Sapphire of Fertility (Original Work)

Features: Original characters


"There it is, the Sapphire of Fertility." Rafaela gasped in wonder and relief as she floated down into the long forgotten Temple of Venus, flapping down in front of the platform that held the Sapphire. After hours of battling monsters and hostile humans, she'd finally reached her destination. Still, better to be safe than sorry. With her feet still above the floor, Rafaela cautiously draws her sword and prodded the tiles beneath her to make sure it wasn't booby-trapped.

The war against the Principality of Temnota was taking its toll on the citizens and soldiers of the Holy Lotus Kingdom now that the demoness Frey had became their Empress. Her dark magic proved more than a match for her Queen Favena's might and the monsters Frey created certainly did not help. Then one day, in an effort to thin them out and force them to submit, Frey casts a forbidden spell upon the kingdom in which made the women of all ages infertile.

The the kingdom fell into despair as the Principality of Temnota took advantage of the panic, pushing the Holy Lotus Kingdom back bit by bit. Favena ordered Rafaela to find anyone who might be able to help them remove the spell from the kingdom. Days went by without success and Rafaela was on the verge of giving until an anonymous tip came from a village in a neighboring nation about a gemstone belonging to the Goddess of Fertility Venus from an abandoned temple. It wasn't a walk in the park as monsters and bandits lurk about and many people failed to come even close, but Rafaela had managed to reach her destination.

Confirming the tiles aren't filled with booby traps, the archangel descended down with her feet now firmly planted on the ground as her wings dissipated. Rafaela let out a huge breath as she admired the large jewel in front of her, the Sapphire's vibrant pink and orange hues practically glowing from the sunlight filtering from the cracks in the wall, giving off an almost hypnotic radiance which made her momentarily understand why so many people treasure hunted out of personal greed

As she inspected the gemstone, Rafaela then noticed some writing engraved in the stone of the Sapphire's pedestal dusting away the sand that covered it to make out the Roman lettering. "She who wishes to possess Venus' Sapphire and power must first appease her Champion." She read before returning her gaze to the Sapphire. "I suppose that makes sense, the Goddess did mainly have priestesses so the Sapphire must have been reserved for a woman's hands only, it explains the bones as well." She noted, glancing around at the scattered bones that lay half buried in the sand, at least three of them wearing armor that belonged to the Holy Lotus Kingdom.

Reaching forward to take hold of the Sapphire, Rafaela immediately flinched as the jewel suddenly glowed a lot brighter, causing her to jump back and draw her sword, shielding her eyes with one of her wings. She watched in amazement as a shape began to form from within the light, the shadowy image slowly taking a humanoid shape of that of a well-built bald Caucasian man, standing well over a feet taller than Rafaela who is six feet. As his body took full form, only then Rafaela realized that the man stood completely naked, devoid of the ceremonial garb that ancient Roman priests were known to wear causing Rafaela to stare for a little longer than she felt she should.

He stood before the archangel unmoving, his pale white eyes glaring down at her as he towered over her. "I was sooo hoping to get this done with. But nothing's ever easy, is it?" Rafaela groaned before she gained a serious face. Jumping, Rafaela raised her sword overhead and charging it with magic, she let out battle cry before she swings it down on the man's head.


To her absolute shock, her sword shattered upon making contact with his head. The archangel could only look at her broken sword in disbelief before realizing the man was now in striking range. "Shit!" Rafaela crossed her arms in front to defend herself, but nothing happened. Looking back, she sees that the man did not move an inch. This brought some relief, but the problem still remains as she still needed to get pass him.

"If I can't fight to get the Sapphire, then what can I do?" She pondered, sheathing her broken weapon as she tried to come up with a way. Then it clicked on her, the writing on the pedestal specifically stated that one must appease Venus' Champion, not to fight him.

Wanting to tested her theory, Rafaela reached for the back of her bra and unclasped, causing to to fall and reveal her impressive F-cup breasts to the man. It worked as his pale eyes seemed to suddenly focus.

"So that's to get get you to focus." Rafaela said with a faint blush but continued her actions as she removed her panties from her crotch as well as her battle skirt and should plates, leaving the archangel with only her gauntlets and greaves. As she glanced down, Rafaela gives a silent gasp as she realized just how well hung he was.

As the Champion stood in front of her, she slid down to her knees to admire his manhood at a much closer distance. The mere size of his cock has her heart racing as she found him to be easily 12-inches long at least and as thick as her forearm. She gave him with a dirty smile before leaning in towards his cock, sitting up on her knees and cupping her breasts to wrap them around his shaft, immediately eliciting a rumbling growl from the figure/

"My, my. Just from my tits you dirty man? It's been years since you felt a woman's touch haven't you?" A deep growl of pleasure from the Champion answered Rafaela's question perfectly. She stuck her tongue out to lick along the inches of cock that stuck out of her cleavage. She hadn't has sex since the war with Frey so having to fuck Venus' Champion to satisfy herself and get the Sapphire of Fertility to break the spell is killing two birds with one stone.

