The Shitshow Begins(4)

"Yeah, sounds like them, and like us," Delirious muttered in the last part.

"Ah!" Moo yelped as he staggered back from a slash by a ghoul. Moo aimed his weapon and fired, but all that came out of it was clicking. "Dammit, Delirious, can you help?!"

"All right! Coming!" Delirious charged at the ghoul before killing it with ease. "You're welcome, by the way."

"Yeah, I was getting to that," Moo grunted as he lifted himself off the ground. "Any news of the guys yet?"

"None that we know of," Delirious said, glancing at the corpses of the ghouls around them"At least these rotten bastards are starting to dissipate and all," he added.

"Yeah, not until a new wave of 'em arrives and fuck everything all up," Moo dryly said. Delirious' arms slumped from the response. Suddenly, he halted his tracks as he realized something.

"Wait a minute, why the hell did they not just teleport here?" Delirious wondered.

"Uh, we didn't tell them by then? Look, shit went downhill quite fast and the last thing we needed to do was call for help when we literally had vampires hurtling towards us like meteors!" Moo exclaimed as he started waving his hands in the air dramatically before dropping when he realized what he was doing.

"Yeah...that's, uh, sounds about right," Delirious muttered.

Moo sighed, "Raining vampires sounds very weird, I wonder what is next to something weird like that."

Delirious merely shrugged, "If what makes you feel better, there is something big outside."



All of a sudden, the two felt the ground tremble as they heard screaming outside the building. Moo was the first to look through the window and was shocked upon seeing such a thing.

Standing at a height of 50 meters was an amalgamation of flesh fused to form a monstrous beast straight out of hell. Energy surged through its body as its crimson eyes were dead set on the remaining living people below the chaotic city.

"Holy fuck!" Moo yelled as he frantically stepped away from the window. "We are boned! We are so fucking boned!"

"Oh my God, what the hell is that?!" Delirious asked in disbelief as he peered through another window. "It looks like it came straight out of Cold War Zombies!" he said.

"What do we do?! We're outgunned, outnumbered, and we now have a giant mutant zombie on our doorstep!" Moo panicked.

Their little fit of terror abruptly ended when the familiar sounds of gunfire and music echoed through the small town.

"The fuck?" Delirious said. "What now?!"


Back with Vanoss and his team, they have returned to the streets of Delirious and Moo hid and were already greeted with the sight of hordes of ghouls.

"Alright dudes, you know the drill," Vanoss said and most of them spoke out in affirmation, all except one. "Brian? Brian, are you still there?"

"Never..." Terroriser let out a breath of exhaustion as he pulled out leaves and some shrubbery from his hair before continuing. " that again."

"Guys, I think we have a glaring issue right now,"

Basically said as he peered through the side window of the vehicle, looking towards the Giant Mutant. "And a big one at that."

"Damn, that right there is a big boy," Wildcat said.

"Big Guy is what you should've said," Vanoss commented.

"Yeah, that a Biggaw!" Nogla said, pointing towards the Giant Mutant.

"Whatever, let's go kill that sum'a'bitch and find our friends afterward, Wildcat said in determination.

"At least we're not using any more shortcuts," Terroriser sighed in relief.

"Or~" Vanoss trailed off as he began thinking of it.

"Evan," Terroriser said dangerously.

"Haha, I'm kidding," Vanoss chuckled. "Let's rush in and see if we can take it out. Brian, you know what to do."

"Of course I do. I have the minigun, after all," Terroriser says as he grabs hold of the turret once more and starts shooting the horde that is in front of them. Once all were killed, he aimed at the giant monster and started shooting it, grabbing its attention. "Ooh, it's looking at us," he grinned as the Giant began roaring in their direction.

"Yeah! Speed up, Evan! Ram that bitch!" Wildcat cheered.

"I don't think my car is big enough to topple that," Vanoss gestured towards the Giant.

"You could just ram it on the foot, or the back of it, that is," Basically suggested.

"Yeah, right at the Achimis Heel," Nogla incorrectly says.

