73 Part 2

The day Jiang Xun left, it was the two's engagement banquet for the two. Looking at Gu Li, who could float from his happiness, Jiang Xun smiled, freeingly, and called the system, "Okay, I should probably leave. Staying with him this long, I blame him for being so cute, which made me reluctant to go."

"He already has ninety-five favorability value for you, why not wait until it's one hundred before leaving?"

"What's the difference between ninety-five and one hundred?" Jiang Xun said lightly.

"Alright, he seems really happy. In the process of freezing this world, the mission's completion is undergoing detection..."

"The mission was successfully completed. The system is currently evaluating… …"

"Title Achieved: Wishing For One's Heart, Title Ability: An hour of mind reading ability."

"You're about to leave this world, please be prepared."

Jiang Xun looked at Gu Li one last time and then closed her eyes.

After who knows how long, the noisy screams and the crying of the child suddenly entered Jiang Xun's ears. As she slowly regained consciousness, she knew she had arrived at a new mission world.

Jiang Xun saw a cowering man and a beautifully dressed woman standing in front of her. The woman was glowering at her and ranting, "You're eating our food and using our things. With you and your brother so young, without me and your uncle's care, who knows how you guys might be doing? Although the house is left in your name, before your parents died, they said they'll give it to your uncle as a compensation for us to take care of you, two children. The expenses for taking care of you two are quite a lot... … What's wrong now? Could it be that you think your uncle and I are taking advantage of you? If you don't want to go to nursing school, do as you please. This year, your brother is going into junior high and we can't afford the tuition fee for that model junior high. You better figure it out by yourself."

The woman's words stuck Jiang Xun's body's original emotions, causing a wave of resentment and hatred surged into her heart, stifling her.

Next to her stood a teenage boy and a boy of a few years old. The teen boy just glared at the men and women with unyielding eyes, while the other boy was wailing on top of his lungs.

Jiang Xun felt a headache when he heard the cry. With the remnants of the original owner's thoughts and the words of the woman, she recognized who the person in front of her was.

The man is the original owner's uncle, whereas the woman is the original owner's aunt and the wife of that man.

As for the teenage handsome boy, he was the original owner's own brother and the other who was crying loudly is the original owner's cousin.

Since Jiang Xun hadn't sorted out her memory yet, she knew that she couldn't say something wrong. Looking at them, she didn't say anything and grabbed her younger brother Jiang Jing's hand to head straight back to their room.

"What do you mean by this?" The woman didn't expect that Jiang Xun, who has always been obedient, would ignore her. Instantly, she almost sprang up from anger.

The man stopped her, "There's no need to argue with children."

"What child! She's already eighteen, I've heard Xiao Xiao say, she conceived a child with some unknown society scum. She even went to the hospital to abort the baby. If your brother and sister-in-law were still here, they would've been pissed off by her." The woman snorted sarcastically.

"Don't talk nonsense." The man's face changed. "What Xiao Xiao said may not be true."

"Dad, I'm not talking nonsense. It was spread all over the school. Someone had pictures as proof, Jiang Xun's reputation at school couldn't be more than stinky." The girl in pink pajamas walked out of her room and argued with dissatisfaction.

"Then at least be quiet about it." The man also felt it was shameful.

"Heh, she dared to do it, but won't let anyone talk about it. Your niece really lost the face of your Jiang family." The woman snapped coldly.


Because the soundproofing of the home isn't very good, the sound outside the door all came through. Jiang Xun listened with a frosty face, but Jiang Jing appeared enraged, "Sister, they're falsely accusing you. Why aren't you even angry? The house was obviously bought by our parents for you. How could we give it to them? The real estate certificate has your name on it, they're simply too much."

Jiang Xun shook her head and made a silencing gesture.

"Let Sister calm down and think about it." Jiang Xun reached out and rubbed his head.

Jiang Jing gritted his teeth. He could only pursed his mouth to stop speaking.

Jiang Xun hurriedly seized the time to absorb the memory.

Not long after, she became clear about her situation and the life experience of the original owner.