As her tongue worked the Champion's cock, the archangel moaned with lust when he placed a hand on her head obviously enjoying her oral skill, the way his cock was beginning to throb spurring her on to pump her tits faster along his shaft. "Go on, show me what you've got you fucking stud!" Rafaela panted as she bounced her tits harder and faster while sucking on the Champion's cock faster as she felt his climax nearing.

Grabbing a fistful of Rafaela's auburn hair, the Champion pushed her head back down on his cock forcing it back into her mouth just in time for his climax to hit, making the archangel choke loudly at the sudden rush of cum that burst down her throat, making her struggle to swallow it before she felt back.

The Champion lets go of her hair as she felt on her ass, causing him to finish all over her front whilst Rafaela coughed harshly. "Fuck, you came a lot asshole. For a second I thought I was gonna drown." She coughed up some more as her face and tits are dripping with his hot semen.

Seemingly unfazed by his powerful climax, the Champion reached down to grab Rafaela by her hair, making her cry out as he roughly dragged her to a nearby stone table forcing her to bend over it as the impact nearly knocked the wind out of her. "Fuck, you're lucky I like rough-" She started before she gasped as the man wasted no time spearing his cock into her tight and wet pussy. "By the Goddess!"

He buried himself balls deep inside of the archangel, pinning her to the table as the Champion began to take rough punishing thrusts into her, each thrust forcing her forward onto the table, making her grunt as her hips slammed against the side of it. Gritting her teeth, Rafaela grabbed onto the other side of the table and could only able to brace herself as every powerful thrust send a shock of pleasure through her body.

"Please..... slow down..... It's too big...." Rafaela panted as her cunt ached with both pain and pleasure, the archangel having never been fucked so hard and so rough. However, the Champion caring nothing for her comfort as he took hold of her hair again, pulling her head back hard with it forcing her up onto her toes as she cried out in pleasure.

As the Champion violently rutted Rafaela's aching cunt, the Sapphire began to steadily glow again, cascading its pink and orange light across the chamber as Rafaela slowly got more and more adjusted the Champion's cock until she couldn't take it anymore. "That's it! Fuck me you big cocked bastard!" Rafaela screamed, slamming her gauntlet hands unto the table as his cock stretched her cunt wider than she'd anticipated.

As the archangel's screams of pleasure filled the air, the Champion took ahold of her buttcheeks and spread them wide, allowing him to access deeper into her pussy as he continued his hard and fast pace against Rafaela's cunt. "Oh god! Yes! Faster you bastard!" Rafaela demanded through gritted teeth as she endured the hard thrusts of the Champion, her tits rubbed against the stone table and thrusts her hips back against his.

Before long, Rafaela arched her back and moaned as she began to came on the Champion's cock whilst it throbbed inside of her. Gripping her waist, the man drove his cock as deep as he could into her before cumming explosively, flooding the archangel with another load that felt like a gallon in volume, making Rafaela scream with pleasure again as she is being creampied by Venus' Champion. Her pussy felt like it was on fire due to how his cum was inside of her.

Eventually, even his cock is unable to prevent his cum from getting and and began pooling around the archangel's cunt. At first it began as droplets before it leaked like a broken water faucet and semen started gushing out, forming a puddle beneath Rafaela as her eyes rolled into her head from the intense creampie.

After cumming inside her for a whole minute, the Champion grunted and retracted from Rafaela's stuffed cunt, his cock pulling out with a loud pop. He watched impassively as semen gushed like a waterfall from her pussy as she laid there on the stone table, exhausted yet filled.

"Oh Goddess.....I can't feel my legs....." Rafaela panted as her body twitched in her post orgasm. Her hair disheveled and her body wet from the sweat. Her legs wobbly as they struggled to hold to keep from her collapsing completely. Her cum-filled cunt twitched every now and them from the aftermath. Her eyes closed to get some rest from the experience, but opened them again as she witnessed the Champion placed the Sapphire of Fertility in front of her face.

"For me?" She asked the Champion of Venus as she lifted her head. The man didn't replied as he turns his back and she watched as his body glowed before he dissipated in front of her. She glanced as where the Champion was before looking at the Sapphire and quickly grabbed it with her gauntlet hand, thinking it might set another trap if she wasn't fast enough.

Rafaela tried to stand up from her position but flinched as her pussy ached, still sore from the intense fucking with Venus' Champion. "Ow, ow. Bad idea." She winced as she could only turn on her back so she was facing the ceiling as she gave a sigh. "Maybe just a few minutes before I get back with Queen Favena." She muttered as she held up the gemstone that could uplift the spell by Frey.

"And who knows? Maybe I can convince her to have a threesome with that stud if he appears again." She chuckled as she rested in order to regain her her strength.