Satiating a Prince's Lust (Original x Gate)

A/N: I do not own Gate, and any names relating in real life are fictional and coincidental. This contains non-con and golden shower.

Features: Zorzal El Caesar and original characters


"Yes! Yes! Scream for me you bitch!" Zorzal's laughs echoed through the room as he was on top of a woman who was just out her teenage years as he raped her, his thick 11-inch cock spearing through her abused pussy as she screamed and moaned beneath him. He'd came inside her multiple times and yet showed no signs of fatigue as he continued to rut his sex slave he'd purchase from the Otherworld.

When the Gate on Alnus Hill opened, his father Emperor Molt Sol Augustus send out a "scout" division consisting of 100,000 soldiers and other auxiliaries to be sent over their and to plunder it for land, gold and most importantly, slaves. But they were thoroughly beaten back by the Otherworld's own army by the name of "Men in Green", where they possess magical black staves and metal beasts and dragons they've never seen before in their own world.

There were over 60,000 casualties and a thousand more who went crazy and deserted the army, one of the most humiliating and catastrophic losses the Saderan Empire received. But it was not in vain, they'd managed to loot whatever they from Ginza and captured five wagons worth of captured citizens, many of different nationalities and skin color. They were divided by gender for obvious reasons; men for labor and mines, and women for as sex slaves and bedwarmers.

Zorzal had wasted no time in buying the ones that caught his attention, from those who had big breasts or those younger than him. So far the girl he's fucking was his third sex slave and he was still sexually active.

The prince was in cloud nine as he continued to fuck the captured female as he roughly groped her DD-cup breasts, which were already red and bruised from his rough treatment. Even now she was still tight and Zorzal knew this one is a keeper. Inevitably both Zorzal and his sex slave reached their limits and screamed loudly as they reach climax together, the latter albeit reluctantly. Her pussy clamped down on his cock as he came explosively inside her.

Waves of royal semen came gushing out of the tip and flooded the poor girl's abused pussy, filling her already stuffed hole with another creampie as Zorzal grabbed her hair and yanked it back, relishing how she screamed from his actions. His cock kept twitching as it pumped her full. Excess cum dripped from her and stained the bedsheets beneath them as her eyes rolled into her head as she bonelessly endured the orgasm.

When Zorzal released her hair, the girl slumped forward and her head hit the bed's surface, panting in exhaustion. He clicked his fingers in disappointment from how she couldn't handle it but nonetheless pulled out his sex slave with a loud pop, his cock covered in cum and love juices but somehow still hard after all that fucking. He reached for a glass of wine and began drinking it, basking in the aftermath of their intercourse.

"I have to admit girl, you lasted longer than most of my slaves I have here in Falmart. You Otherworldly women are truly exotic." Zorzal snickered as he slapped her cute ass, the girl yelping as her buttcheeks jiggled from the impact.

Just then, a knock on the door and and his personal prize Tyuule, former Queen of the Warrior Bunnies, entered the his bedchambers with an impassive look on her face. "My prince, I have one of the sex slaves you've brought from the Gate." She stated as she bowed as she yanked her hand to something and an blonde woman in her late 30s came into view.

Zorzal's eyes immediately gaze to her body. She was stripped of her clothes which left the woman only in her lacy black bra and underwear. It did nothing, however, to hide her hourglass body with wide hips, slender legs and a whopping pair of G-cup breasts that would put the most beautiful noblewomen in Sadera to shame.

He licked his lips as the though of ravishing her and making her his newest cocksleeve. Furuta Yumiko felt uncomfortable at how the blonde man was looking at her, btu she didn't want to provoke him. She was done taking a jog and was taking a detour to Ginza when the Gate opened. She was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time as she was cpatured and taken by the scouts.

She had witnessed how the Saderans would cruelly whip and beat the capture males as they were dragged while raping at least three or four women whenever they were on a break. She was lucky to be untouched before arriving at the capital. Furuta caught the attention of the prince while he inspecting the spoils of their expedition and bought her along with severla women, along with the girl on his bed. She was horrified by what Zorzal had done but knew she was powerless against him.

Zorzal licked his lips before looking at Tyuule and motioned to the tired girl on his bed. "Take thi bitch and leave us. I want to simple this woman." The Warrior Bunny held back a growl as she was simply disregarded by the prince but nevertheless bowed.

"As you wish my prince." Tyuule then carried the near unconscious girl out of the room and clsoed the door, leaving the Japanese woman at the mercy of the sexually active prince. The air was filled with tension as Zorzal circled Furuta and eyed his body hungrily, as if she was her prey and he is the predator looking for a meal.

