The Shitshow Begins(3)

"We're not safe! We're definitely not safe here!" Delirious yelled out, facing a ghoul as it rushed towards him before being gunned down by Moo.

"No kidding. This place is turning into a warzone!" Moo said.

Minutes ago, the two members of the Vanoss crew arrived within the 7th section of the city and tried recuperating from the first attack they've all been faced with.

Seriously, Vampires and Zombies, something they didn't expect in their journey. But thanks to Delirious' shadow soldiers and Moo's magical beasts, they managed to take down a significant number of enemies, mostly ghouls. The vampires, on the other hand, were very difficult to deal with as more of them came due to the shadow monsters and magical beasts' presence.

These vampires are powerful and so much so to the point that they occupied all of Delirious and Moo's forces and fought throughout the whole city section, turning the battlefield ten times more deadlier and leaving just a few shadow monsters and magical beasts to guard the two.

Their little argument came to a halt when another meteor-like projectile crashed near them, tumbling the two along with Delirious' shadow soldiers and Moo's magical beast in the battlefield. The two suddenly heard howls and screams as they saw people glowing crimson eyes approaching them and fast.

"Come on." Moo snarled as he ordered a group of large monkeys, boar, and a honey badger he tamed at the vampire army to deal with them.

The two ran through the streets and killed as many zombies and vampires as they could before settling on a small shop called Grapeseed Farmer's Market and Store, where they barged in and barricaded the door and windows, leaving the unlucky bystanders to their fate.

Glancing around the shop, which is literally filled with soup, Moo realized something, "Wait, isn't that the same soup store that Nogla brought?"

Delirious shrugs, "...Maybe."

Now, the two of them stayed downstairs of the market, defending the lower portion of the building. While their forces guarded on the rooftop, which consisted of an Iron Golem, aka, Xavier Number 2, and a few of Moo's Armored Wardens.

"And who's idea is it to sit duck in this goddamn-forsaken place that has barely enough space for thirty people?!" Moo yelled in frustration as he repeatedly bash a ghoul with the buttstock of his gun.

"Look, I'm sorry I lead you here, Brock, but there's not that many options when it comes to safety!" Delirious Swung on a ghoul with his machete before pulling out his Shotgun and blasted two more ghouls.

"Yeah, safety. Poor choice of words, I say." Moo commented as the sound of loud gunshots filled the air.

Delirious jabbed a ghoul with the barrel of his gun before shoving it in its mouth and shooting it, resulting in blood and brain matter exploding in places.

"I don't know if I miss playing CoD Zombies or what!" Delirious said before reloading his weapon. He narrowly dodges a swing from another ghoul before being saved by Moo.

"Thanks!" he said.

"No prob!" Moo replied as he went behind cover to heal himself.

Delirious suddenly felt a buzzing on his pants. He checked to see his phone vibrating, with someone calling him.

"A call? Now of all time?!" Delirious yelled out.

"Wait, it could be Vanoss calling!" Moo said.

Delirious' eyes widened as he quickly checked who was calling him. When he looked at who was calling him, it confirmed what Moo said.

"You're right! Evan is calling!"

"Answer it!"

Delirious quickly accepts the call and waits for Vanoss to respond.

[Hello?] said Vanoss through Delirious' phone.

"Vanoss! Oh, I am glad to hear your virgin voice! Where are you, man?" Delirious asked.


Somewhere in the streets of Orazvil, Vanoss and his friends rushed through the traffic with their Insurgent ramming through zombies, and the occasional carriage blocking their path.

"We're currently driving down the streets of the 6th section, several klicks near to the main streets between the 6th and the 7th!" Vanoss said as he ran over a City Guard ghoul. "Where are you now?"

[Someplace called "Grapeseed." Please hurry because I have no idea how long we could deal with the hordes of undead knocking on our door. Me and Moo's army is dealing with the vampires and it's a battlefield out there!] Delirious said before the sounds of explosions and gunfire occurred. [Literally.]

