Midnight Madness

Different classes of Magical Items:

-Low-class Item (G-rank)

-Medium-class Item (F-rank)

-High-class Item (E-rank)

-Special-class Item (D-rank)

-Unique-class Item (C-rank)

-Legendary-class Item (B-rank)

-Divine-class Item (A-rank)

-World-class Item (S-rank)

-God-class Item (SS-rank)

-Genesis-class Item (SSS-rank)


Somewhere in the depths of the forest near the Minecraft island, a lone butler walks through the forest, just after entering the border between the Holy Kingdom and the Empire without any border patrols noticing. From the order of his old friend the Emperor, Sebastian, the Emperor's Right Hand Man and the Empire's former Grand Marshal was instructed to scout the certain location somewhere in the Kingdom of Goldrose, alongside with their and their ally's scouts. 

After reporting to their intelligence about the confirmation of the place his and the Republic's scouts discovered, his next steps would be to travel and learn what the place was while their target is sleeping without realizing it. Just as he was about to catch up to the two faction's scouts, something caught his eyes, halting his steps.

It was as if something had sliced space itself across, living behind a thin line that gradually split into a gap, where the two end corners of the gap were held tight by two purple energies.

Approaching the gap with concern, Sebastian observed it and now realized who it was.

"I know it was you, Zabrina."

After he said that, a young woman with an otherworldly beautiful face with long violet hair that covers one of her scarlet red eyes, and has a mole under the right side of her mouth.

Her tall, slender, and stunning figure stood in contrast to the darkness of the abyssal gap, her pale skin that were seemed almost translucent brightened amongst the darkness in the space tearing rift, making herself like an angel coming from the heavens, even though that angel has a dark side.


"Ara~ if it isn't Sebastian-kun. I see you are my partner in this mission." The woman named Zabrina asked with a seductively smile. But Sebastian just ignores it as he knew very well about her character.

"I don't have time for your games, Zabrina. The two country's scouts were there to investigate, don't mess around, you got that?"

"Yeah, I know. You don't have to be so strict."

Once she walked past the butler, he thought about her background.

Though she was one of the Republic's best individuals that had made the Council of the Republic impressed and gave her a higher status, even she was a witch.

In the world of magic, there was the universally accepted 'mage'; they were the backbone of the magical community of the continent, led by either a demigod or a religious authority figure. But, there were also outcasts, scorned individuals who have fallen to the ill-will and temptation of magic. These were the sorcerers and witches.

A sorcerer was a person who had taken upon themselves the wishes of the deity they follow and worship to explore and gain ever more magical power. With the help of their masters, they gain immense magical power in only a short amount of time. Although these persons are powerful and can even outmatch those of the powerful Archmages, they are restricted by the blood pact they form with the deity.

And thus, if they stray from what was ordered or agreed upon by their deity, they will die. And so, they tend to be more conservative and secretive.

Witches, yes, unlike the sorcerers, witches are only limited to the female denizens. They do not form a blood pact with any deity nor do they serve any master but they have the same will of a sorcerer. They explore the land to learn more about magic, the more they learn, they are further enamored and corrupted by the alluring power, even its forbidden magic, they still want to learn it without any hesitation.

Without anyone to guide them, they stray from the path of righteousness and often commit acts of malevolence. Over the history of Fordalt, after the continent eventually settled after the Second Great War, these witches ran amok. Massacre after massacre, they would leave a trail of blood behind whenever someone stood in their way, even if those they killed did not even realize that they were blocking the path.

Eventually, a combined effort of several countries, one of them being the Theocracy eliminated the witches, massacring them by the thousands before eventually, they went into hiding. Ever since then, mages, sorcerers, and witches have been caught in a silent struggle and so far, the mages are on top.

Zabrina was one of those witches, however, unlike other witches, she has absolute control over her sadistic and corrupted nature as a witch and being the daughter of one of the Councilors of the Republic makes it easier for her with the help of several connections she had.

Being one of the Republic's best and secret individuals of their government, she is also known by another name, an alias that her enemies feared to hear...

'The Calamity Witch'

Minutes passed, as they were about to enter a kilometer from the Minecraft Island, they heard someone panting, running towards them, which immediately put both of the subjects on guard.

As it reveals itself, it is a cloak man showing his black skin, several scars on his face and giving the two with a fear expression.

"Oh, Charlotte, long time no see." Zabrina greeted the man with a heartful smile.

"What happened? Where are your other men?" Sebastian asked, looking behind the man's to see his men was nowhere to be seen, "Where are the Shadow's Creed Corps?"

"Dead. Everyone is dead." The man named Charlotte simply replied with a frozen face, as if he had experienced the most terrifying thing in his life, "I thought they said this place has nothing to threaten us, even to a Rank 7 individual!"

