Sexton Hazel

In an unknown Location, a man was walking alone through a dark underground tunnel.

Age in the mid-thirties, the man has a well-trained body, a mustache, rippling muscles, sharp Hazel-colored eyes, and wept back long brown hair.

His footsteps stopped as he reached the end of the tunnel. In front of him was a door protected by two soldiers wielding weapons made out of Orichalcum material.

He asked, "I heard my men caught the Marquis' daughter, is she inside?"

"Yes, Sir Hazel." The soldier that he addressed saluted, then unlocked the door.

As the man was about to enter, the other guard forewarned him, "Sir, please mind yourself in there. Though restrained, she is extremely aggressive."

"Hmph, who do you think I am?" The man asked the guard with a frown.

"M-My apologize, sir!" 

The man named Hazel ignores him and the other guard as he opens the door then walks in.

The room beyond was an underground stone-walled jail. A single girl was affixed to the wall with two chains each sealing different categories such as the right one is a magic-sealing chain, and the left is suppressing the person's rank greatly, reducing back to Rank 1.

"You must be Laura Dallas Goldblum."

At Hazel's voice, the girl called Laura raised her head.

She was a very beautiful girl. As she had been kidnapped while separating from her fiance, just hours ago the kidnappers stripped her clothings and gears, if not for one of their captains, she would've been in a state worse than death by these disgusting men. Right now, she was wearing a thin negligee that could not hide her full breasts nor her luscious thighs. 

With her silk-like black hair cut in a straight line behind her back, the girl glared up at Hazel with strong-willed eyes.

"I've seen your face at the royal capital before. If I remember correctly, you are Viscount Sexton Hazel, are you not?"

"Yes I am, I also remember you for the first time when you were one of the Royal Guards of the Kingdom before you became an Adventurer. The day of the tournament during the great Festival of the Goddess of Fate and Judgement."

"Festival, tournament, heh. Oh yes, that time when the Duke's son Alden Fionire cut you up every which way." The woman laughed in merriment.

Hazel snorted, "Hmph, it was within the limits of a match, and thus didn't mean anything. In a real fight, there's no way I'd lose to that bastard."

"Nothing would be different in a real fight, oh Viscount Hazel who lost in the first round in the tournament."

"Fool. You don't even know how much of an honor it is to simply just stand on the stage of that tournament, you ignorant girl." 

Hazel glared back at Laura, "I will be able to stand on that stage next year."

"Too bad for you, you don't have a year, or even a day left." Hazel sneered when suddenly his senses warned him to avoid, and so he did.

Immediately afterwards, Laura's teeth snapped just barely short of Hazel's neck. Unfortunately, her chains restricted her clinking.

If Hazel hadn't tilted his head that little bit, then his carotid artery might have been torn out right there and then.

"The one who can't live for one more day, will that truly be me? Or will it be you? Do you want to bet on it?"

Wiping his neck nervously, he then glares back at Laura with murderous intent, "No need for the bet, Laura Dallas Goldbulm."


Hazel's fist slammed into the chin beneath the woman's dauntless smile. She crashed onto the stone ground, but her strong eyes never left Hazel.

Hazel lowered his fist, having felt less resistance on his fist than expected. If not for him holding back to 20% of his strength, he could've exploded her head to bits.

"You jumped backwards." The man smiled dauntlessly. "Was there a fly in the room?"

"Hmph, seems you're not just led around the nose by your large magic capacity."

"I was taught that magic is not about amount, but control."

"What a good father you have."

"I've never learned a thing from that bastard. It was my fiance."

"The son of a Baron noble?"

"My little dumbass love. Every time we fight, I'd win. But I'm always learning from my love's sword. But he never learns anything from my sword. That's why I pick on him everyday." So said the woman in an impish tone.

"What a pitiful boyfriend you have there. That would make me an ally of justice who saved him from his tyrannical old karen. Anyways, that's enough pointless banter."

Hazel cleared his throat and fixed his gaze on her, "Laura Dallas Goldbulm. Do you know why you are here?"

"Making me as a slave?"

"No, the organization doesn't do those, it's a waste of time when the rate of making progress is so slow when using the weaks as tools, but the organization I worked with does something worse than that."

"I see."

"As I was saying, I was planning something for my superiors that I need strong people like you. I once promised my loved ones not to always do violence all the time."

"Wait, wait, after going to all the trouble of kidnapping me, the first thing you gonna tell me about this for a long time is to talk about your little family drama? I don't have time for that shit when I have a child to give birth in the next nine months." The edge of the woman's glossy lips raised into a sneer.

"Ohhh, congrats, I, too, previously had a child, that's why I don't always wish to employ more violent means. Answering my questions honestly would lead to the best outcome for us both."

"Ooo, is that a threat? Unfortunately, I have a personality that makes me want to rebel when threatened. Even if my head understands that it would not be logical to do."

"So you mean to say that you have no intention to cooperate?"

"I wonder~"

For a brief silence, the two glared at each other.

The one who broke the silence first was Hazel. "You still refuse?"

"What do you think, dumbass? You fucking kidnap me and seperate from my boyfriend."

"Fine, I guess if you don't want to cooperate this peacefully, then this shit isn't working. So I'm gonna do it my own way. You, the first test subject will be operated on in the next experiment that I am planning for my leaders."

"Experiment? Experimenting me with what?"

"There's no need for you to know. You'll be broken before long anyways. Ahh, I'll need to find your husband too, maybe my men shouldn't leave him dead in the forest—"


Something suddenly smashed into Hazel's nose, cutting off his words.

"Argh!" Hazel retreated to the door, glaring at Laura while suppressing his nosebleed. "You bitch! I thought the left chain suppresses your strength!"

As he looks at her, to his surprise, all four of her limbs were supposedly restricted, but for some reason her left arm is currently hanging free, with blood dripping down from it.

"You scraped off your own flesh and dislocated your finger?!"

The chains binding her were not normal chains, but chains that could suppress her strength towards normal human strength. But for some reason, the woman just used pure brute strength in a normal human state to chafe off her own skin, crush her finger bones, and thus free her arm from the chain. 

With her hand got off from the Cultivating Suppression Chains, she was able to return back to her original strength. That's how she was able to injure Hazel.

Hazel was greatly shocked at that truth.

"You diabolical piece of shit! If something happens to him, I will never forgive you! I will kill you, your loved ones, your family, your friends, and everyone else that means anything to you, you motherfuc—"


Before she could finish, Hazel used half of his strength to hit her, his punch then landed on the woman's stomach. Bound in place by the chains, the woman had no way to evade Hazel's magic-strengthened blow.

"You hore!" Hazel spat on the woman's crumpled body.

"You big bastard! You punch my fucking stomach, you know the baby would be squish like a smash potato if you do that!" The woman screamed in anger as she spat a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"No matter. You will die just like your husband when the doctors will shoot 20 cc of liquid honey with their 100 acre schlong right in your as—!"

As he was about to finish what he said, right at that moment, a soldier breathlessly rushed into the room.

"Sir Hazel, it's terrible! We have intruders!"

"Intruders?! How many?!"

"Just two, even though they are small, we are still being completely overrun!"

"What!? Did the Guilds knows about our existence!? Fuck fuck FUCK! My bosses will fucking kill me! I'll go out by myself! You'll order our men to fall back and set up a defensive formation!"

After clicking his tongue once, Hazel turned around and headed towards where the intruders should be. Unbeknownst to him, he forgot to seal the girl's left arm with the Cultivate Suppression Chain, leaving her unchecked.