"Alright, we'll see you there."

[Good luck, man.]

The call ended shortly after. Vanoss opened the vehicle's GPS before looking at Nogla. "Nogla, type in the words 'Grapeseed' for me," Vanoss quickly asked

"You mean that soup store?"

"Yes," Vanoss said with a nod.

"Sure," Nogla replied as he started typing before pausing. "Wait, is it one word or two?"

"One whole word." Vanoss corrected as he ran over another ghoul.

"Ye, I got it." Nogla continued his typing. "Alright, coords are set, we cruisin' for a bruisin'."

At the back, Basically and Wildcat were resting in the back with the music playing, all thanks to Nogla. They started messing around with their weapons and occasionally shot wandering ghouls outside their window.

Outside the vehicle, Terroriser was mowing down any zombie that clung onto the Insurgent and to the road.

"Holy shit, this feels like Tranzit all over again!" Terroriser laughed as he continued shooting at the ghoul swarms in front of the vehicle. He then proceeded to make "Arnold noises" throughout the journey, annoying the two people below him.

"Rraawrghh! Rawrgh!! Raarrgh!!"

"Oh my God, Brian! Can you please stop making Arnold noises?!" Wildcat yelled.

"Yeah, it ain't even funny anymore!" Basically added.

"NEVER!" Terroriser yelled out with a vicious grin as he continued making Arnold noises and firing on the undead horde.


Delirious puts his phone in his pocket as he dodges a swing from a ghoul, who wields a sword in its hands. The ghoul swung again, only for Delirious to grab hold of the arm and stab the ghoul on the throat. With a swift motion, he decapitated the rotten bastard.

"Good news, Brock. Help is on the way!" Delirious said as he pulled out the knife from the undead's throat.

"Yeah!" Moo celebrated.

"Bad news is that they're still several kilometers away from our location," Delirious replied, making Moo groan in annoyance.

"Gosh dangit!!" Moo yelled. "They better hurry up then," he said as he rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on him, "Man, I swear our luck is getting really horrible today,"

Out of nowhere, a vampire came crashing from the ceiling's vent and landed into the floor. The Vampire stood up and noticed Delirious and Moo were staring at him.



"...Among us."


Delirious exclaimed panickingly as he and Moo pointed their guns at it before unleashing a stream of magical bullets. However, the Vampire's movement is incredibly fast as it moves from wall to wall, ceiling to floor at astonishing speed, avoiding all of the bullets without getting hit before lunging at the two with its monstrous jaws out.

Unfortunately for him, before he could reach the two and shred them to bits, it was headshotted by a Shadow Soldier emerging from Delirious' shadow, with an enchanted desert eagle in its hands.

"Thank you, my minion." Delirious said in gratitude as he watched his shadow soldier nod at its master and sink into his shadow along with the thousands of others with him.

At that moment, Delirious noticed something odd, the sounds of battle outside had stopped.

"Brock, I think the battle just stopped," Delirious said as he noticed the silence. "Wait, it looks like they're running towards a moving car! The fuck?!"

Rushing to the window to take a closer look, the duo looked outside to see that, true to Delirious' words, the horde fled, and all that was left were a pile of corpses outside the store. Tension was growing fast within them as they slowly walked towards the entrance of the store.

That is, until the sounds of tire screeches and gunshots occurred outside, startling them in the process. Moo then checked through the makeshift barrier to see what the noise was all about. But when he looked through the window, he was shocked in disbelief.

Outside the store was the Insurgent Pick-up Custom vehicle with Terroriser shooting out hundreds of rounds from the Gau-19 on top of the vehicle, doing his Arnold's yellings.

"Yeahhh!" Delirious cheered, "The cavalry has arrived!"

As Delirious watched as the vehicle slaughtered everything in its wake, it suddenly continued driving through the streets without noticing them. Until, it was nowhere to be seen.

"Did… did they just drive past us?"

Moo sighed, "Unfortunately. yes."

"Oh, come on! What the hell!"


