind of flowers?"

Gu Li: "What flowers does your boss like?"

"I don't know either." The girl frowned, "But I can ask her for you next time."

"Okay, thank you, let's get a bunch of calla lilies first."

"Lisianthus? That's the flower language for sincere and unchanging love." The girl smiled.


From that day on, Gu Li will go to the flower shop every day and the girl deliberately told Jiang Xun about this when she called.

Originally, Jiang Xun planned on leaving right after the flower garden was built. Both Qi Yi and Gu Li favorability has exceeded eighty-five. Qi Yi was also frantically looking for her and even chased her all the way to Yun Nan. The two meet again in a sea of ​​flowers, where Qi Yi confessed to her, but Jiang Xun still indifferently rejected him.

Afterwards, Jiang Xun never saw him again.

Hearing that the store staff said that Gu Li came every day and asked her to come back earlier, Jiang Xun was a little entangled before finally deciding to head back to take a look.

Gu Li had purchased the store front opposite of the flower shop and opened a gallery. That way everyday he could look at the door of the flower shop across the street through the glass.

On the day Jiang Xun returned, Gu Li had a premonition early in the morning. Once he woke up, he felt particularly happy, as if something good was about to happen.

He went to the gallery early and the flower shop hadn't opened yet. Looking at the sign of the flower shop, Gu Li smiled.

He was about to turn around when he suddenly stopped moving and slowly stared at the woman in the yellow dress who was walking on the right of the sidewalk.

She was like a beautiful tulip, slowly emerging from the morning light, carrying a hazy mist. Gu Li stared at her blankly and then blinked.

She came back?

Gu Li ignored everything else and ran over, "Jiang Xun."

Hearing the voice, Jiang Xun turned her head and saw Gu Li running up to her to tightly embrace her.

She was hugged so tight by him that she couldn't move. Her petite body was completely enveloped by him.

Gu Li finally said what was in his heart, "I should have hugged you like this earlier, pestering you so that you can't go anywhere."

Jiang Xun was a little surprised. She hadn't seen him for a few months and Gu Li seemed to have changed a person, but also not.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xun softly responded.

"I miss you so much."

There are grievances and longing in his voice, which made people feel distressed. "Please don't go, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Jiang Xun raised her eyes and looked at the sky. In the blue sky, there were a few lovely white clouds, so the sun wasn't as dazzling. Suddenly, she thought of how the original owner liked Gu Li from the beginning. If she got together with him, she would probably be satisfied.

Compared to the others, Gu Li is indeed the best choice.

After Jiang Xun thought it through, she gave a liberating smile and touched his face with her hand, "Your face is red again."

Gu Li pursed his mouth and whispered, "Because I like you."

Jiang Xun asked, "How did you become this straightforward?"

"I saw the doctor and I'm all right now, so I'm not afraid anymore." Gu Li said with a smile.

"En, that's great."

"Can I continue to pursue you now?"

Jiang Xun looked into his eyes, "Okay."


When Yan Xiao and Zhao Wen Yin got engaged, they sent invitations to Jiang Xun and Gu Li.

Holding the invitation and looking at the photo of Yan Xiao and Zhao Wen Yin above, Gu Li went to Jiang Xun and asked, "Can we also get engaged?"

"En, okay." Jiang Xun didn't mind this, as long as he was happy.

"Then we'll take pictures too."

"We can."

Seeing her promise so readily, Gu Li felt like he was dreaming, "Really?"

"En, really."

Jiang Xun turned around and hugged him, "Bring your head down."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I'm going to kiss you." After Jiang Xun finished speaking, she bit his thin lips.

Gu Li trembled all over. The moment Jiang Xun touched him, he would be extremely sensitive especially when they kissed. Every time they kissed, Gu Li felt incredibly excited and would give some strong reactions.

The more he was like this, the more Jiang Xun liked to suddenly tease him. Seeing his blushing face and small gasps with his nice voice, Jiang Xun enjoyed listening to him gasping. Dominating him gave her a thrill of excitement.

"Since you are engaged, are you mine?" Jiang Xun whispered.

"I've always been… … yours." Gu Li embarrassedly mumbled.

"Then what should you do?"

"I don't know." Gu Li's eyes widened, watching her unbutton his shirt.

"If you don't know, then I will teach you."

"... …" Gu Li held his breath and stopped speaking. He bit his teeth to keep silent.

Jiang Xun's hands were softly tender and they felt the most comfortable. Normally, Gu Li loved to hold her hands and glanced at them over and over. But, at this time, these hands almost caused his heart to jump out of him, yet he couldn't bear to let her stop.

"Good boy, don't hold it in, I like listening to your voice." Jiang Xun coaxed him.

Gu Li had no choice but to open his mouth. His unsteady breathing aroused a beautiful symphony in the air.

"Turn off the lights?" Gu Li suddenly said.

"No need, you're so cute, I want to look at you."

Gu Li's eyes flickered and Jiang Xun's face was reflected in those bright black eyes, "I'm not cute."

"You're the cutest, especially when you make the moaning sound just now."

Gu Li was dumbfounded. Thinking about it again, he copied what he did just now and 'moaned' again.

Hearing his own voice, Gu Li simply couldn't even look at Jiang Xun.

However, Jiang Xun was very satisfied. Her mouth curved as she hugged him to continue the next thing.


Half a month later, the previous forum that was buried because it hadn't been updated for a long time was topped up again.

The newly posted photo turned out to be a group photo of Jiang Xun and Gu Li. The two smiled sweetly in the photo, obviously together.

At this time, the fans were so excited that they finally asked who the administrator was. How could they have these photos when they clearly weren't posted anywhere on the Internet?

Everyone was very curious about the identity of the administrator. After guessing for a long time, they finally waited until the actual administrator showed up.

Administrator: This is Gu Li. On the 15th of next month, Jiang Xun and I will get engaged. Thank you all for your attention and blessings.