This time, she was much younger. The original owner Jiang Xun was still a young girl who would turn eighteen in a few more days.

It's just that if she came to do the mission, then naturally there won't be any good encounters. This Jiang Xun is also a pitiful person with a troubled fate.

Originally, she was only an ordinary high school student. Close to her period, she was heading out for a date, but on the road she saw a pregnant woman who was about to give birth that fainted on the ground and no one was there to help. She hesitated before going forward to help the pregnant woman and called 120. She thought that after the medical staff came, she would be able to leave. However, the pregnant woman grasped her hand tightly, so she could only follow her into the ambulance.

Fortunately, after arriving at the hospital, the pregnant woman gave birth to her baby safely, and her family members also came. The original owner was ready to leave, when suddenly her menstruation came, dirtying her pants and her menstrual cramps started up as well.

She supported herself against the wall in pain. The family members of the pregnant woman just now saw her and quickly came to help her. Seeing her complexion wasn't good, they insisted on bringing her for a check up. Since she couldn't avoid it, she decided she might as well go take a look.

There was nothing wrong at first, only she missed the date and stood up her boyfriend. However, the original owner felt she had done a good deed in saving two lives and was in a good mood. Who knew that when she came back to school on Monday, everyone would look at her with strange gazes and even point at her right in front of her?

Although the original owner felt it was weird, she couldn't figure out what happened and no one told her either. Until two days later, she accidentally saw someone in the school posting a secretly taken photo of her in the hospital that day, saying she went to get an abortion that day and the male family member of the pregnant woman who helped her was the father.

In the photo, she was pale due to her menstrual cramps, but was deemed to have just done an abortion.

Because the original owner's grades were excellent, she was highly valued by the teachers. Once something like this happened, the school's attention was quickly drawn. The Dean called her to their office to question her about the situation. She explained what happened but couldn't provide evidence since she didn't have the pregnant woman's contact information. However, since she usually displayed character and great academics, the teachers were naturally willing to believe her. Her classmates are different though. Since she is extremely beautiful, speaks in a soft and cute manner and is the recognized school flower among the male students as well as being a couple with the school hunk, many girls couldn't stand her. When something like this happens, she is naturally criticized, especially by girls at school who love to gossip. Even if the teacher comes forward to explain, everyone only took it as the school trying to hide the scandal and the rumors continued.

When she was walking on the road, people would be pointing and cursing at her. Insulting notes would appear inside her desk for no reason. This situation intensified until later, someone even threw spiders on her desk, changing her entire person to become sensitive and neurotic. Soon, she suffered from mild depression. When she was getting along with her boyfriend, she also seemed to have changed her personality. At every little turn, she would be agitated. In the end, she took the initiative to break up with her boyfriend. Originally, her boyfriend believed her, but her out of control emotions and rambling caused her boyfriend to also misunderstand her.

Just when the original owner was suffering from school violence, the original owner's parents had a car accident. After a day and night of resuscitation, they still passed away.

All this overwhelmed the original owner, causing her depression to become more serious. She had to take a one-year absence from school. Due to the entrustment of her parents before her death, she never gave up on herself and took active treatment. After more than a year, her depression was much better.

However, her memory has deteriorated a lot due to the frequent use of antidepressant medications. To head back to school again, she had to take the assessment, which she failed miserably. You must know that the school she attended before was the city's model point. Although she was the school's first in her grade, if she wanted to go back to school after a year off, she had to pass the school exam. Now that she has such a poor exam, the school wasn't willing to accept her. Moreover, her previous reputation was truly horrendous.

By this time, all of her classmates had finished their college entrance examination and most of them were admitted to model universities. The original owner's ex-boyfriend was also admitted into the best university in the city and she heard that he also had a new girlfriend.

The original owner didn't contact him again.

When the original parents died, she was still a minor, so her uncle became the guardian of her and her brother.

Under the excuse to take better care of her and her younger brother, her uncle and aunt moved to her house with their pair of children. At the beginning, they were pretty kind to her and her younger brother. Since the original owner's parents died and she only had these two left, she naively trusted them very much and gave them all the deposits left by her parents. Who knows that it didn't take long for her aunt to get slack off with them. Under the persuasion of her aunt's pillow talk, her uncle's attitude towards them siblings gradually began to change as well.