[Evan! You just fucking drove past us!] Delirious yelled through the phone.

"Fucking dumbass." Wildcat muttered while glancing at Vanoss.

"Evan, can you PLEASE slow down a bit!" Terroriser raised his voice as he held onto his seat for dear life.

The Insurgent flew off the highway as it continued its rampage through the bloody streets, where a whole battle between Delirious' Shadow Soldiers and Moo's magical beast against the vampire army.

"Relax, guys. I'm going to do a U-turn, and don't worry, we're not gonna tumble over on something." Vanoss waved them off as he continued driving like a maniac before running over a frantically running pedestrian. "Oops."

"Dammit, Evan." Wildcat chuckled.

"What? She looked like a zombie, I swear!" Vanoss said, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Evan! Turn around, we are driving way further than before!" Marcel shouted.

"Calm down. We'll make it in time with a shortcut!" Vanoss declared.

"Evan! No! Not another shortcut!" Terroriser protested.

"Sorry, Brian. But we-AAAAHHH!!!" Vanoss screamed as he narrowly dodged a rubble before tumbling down a massive crater, sending the vehicle into a spiral and Terroriser into a screaming fit before hitting the ground.

"Ugh, my head." Vanoss groaned. "Is everyone alright?"

"We're good!' Wildcat said as Marcel opened up a window and barfed outside of it.

"I'm okay," Nogla said as his whole face was covered with blood.

"Holy shit, Nogla! Hahahaha!" Wildcat laughed when he saw Nogla's bloodied face. "Oh my God, look at his face!"

"Wha? What's wrong with ma face?" Nogla asked as he poked his face.

"N-nothing's wrong, Nogla." Vanoss snickered. "Nothing at all."

"AAHHHH!" yelled an angry Irish cyborg as he was getting swarmed by ghouls. "Help me, you bastards!'

"Haha, wai-wait a sec. We're coming." Vanoss chuckled as he reversed the vehicle before hitting Terroriser. "Oh shit!"

"Haha, you just fucking ran over Brian, you idiot!" Wildcat laughed as he looked through the window.

"Fuck! Can you not kill me?!" Terroriser yelled as he yanked his arm from another zombie. "Lemme in, you bastards!" he interrupted as he continued shoving a group of ghouls aside.

"Hold on a second." Vanoss said as he attempted to move the vehicle forward, only to accidentally reverse it again.


And once again, the vehicle hit Terroriser, sending him and the group of ghouls that were overwhelming him a few meters back.

"You fuckers!" Terroriser yelled in anguish as he stood up from the ground and shoved every ghouls in his way, ignoring their murderous actions against him as he approached the vehicle.

"No worries. No worries." Vanoss chuckled as he stopped the vehicle for Terroriser.

"E-Evan," Wildcat snickered. "Go-...snrk! Go forward."

"Ye, ye, go forward," Nogla giggled.

With a mischievous grin, Vanoss followed as they say. Outside, as Terroriser nearly went over the vehicle and hopped on the turret before falling on the ground when the vehicle suddenly moved forward and halted its tracks.

"You guys are absolute dicks, you know that?" Terroriser fumed, looking at the vehicle with a glare as he could hear a burst of laughter coming from inside the armored vehicle.

"Haha, alright, I'll stop. I won't do it again, I promise." Vanoss said as Terroriser hopped into the turret.

"Jesus Christ, you fucking arseholes," Terroriser grumbled.

"At least you're back in. Worst case scenario is to leave ya," Nogla said.

"Whatever, man." Terroriser sighed.

"Hey, we're almost at Grapeseed. Be ready for some heavy resistance." Vanoss ordered as the members readied their weapons, and Terroriser grabbed hold of the Gau-19, highly enchanted with magical bullets.

"Yeah, let's fuckin' do this!" Marcel cheered in a deep tone.

"Just one more hill, and it's a straight shot to town," Vanoss said.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Terroriser warned him as Vanoss began speeding up.