"So, what's your name woman?" Zorzal asked, his fingers caressing her cheeks before moving down to her breasts and cup one of them before giving it a rough squeeze. in Futura whimpered from his actions.

"F-Furuta Yumiko." She answered. Zorzal hummed as he continued to play with her breast as she gave a shudder panting from how she was being treated like a toy. Finally, he relented and released his hold and she gave a sigh of relief. But that quickly dissipated when leaned in and cupped her chin and eyed her.

"Well Furuta, I'm Zorzal El Caesar, crowned Prince of the mighty Saderan Empire. And as of today, you're nothing more than my sex slave. And if you wanna survive, you will satisfy me needs when I ask for." Zorzal demanded as as he he suddenly wrapped his hand around her throat and she gasped for air. "Is that clear?" He threatened.

"Y-Yes sir." She choked out as she nodded fearfully. Zorzal nodded and released his grasp as Furuta struggled to breath. After 10 seconds, Zorzal grabbed her hand and dragged her to his bathing room so she can service him for the day. After closing the door, Zorzal turned to his slave and grinned as his cock pointed at her.

Yumiko gulped as she looked at his hard cock, cum glistening it as it still rigid despite having to climax multiple times. it was the biggest cock she'd laid eyes on. "Impressive, isn't it?" Zorzal said, stroking it with his hands to let her hear the vulgar fapping. "This cock has broke many women and had pump royal cum into them and now you'll be the latest addition to this. But first, you need to suck it." He pointed his finger down to his manhood. "Now get to it slave."

Yumiko had a conflicted look on her face between repulse and mortification. But she knew better than to defy his order and she reluctantly walked forward to kneel in front of his cock and grasp the base of his shaft, feeling the rigidness of his manhood as Zorzal sighed from her touch and combed his fingers through her hair.

Hesitating for a few seconds, Yumiko opened her mouth and swallowed his cock in one movement. Zorzal groaned as his shaft got enveloped by her warm mouth as she started to clean his cock, her tongue wrapping it his rod as she coated it in saliva, tasting the salty cum as she continue give the prince a blowjob.

"Now show me your tits while you continue to suck me, use them even." Zorzal ordered and Yumiko complied. She reach for the back of her bra and unclasped it, letting it fall to the ground and exposing her massive G-cup breasts for the prince's eyes to watch. He leaned his hand down and began roughly massaging it again. She groaned around his cock from the harsh touch but did not stop him.

Pulling back just so his is still in her mouth, Yumiko wrapped her breasts around his shaft and began massaging the hard cock with her chest, giving the prince a blowjob and titjob simultaneously. Zorzal gasped from how soft his slaves tits are and nearly came form it, but managed to withheld thanks to his years of sexual activities. His fingers then clutched the majority of her hair and began thrusting harder and faster now.

Yumiko gagged having her hair pulled and being deepthroated by Zorzal. The prince paid no heed to her condition though and resumed lazily ramming his cock into her throat while having a pair of tits massage him, enjoying the sensation running through his body. yet all things must come to an end and the prince felt his climax reaching its peak.

"Cumming!" Zorzal gritted his teeth as he hilted tensed up and exploded inside Yumiko's mouth, finally reaching his limit. Cum bursts forth from the tip and began filling her oral hole up. Yumiko struggled to swallow his cum as it was endless with each twitch. Immediately, excess semen leaked around her mouth and starts spilling to the floor, some landing on her breasts as she tried to gulped all of them down.

A minute went by the Zorzal stopped cumming, though he is still hard. He pulled out of her mouth with a loud pop and watched in amusement as Yumiko turned her head and began coughing, taking in air that was lost before. "Hmph, you sure know how to swallow woman, I'll give you that." Zorzal said to Yumiko before dragging her by the arm and throwing her over the edge of the tub, he yelping as she was now bend over and her ass is facing Zorzal.

He grabbed a hold on her underwear before pulling them down, revealing her pink pussy and puckered asshole. Zorzal wanted to taste her pussy right now but first wanted to test her ass. His cock positioned into her tiny hole and began poking it with the tip which alarmed Futura.

"No, please. Not in my ass." Yumiko pleaded but Zorzal simply laughed and smacked her ass, flesh jiggling from the impact. "Oh relax you bitch, I promise this won't be as painful as I fucked those other Otherworldly women."

He gripped her waist to prevent her from pulling away and when he was ready, slammed deep into. A scream escaped Yumiko's lips as her ass had been violated by the prince as she felt like she was being split in half from his size. Zorzal gave a shuddering breath at how tight Yumiko is and nearly popped his cock off.