Although the house was written with her name, her uncle and aunt regarded themselves as the owner of the family. Seeing that the original owner's brain wasn't good and she wouldn't get scholarships even if she went back to high school, they simply asked her to enroll in a nursing school, which is a vocational school where she can come out to be a nurse with a little money in just three years.

The original owner was unwilling, but her younger brother was still in junior high. Her aunt and uncle both said that their money wasn't enough. If she disagreed, they could only send her younger brother to a middle school that wasn't as good since they can't afford the model junior high.

For her younger brother, the original owner had to agree. However, the moment Jiang Jing started junior high, they made him boarding at school. Since the original owner's school was also a boarding school, they were equivalent to being driven out by their aunt and uncle.

Moreover, they only provided Jiang Jing to finish junior high school. After that, they said Jiang Jing had finished his nine-year compulsory education and they weren't obligated to be responsible for the rest. Since the original owner was an adult, then the original owner should support his younger brother's schooling.

At the time, the original owner was a small nurse and only had a salary of more than three thousand a month. She was barely able to support Jiang Jing through high school. However, the various expenses of a model high school were too much. The supplementary tuition, tuition and boarding fees weren't a small amount. The original owner somehow managed to provide Jiang Jing through high school with living frugally. Yet Jiang Jing didn't work hard at high school and didn't pass the college entrance examination. In the end, he went to a mediocre college. After finishing his studies, it wasn't easy for him to find a job.

Until the end, when Jiang Jing was about to get married, he didn't have a house. The original owner recalled that the house her parents had left for them was still occupied by their uncle and aunt. She went to ask for the house but was told the house was already theirs. They took advantage of when the original owner's depression wasn't cured yet and took the original owner to do a notarization, authorizing she had voluntarily ceded the house to them.

Only now did the original owner remember that there was such a thing. However, at the time, my uncle coaxed her to use the house for a loan to do business, so he asked her to lend the house to them first. When Jiang Jing became an adult, they would return it to them. But now, he shamelessly claims that the house is already theirs. In the end, she didn't even take it to court. Because Jiang Jing didn't have a house to marry to, his relationship with his girl went south.

The original owner finally married a second-marriage rich businessman for her younger brother. She used the dowry to buy a suite for Jiang Jing, but Jiang Jing wouldn't get married and the original owner didn't have a good life after marrying the rich businessman. She was constantly beaten and scolded by the rich businessman. Near her death, her whole life flashed through her mind. She had actually never had a good life since she was framed for abortion.

This time the memory was more complicated than the previous ones. The original owner's life was really troubled and beset by problems. Compared with the previous three trustees, this one truly made people feel pity for her.

The system voiced, "The original owner's wish is to go back to school and continue her studies to get admitted to her ideal university. She also wants to take good care of her younger brother and sees his younger brother enter a good university before taking back the house that belongs to her."

Jiang Xun raised her brows. It has been almost a year since the original owner has been absent from school. The quarrel just now was also because the original owner said she wanted to go back to school. Her uncle and aunt disagreed and said they found her a nurse school that she can start working after only three years of schooling work. Therefore, they didn't want her to go back to high school anymore.

When the original owner asked why, they said they had no money. Then, Jiang Jing mentioned the house. All of a sudden, their aunt blew up and scolded them for having no conscience, scaring her cousin into tears.

In the original plot, the original owner refused to compromise and went back to school to take the exam. The result was miserable, so she had to be obedient and go to nursing school. It was this quarrel that made the uncle and aunt become vigilant and made up their mind to coax her into going to the notary office and changing the house to the uncle's name.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xun revealed a cold smile. This time, she's going to make them steal the chicken only to end up losing the rice.

"Sister, are you really going to listen to them and go to that shabby school? I heard that school is full of delinquents and hoodlums." Seeing Jiang Xun being silent for such a long time, Jiang Jing finally couldn't help but ask.