Elder Zy'tl Q'ae(2)

"You dare touch us with your little dirty tentacle? Save it for the girls you fucking pedophile!"

Pulling out a random weapon from his Gates, the weapon he just got made him and his friends shocked to the core. Mostly to Vritrus hidden deep inside Vanoss..


"What is that weapon?" Peter inquired as he felt a dangerous aura coming from the weapon once he lay his eyes on it.

"I don't know, but I know for sure it's a divine construct." Sokushi replied.

"Umm… how do I use this?" Wildcat asked himself as he inspected the weapon, "Is there a switch or somethi- WOAH!"


To Wildcat's surprise, the blade of Enuma Ellish began to spin at high speed, generating a wave of crimson energy that began to spread like a tsunami from all directions.


The thousand meter size tendril from the Demon Tree was about to crush Wildcat with its tremendous size and weight when the wave of crimson energy shredded the tendril entirely like it was nothing.


This is as a result of creating a powerful shockwave of crimson energy that blew all the trees back across the dungeon, which startled every single being that lives.

"Oh shit, that was sick!" Wildcat laughed, shock of how powerful this weapon was. He then gaze at the giant tree monstrosity and began to speak mockingly, "Now how does it feel to loose one of your little hentai tentacles, you fucking three hundred meter size piece of shit! Now you can't rape more little girls! HAHAHAHA!"

The Elder Zy'tl Q'ae shrieks in pain once it has lost its longest tentacle.

'That beastmen's weapon just blew away the Elder Zy'tl Q'ae's biggest tentacle just like that... interesting, that kind of power is equivalent to most S-rank weapons. I need to learn more about these groups.' Benjamin thought as he lay his eyes on Wildcat rubbing his chin in interest.

"Alright mages, now's your chance! Let him have it!" Lee commanded.

Every magic caster among the 500 Adventurers casted their destructive spells while others casted their most strongest magic shields to protect them from the other tentacles.

Watching all of the chaos unfold, Terroriser stepped in.

"Damn! I'm not going to fall behind!"

[Armor of Zeldarein]

Manifesting his dragon armor, Terroriser flew towards the tree but three tendrils were in his way. Manifesting six floating close-quarter weapons, he rushed at them and began to slice and dice at them.

"Take that and that you motherfucker!"

After dealing with it, he looks at the Elder Demon Tree, he then transforms his weapons to six large Miniguns. Behind him, hundreds of gun muzzles of crimson energy appeared, aiming at the huge ass tree.



Destructive magical bullets capable of melting Prismatic Ore were coming from all sides, swallowing the Titanic Demon Tree whole as it created an explosion compared to that of a nuke.


"Huh, since when did Brian learn how to spam?" Wildcat asked himself.


Upon the adventurer named Lee shouted, all of the adventurers rushed at it. But all those attacks weren't nearly enough to defeat it, as it began to heal itself at a rapid pace.

The Elder Zy'tl Q'ae swung all of its tendrils at terrifying speeds at the adventurers, many evaded it and blocked it with their magic but unfortunately for the weaker ones, it sent many of them flying, tens getting crushed to death, and many more getting heavily injured.

"Damn it!" Draila looks around, many adventurers around her are injured, some cry over their dead friends and loved ones, the light orb on of them keep talking and teleporting them out but it is still not fast enough to save hundreds. Her party, Wildcat's party and hundreds of other adventurers were keeping the Elder Demon Tree at bay. There's no one else to save the others.

"What are we going to do?"

"The Moon tide is tugging on our heart strings right now." Delirious said out of the blue, confusing everyone around him while fighting against the three hundred meter tall Tree Monster.

"What the hell?! Where did you come from!?" She asked in a startling tone, unable to comprehend the reason why Delirious said that.

"I was behind you all the whole time ._."

"Uh, huh…"


"Draila!" Vinx abruptly appeared and hugged Draila out of nowhere.