"Achi-Achimis?!" Wildcat yelled in bewilderment before succumbing to laughter. "You dumbass!"

"Achimis Heel," Vanoss said in amusement as he started driving the vehicle into the street. "Don't you-don't you mean the Achilles Heel?"

"Oh Fock," Nogla said in realization as the group laughed at his stupidity. "I meant to say Achilles but ended up saying the wrong thang."

"Fuckin' God damn," Terroriser shook his head with a smile.

"Achimis Heel. Oh man, your brain... your brain is... something, Nogla," Basucally said with a smile.

Soon after, the group continued pushing through the crowded streets as they continued firing on the Giant Mutant. However, they neglected the number of ghouls that surrounded them and they are now stuck.

"Ugh, guys! We're being toppled over!"

True to Terroriser's words, the car is beginning to tip over by the sheer number of ghouls pushing it.

"Evan! Drive, you idiot!" Wildcat yelled.

"What do you think I'm doin'?!" Vanoss remarked.

Back with Moo and Delirious, they spotted a large armored vehicle shooting at the Giant Mutant before getting surrounded by the other horde.

"Yup, I see some armored vehicle driving down the road," Delirious said. "And it seems like it's shooting the Giant."

"Wait a minute," Moo looked through his scope, catching a glimpse of one of his friends. "Is that Brian on the turret?"

"Oh shit, you're right!" Delirious yelled, "That means the others are back!"

"And I think they need a bit of help. Hold the celebration for later, John," Moo said with a solemn look.

Nodding in agreement, Delirious closed his eyes and the shadow beneath him suddenly grew and traveled into the rooftop of the building instantaneously before multiplying into a dozen humanoids.

"Get that motherfucker!" Delirious commanded, and the shadow humanoids belonging to the Delirious Shadow army began loading their guns and aiming at the growing horde and fired it from the rooftop, assisting the other group in the process.

Moo, meanwhile, unleashed one of his magical beasts, a large bull-like beast with yellow horns raced through the space at astonishing speed and rammed a fast-moving ghoul, which saved Terroriser from nearly getting mauled to death by an unsuspecting zombie.

Delirious took the next shot which made a collateral kill on the clumped-up group. Slowly, the two started firing on the distracted horde as Terroriser slowly regained control over the turret. Then, he began finishing off the horde with said turret as the Giant Zombie gave chase to the group.

Back with Vanoss, he managed to get rid of the bodies from the window, only to see the Giant stomping towards them.

"Oh shit," Vanoss mumbled. "Guys, we got company!"

The call elicited the group to finally look at the Giant, who nearly crushed them if it weren't for Evan backing up. Another shot rang as the Giant's head staggered from the bullet's impact. It turned towards the direction of the one responsible for the shot.

"Someone's helping us!" Terroriser said.

Vanoss began thinking of an idea before he settled with a plan. "Alright, everyone. Get out of the car," he said.

"Wait, wha?" Terroriser was stunned.

"What?" Wildcat questioned.

"Hold on, what the fock?" Nogla said.

"Excuse me?" Marcel asked.

"Everyone except Brian," Vanoss stated. "I still need someone to man the turret."

"What about us?!" Wildcat said.

"Yeah, what the fuck about us?!" Nogla interjected.

"Go to the building where that Sniper helped us," Vanoss ordered. "This may be a hunch, but I think the guys could be in there."

"You sure?" Wildcat asked.

"I'm sure, man," Vanoss said. "Besides, who else would've helped us with the horde? NPCs?"

"Valid point," Basically nodded.

"Well, you might wanna start running, 'cause that Giant looks pissed!" Terroriser suddenly shouted as he began shooting the Giant once again.

"Everyone, scatter!" Wildcat said as he led the group through an alleyway, leaving both Vanoss and Terroriser to the Giant.

"That ain't scattering," Terroriser muttered underneath his breath as he stared at the group before looking back at the Giant. Vanoss began reversing his vehicle as Terroriser continued to fire a barrage of highly modified bullets at the Giant. It became irritated from the sensation of bullets hitting its face and began covering it with its massive arm. Terroriser continued firing as he quickly looked behind instinctively, realizing that they're going to hit a building.