Hearing what he said, Sebastian called that outrageous, killing 30 highly trained men? They were a unit of 30 experts of practitioners and mages, nineteen Rank 4, nine Rank 5 to 6, and two Rank 7. Killing that many with only seven of them is not possible.

...or it's not them who killed them.

"Silent there, handsome. Tell us everything that happened there." Zabrina said to the man, which he began to explain.


– 20 Minutes Ago –

Somewhere among the woods in Team 6's minecraft island, a Minecraft Zombie and Skeleton were roaming around the woodlands, doing whatever these pair of hostile mobs do.


Suddenly, the zombie spoke the Skeleton to his side, as if trying to speak with him.

(Translation: Hey man, these new strange looking flying mobs were annoying as hell, every day and night.)

"*Bone noises*" Skeleton nodded.

(Translation: I know right? They continue to kill our comrades, not letting us get any piece.)


(Translation: Hey, speak of the Herobrine, there is one right now.)

The zombie pointed upwards in the direction of one giant Magical Beast flying in the sky.


(Translation: Wanna shoot it down with your bow?)

"*Bone noises*"

(Translation: What? Bro, you do know he's like hundreds of feet away.)

"Rrwrrr..." The zombie said mockingly.

(Translation: Are you saying your aiming sucks? Are you saying that you have the aim of a Stormtrooper? Those ones that those Players talk about?)

In anger, the Skeleton pushes the zombie in his way and raises his Bow.

"*Bone noises*"

(Translation: Oh I'll show you! My aim is the absolute finest in the world! I could beat that Green Arrow dude like a fucking champ!!)

Drawing his bow, as the Skeleton let go of the string, with a swoosh, the arrow flew at fast speed, piercing through the air and to the Skeleton's delight, the flying Magic Beast was shot and fell into the sky.



As the Skeleton yelled and celebrated his first ever bullseye, the bird that the Skeleton shot fell into the forest, just landed right at the spider-like device that Terroriser implanted earlier in the morning, crashing it and destroying it in the process.

The destruction of the machine causes the invisible electrical barrier around the Minecraft Island to disable, letting any invaders enter the island as they please, like the two special group cover units that were headed towards the Island without any of the gang's notice. 

A unit from the Veldarun Empire and the unit from the Republic of Aetlrus.

All two of their missions were to give their nations 'invitations' to the guests. Whether they want it or not of course, the higher-ups ordered them to use as little violence as possible. The security of this island turned out to be easy as it should be.

All two different groups moved through the woods under cover of night without any light source. Only using their stealth and Night Vision magic. All of them approached Team 6's island, they can see some lights in the distance with their enhanced eyesight, meaning they are close.

While the mission seems easy, it is kinda difficult and they suffered injuries from strange monsters they never seen before, the zombies, skeletons, and wolf size spiders were already known, very easy to deal with and aren't really a threat to them

However, the only thing that caught them off-guard and the reason one of their men suffered a major injury is one green creature with no arms, thinking it was weak, when one of their guys get close to it, it suddenly exploded, the man indeed immediately notice the danger and try to dodge it but he was caught off guard, resulting one of his arm getting obliterated. Luckily, his men heal him in time.

No one amongst them expected something like this, so out of revenge they started to mercilessly kill every armless green creature in their sight one after another right after they took a step to the field.

After a few minutes of cat and mice playing, the sound of magic and weapons silenced one after another. The Empire and the Republic special forces thought those weird creatures were strangely disturbing, and their leader ordered them to be more cautious. The place seems to have other things they have never heard of.

For this exact occasion, the captain in the Republic side used one powerful magic Item that has a level almost of a High-class Item, by the time he used it, it killed every monster and low-level undead in the island. Now without disturbance, the two Special Squad forces will reach the place through the woods.

Charlotte, the leader of the special forces of the Veldarun Empire could only smile smugly. He did not expect the mission to be so smooth.

As they first step in Team 6's home, admiring the weird structures, especially a very tall tree and the yellow man statue. Then... amongst the shadows, a man... no... more like a giant knight stepped out. He wore some sort of enchanted dark armor.


It seemed it didn't notice them at that moment, or it didn't see them actually.

The group of men think they are still safe, so they ignore the knight and continue to move forward.

But then-


Someone accidentally stepped on a twig.

The snapping sound was light, but that light sound is enough for the Warden to hear and know their presence. It jerked its head to them at inhuman speed. Causing all the soldiers ready to cast their spells and pull out their magical weapons at it. 

"Damn it, it seemed to notice us." Charlotte muttered, he kept his eyes on the giant knight with a cautious look.

In their eyes, the two forces couldn't clearly see the person's face. But what made them feel is something they should fear.

"Mister, walk away and forget about this."

Said the stern commander. The man did not reply. Charlotte signed to his subordinate to rush the man slowly and cast a sleeping and mind manipulation spell on him to let him forget. 