Zorzal began his thrusting in a hard yet slow pace as he wanted to drag this out f. Yumiko gritted her teeth and whimpered as her ass is being stretched to the limit as his cock went in and out like a machine. Her buttcheeks clapped against his hips as Zorzal rutted her asshole with vigor. Zorzal leaned down so her back met his chest as he proceeded to grope Yumiko's breasts while he savagely fucked her like an animal.

The Japanese woman reluctantly moaned from his cock scraping her anal walls as he raped her ass, her body rocking back and forth between the ledges of the bathtub as the prince roughly fucked her without remorse. Soon her body began moving on its own, slamming back against Zorzal's thrusts to create a sync. Flesh slapping flesh thundered loudly in the bathing room as Zorzal was busy with his newest sex slave.

Ultimately, even his experience reached his limit and Zorzal groaned in Yumiko's ear as he hilted as deep as he can and came inside her ass. Semen flooded her anal hole as his cock unleashed wave after wave of the stick substance. Yumiko's eyes rolled into her head and her tongue came out as her mind went blank. Despite mentally screaming how he had raped her, her body enjoyed her defilement.

After cumming for a whole minute, Zorzal and Yumiko stayed in that position for a while, neither making a move as they were experiencing the aftermath of their climax. Zorzal pulled out and watched as her puckered hole held all of his cum inside, with little to no cum escaping. Now it was time for the main course; her pussy.

Going inside in the waterless bathtub, Zorzal got into a sitting position and held Yumiko by heir waist, positioning Yumiko

"Get ready slut. You're about to enjoy the ride of your life on my cock." Zorzal said and and slowly impaled Yumiko on his shaft. Both he and Yumiko gasped from the feeling of their genitals connecting. She was even tighter than the young woman he'd just fucked hours ago. However, before Yumiko could react the prince suddenly groaned and a hot sensation began filling her pussy. She gasped as she realized it was urine and the prince had actually relieved inside of her.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it in anymore and had to piss inside you. Hours of climax must've taken its toll." Zorzal said with fake sincere in his voice if one caught on it, which the captured Japanese woman did. Instead, Yumiko groaned in morbid satisfaction as his urine filled her pussy up with yellow fluid. It felt hotter than any the semen Zorzal injected in her ass. Eventually, Zorzal had finished and was merciful enough to raise her back up so that his urine leaked out of her and into the floor of the tub.

'Remind me to tell my servants to clean this up when I'm finish with Yumiko.' Zorzal noted in his mind as he impaled his sex slave back to his cock and began pounding her roughly, reaching up to cup her tits and squeezed them for all their worth. Yumiko moaned in pleasure and pain as he thrusts his cock up her pussy as she rode him like a horse. Her buttcheeks clapped against his hips.

Yumiko's breath were ragged as the rough treatment began filling her with pleasure that she'd never experience despite being degraded to a mere sex slave. Her breasts bounced within Zorzal's grasp as she continued to ride the prince's cock and moved her hips up and down. Zorzal smirked as he saw the look on the Japanese woman's face as she was slowly being broken. He simply laid back with his hands still attached to her tits as Yumiko rode him.

Ultimately, after 5 minutes of riding, Zorzal and Yumiko moaned at once as they came simultaneously, the latter clamping around his cock as she squirted love juices. His cock began spewing hot cum into uncontrollable amounts as he creampies her tight pussy. Creamy liquid spilled into her vaginal walls and flooded her insides white as Yumiko screamed from the experience of being pumped by Zorzal.

Yumiko couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes rolled into her head and she passed out with her head on Zorzal's shoulder as she was still being creampied by the groaning prince. After cumming for the another minute, Zorzal had finished and sighed in relief. But then, he felt the need to piss for the second time, but exhaustion finally kicked in and he was tired to pulled out.

Seeing no other choice, Zorzal tensed and groaned as he decided to relieve himself inside his sex slave. Hot, yellow and salty liquid began flooding Yumiko's pussy for the second time as it mixed with the semen inside that felt like molten lava swimming inside her pussy. Despite this, Yumiko only twitched as she was being used yet again as a toilet for the prince.

When Zorzal was done, he was left panting as he had finished cumming and pissing in Yumiko at once. "Holy shit, that was good." He said to himself before letting a smile crept up to his face. He was beginning to gain a fetish of relieving inside his sex slaves after Yumiko's service.

But first, he waited for Yumiko to wake up before taking a bath and fucking Yumiko once more.