"Evan!" Terroriser yelled. "Turn around!"

Vanoss looked at his rear-view mirror in time to see the building closing in. With quick thinking, he turned the vehicle around and drifted to the side. The Gaint wasn't fast enough, resulting in it crashing into the large building, sending dust and debris throughout the area, blinding the duo.

"That was close," Vanoss said as he slowly peered through the window.

Terroriser was able to make out the shape of the Giant as it stayed there, unmoving. "Did we kill it?" he asked.

Out of nowhere, a colossal-size meaty arm slammed against the vehicle, throwing Terroriser out of it and leaving Vanoss to tumble within the vehicle.

Meanwhile, with the others, they've successfully reached the supposed place where their two friends could be. Before they could proceed though, a stray bullet nearly hits Marcel as it whizzes by.

"Woah!" Marcel cried out. "What the fuck, man!"

"Hey, we ain't zombies, bro!" Wildcat emphasized as he began shooting randomly in the direction of the bullet. One of the bullets penetrated through the glass and Wildcat felt a hitmarker occurred.

"OW!! MOTHERFUCKER, DUDE!!!" a muffled voice yelled out.

The group stopped as they heard a familiar voice.

"Is that Delirious?" Wildcat asked.

"Oh no," Nogla snickered. "He's so pissed."

"I would be pissed too if someone shoots me out of nowhere," Marcel admitted.

"Don't worry guys, that mask man is literal Jason, he stated himself that he won't be killed by a mere bullet," Wildcat stated.

Their little conversation cut off as a dozen individuals walked out of the building, guns in their hands and aiming at them. One of them is none other than Brock, who looked surprised and relieved. Along with him were shadowy misty humanoids, guns in armed, and the group knew it might belong to Delirious' shadow army.

"Oh, it's so good to see your faces again," Brock said as he slumped his weapon to his side.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you two, Brock" Basically replied. "Is Delirious safe?"

"Yup, anyways, where's Vanoss and Brian?" Moo asked.

"Crazy bastards decided to take on the Giant while we head to you guys," Wildcat responded to Moo.

"They what?" Moo said in concern before sighing, "You gotta be kidding me,"

Suddenly, Moo gets shoved off by a very angry Delirious.

"Okay, who's the wise guy that shot me in the ass?!" Delirious started glaring at the newcomers.

"Wait, that hit you there?!" Wildcat asked in astonishment before he started laughing. Some of the members started laughing with him.

"Hahaha, oh what are the chances. Hehaha!!"

"You're the asshole that did it?!" Delirious started lifting Wildcat by his shirt, his blue eyes blazing as an aura of dark mist started to radiate from his body.

"I honestly didn't know it'll hit you, let alone in the ass," Wildcat said as he laughed hysterically, he laughed so hard that the dark aura he was engulfed in wasn't effective.

"Hey, can we discuss an actual issue here?!" Moo yelled, causing everyone to look at him.

"And what's the issue, besides, you know, zombies?" Basically crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I get it, but we need to get outta here right now."

"Yes! Finally!" Nogla pumped his fist into the air.

"Hang the fuck on! We're not gonna fucking leave Evan and Brian here!" Basically said.

"Well, what're we gonna do though?!" Delirious yelled.

"First and foremost is to help these Doomsday making assholes, and it starts by fucking that damn Giant!" Marcel declared.

"Well, if we're not leaving yet, we should probably find where the guys lead it to," Wildcat said.

"That's an issue easily solvable," Delirious said.

"Why's that?" Wildcat asked.

"Well, the good news is that we found the Giant."


"Over there!"

Turning to face Delirious, he noticed he was holding a binocular, turning around to the direction where Delirious was looking, he followed what Delirious' doing and looked through his own scope to see the same Giant that had now collapsed on a building.

"And the bad news, Delirious?" asked Basically.

The Giant swung its arm around, sending debris into the air before getting up on its feet.

"It's still alive," Delirious answered with a frown.