"Vinx! I'm glad to see you. We were very worried about you. What happened? And how did you guys get here?"

"I'll explain later before we defeat the boss first."


"Alright, we just need to defeat this Boss, right?" Moo asked by the side.


Meanwhile, Vanoss in the distance looks at Moo who is wearing Nogla's T-shirt, he turns his head with his eyes widened.

"Oh my God, a green Moo, what happened to this world."


"[Life Essence]"

Checking to see the creature's health once he saw it was greatly diminished. In fact, the Elder Zy'tl Qae's health was low enough that if it was hit by another Super-Tier spell it would likely die. But Benjamin couldn't cast a Super-Tier spell yet. Because he hasn't mastered the spell yet, if he messes it up, not only will it completely kill the Elder Demon Tree and the whole Boss section, it would risk himself destroying everything in his surroundings, including hundreds of Adventurers present.

However, there was one spell he knew that could match a Super-Tier spell in damage potential and this time he wouldn't have to risk hurting people and waste any valuable artifact to use it immediately. All things come with a price however but Benjamin was willing to pay it. He had spent enough time playing around with the Elder Evil Tree and his Adventurer time and had other things he needed to do.

'Well, at least that Demon Tree will be a perfect experimental doll for my spell.' Benjamin thought as he smirked, before yelling.

"[Vengeful Gaze of God!]"

An aura of white light surrounded Benjamin and his eyes began to shine light several times brighter than the sun. Until that is the light of his eyes focused into two continuous beams of searing white light that bore into the great demon tree, the Elder Zy'tl Qae. It screamed in agony and aimlessly flailed its two remaining tentacles in random directions.


The streams of white light continued to bombard the tree and where it struck it disintegrated as the area around it turned into sawdust. The longer the continuous beams of light struck the colossal tree more of its body was turned into it until nothing remained. The sawdust landed upon the forest floor in a massive pile.

Once the spell was complete, the light faded. Benjamin's body was sweltering hot and the radiant heat produced visible steam spewing forth from his body. He could see his breath as if it were a cold winter's day but it was closer to summer than winter. The unnatural rain of the dungeon continued to pour and the rain droplets evaporated as they landed upon him.

Benjamin's sight was slowly returning to him. He wanted to rub his eyes but his armor made it difficult so he blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted.

"[Greater Heal]"

Light once more enveloped Benjamin, but it was the light of positive energy. Doing its work it healed the damage he sustained and cooled his body to a less smoldering temperature.

[Vengeful Gaze of God] was a 10th tier spell. Unlike other spells, it could be channeled dealing more disintegration damage as time went on. It even rivaled Super-Tier magic in damage output. However, it came with several drawbacks. The first thing is you were blinded while using the spell. This made the caster vulnerable in combat and the percentage of the damage done to the enemy would be done to the caster as "Backlash". There was also the fact that if the opponent's physical defense was high enough it would halve the initial damage output giving the target more time to react.

Still, it was one of the strongest 10th tiers of any spell in Fordalt.

"Haha! As expected from the son of the Duke. He is indeed amazing!" One of the adventurers praised him.

Another one added, "Yeah! It's a miracle he registered as an adventurer a month ago!"

As the surviving Adventurers cheered for their victory, Benjamin sigh, he is now tired of the fun. After this, he has other things his father told him about, and other things besides that.

As he was about to cast [Greater Teleportation] to return to the surface, he spotted numerous green energies headed towards the disintegrated tree. 

Sensing something deep on the earth, Benjamin, without wasting time, raised his sword and instantly appeared above the area where the tree was before striking down like a bolt of lightning.


As a cloud of dust that appeared upon Benjamin's attack settles down, it shows him in the middle of a huge crater, with his sword trying to cut through a green orb that is the size of a basketball.

And what made him surprised is that it appears to be unharmed, do note that he used a majority of his strength and his weapon is in the Divine-class, but the orb was still intact after all that.