The man that was being ordered only takes one step. Reacting to this, some sort of wave came out of his feet, which got noticed by everyone. The blue wave heads towards some sort of moving creature in the ground, then sends it to another, and another until it hits the giant knight's head.


Multiple arms came out of the ground around them, showing more giant knights.

"What the!?"

"What the hell are these things!?"

Trying to stay calm, they all begin to stay on guard on the five more giant knights. But before they knew it...


An otherworldly noise echoes throughout the night, it's not something they've ever heard before and it sounds so unnatural compared to other terrifying monsters and beasts they know in their life. The six Wardens armored with Netherite Armor instantly dashed at them and cutted nine of their men with one swing with their enchanted Netherite Swords at terrifying speed.

After the first kills, everyone reacted instantly and began to engage but before most of them could react, one of the Wardens used its sonic boom but most of them reacted quickly and easily dodged it, however, seven didn't as they got completely obliterated by it, turning into a bloody pulp.

Meanwhile the two leaders of the two forces stood together trying to fight against the two creatures.

"By the gods! What the hell are these things!?"

"Don't know, comrade. I bet this will be a massacre night."

"Sure is, with Rank 7 like us, our magic and artifacts could work on these monsters."

– Flashback Ends –

"Our magic doesn't do shit on these monsters. We emptied most of our mana and weapons at them on their armor and it seems impenetrable, equivalent to a Divine-class armor. I used a 10th tier spell, I don't care if our main targets woke up or causing friendly fire but it seems it took effect as I saw several cracks in their armor, however, one of them shot another sonic boom, it nearly killed me, the Republic Commander saved me from it resulting in him getting killed! All of our men were dead except for me, I am the only one who survived."

"I see, never expect them to have guardians or golems with them. It was never mention on the reports from our previous scouts." Sebastian murmured as he placed his fingers on his chin and went deep in thought.

"Hm, I thought the Empire's scout network was the best in the world but it seems to be a lie."

Looking at the woman who looks at Sebastian smugly, he tries to ignore her as much as possible and starts to ask Charlotte again.

"Are there other things you learn?"

"Yes, there is actually, in the co-... gugh!!"

Before he says something, he drops down with a magic dagger on his back, seeing one of their men dead, the duo looks around cautiously.

"Oh my~ I guess we aren't the only ones who got some attention, and I am impressed that they manage to even hide from our senses."

"Silence, Zabrina."

While the two look around their surroundings to know their assailants, Sebastian's indifferent eyes slightly turn to a specific spot behind him.

In a blur, he appeared on that spot just an instant later, on his palms was a man that just appeared from his invisible and prescence erasing spell, struggling from the Demigod's grasping his head and lifting him up from the ground.

"Bandits...? No."

Examining the person, Sebastian immediately recognized the aura he was producing.

"You're one of the organizations with the many names."

"What? No! No! No-"

Bam! Spurt!

After slamming the person's head to the ground, causing his head to explode from a bloody pulp, he looks around again and learns they were surrounded.

"I know you're here, Returning Dusk, Dark Mahon Organization, Shadow Heart, Chaos' Eye, Orb's Gaze, whatever your fake names were."

"Ah, as expected to the Emperor's right hand man."

Suddenly, twelve dark figures appeared around them. Zabrina seems excited while Sebastian looks at them boredly.

"Well, I know things got fast but it is still an honor to meet you, Former Grand Marshal Sebastian. However, my superiors ordered me to deal with this investigation immediately. So we're gonna deal with you guys as fast as possible.

"That is the exact same thing as his Majesty just said. But I won't be fighting you, you will deal with the woman beside me first."

"Pfft! Her? You do realize my level is at the Transcension level of the Demigod realm, just at the similar level of your strength. And judging by the measurement of the mana she is hiding, she's merely a Rank 9. How does someone like her beat ten Masters, one Grandmaster, and a Demigod at the same time?"

For a moment, Sebastian did not answer, nor Zabrina who smiled maliciously. It was too late for these mongrels. They already decided their own fate.

Slowly, one of Zabrina's fingers slightly moved.

"Captain... I can't move..."

Noticing the situation, that's where the Demigod realized something. And none of them could move in an inch.

"Such lowly peasants wandering in the woods without the permission of our great nations and calling me weak... unacceptable."

"W-What... What happened?"

Sebastian glanced at him lazily, "Like I told you, while Zabrina is just merely at Rank 9 and you could kill her with just a slap, her Blood Arts could easily restrict even a Demigod's movement for some amount of time..."

Saying this, Zabrina beside him bowed slightly. 

"I am Zabrina Manarazzo. The leader of one of the Republic's secret services."

One of the dark-dressed men realized something and shouted, "Wait! You mean the Zabrina? The Calamity Witch herself? Oh hell no, get me out of here!!"

"Too late, love. I bet you can be a great toy for me tonight~" She said with a sinister smile.