Benjamin attempts to use another spell to destroy it. However, he sensed more waves of energy were headed towards the orb, and he instinctively retreated.

And at the following moment, to his shock, the green energies all surrounded the Elder Demon Tree's corpse before it reform back to its glory form once again.

This caused everyone to feel great shock.

"What the?!"

"No! It can't be!"

"Lord Benjamin already killed it!?

While everyone was confused on how it returned back to normal, Benjamin was wondering about what the green orb is absorbing. Looking around, he notices that surrounding green energy is what he is curious about. He looks at the source and immediately realizes it came from the healthy forest over in the distance.

'I see, so that's why the surrounding trees have withered, absorbing their mana and life energy, even if its already dead, it will bring back to life only there are trees and plant life around!' He concluded.

As expected from the Elder Zy'tl Q'ae, it's indeed one of the most powerful monsters, enough to level an entire world.

"The trees... everybody! Burn the forest down! Destroy the whole forest! Plant life is what keeps it alive!"

Upon hearing Benjamin's words, every Adventurer, without hesitation, began to destroy every surviving tree, burn them and cut them down.

"Huh, it's kinda just like defeating the Ender Dragon by destroying the crystal, but instead it's trees but you need to destroy thousands." Delirious remarked.

Basically nodded, "Indeed it is." 

"YEEAAAH! Fuck Team Trees!" Wildcat shouted as he kept slicing and dicing every tree he saw at fast speed. 

As everyone finally destroyed the last tree with all they had in the next couple of minutes, the Elder Demon Tree couldn't increase its health back, resulting in being vulnerable. It can't absorb plant life at the surface because it's inside the dungeon, which is another dimension and isolated from the real world.

Getting the opportunity, Benjamin slightly raises his Holy Sunlight Sword as he steps forward towards the Elder Zy'tl Q'ae, ready to cast a high-tier spell ready to slain it.

"It's nice knowing you. I hope you met your childrens down there... In Hell!"

He then immediately went for the kill as he went to his top speed at mach ten! Right before his blade was just an inch from its wooden skin, a white streak of light dashed towards it before he could make contact with it. It was so fast that barely anyone, even Benjamin, could detect it unless he focused even more.



Following this, the three hundred meter tall tree timbered as the one who said it fell, without the help of the trees in its surrounding, it can't be healed without any plant life, resulting it to be dead permanently.


With a very large and the loudest thud in the novel, the top body of the Great Zy'tl Q'ue fell to the ground.




Silence prevailed in the whole Boss section as everyone stood motionless and stopped whatever they were doing.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh... I know what this is." Terroriser was the first to speak after a moment of silence.

"What is it?" Nogla asked.

"I've seen it, he just did it again."

Everyone stopped whatever they were doing. Instantly, nearly hundreds of eyes were directed towards only one individual.

"HaHa! My 100th Kill Steal Achievement! I can't believe no one even stops me from doing that!" Vanoss, the one who killed it, laughed out loud as he stood on top of the dead tree.

"EVAN, WHAT THE FUCK!" Wildcat shouted fiercely.

"What? You should've told me to help, that's what happened to put me there, I was kinda bored."

"That's it! You're dead to me, Evan!" Wildcat said as  he pulled out Ea.

"Wildcat, stop!" Everyone shouted.

"Fuck no!"

"Tyler, you know that weapon could literally destroy worlds!" Nogla stated.

As our peculiar group of idiots were arguing and trying to hold Wildcat back from killing Vanoss and hundreds of people around them. Draya and her party sigh, being with them for the past few days now, those groups are the weirdest they've ever seen, they thought they're the weirdest in the Guild but now they were all wrong.

Meanwhile, Benjamin looks at them from a distance, scratching his chin as his gaze never stops looking away from the group.

'Banana Bus Squad, that's what I've heard according to the files in the Dungeon Raid... including the rumors about them in Kalren City a month ago.' He pondered, 'I am wondering what you guys are capable of. What in the world are you guys exactly…'