Peace Negotiations (Original Work)

Features: Original characters:


King Bamadis sat back in his chair, bored of reading the numerous reports from the war that were scattered all over his desk. The war between the Sosite Empire and the Holy Lotus Kingdom was nearing its end, with the latter getting pushed back by his army thanks to their allegiance to their Holy Lotus Kingdom's rival, the Principality of Temnota.

He'd just been crowned the new ruler of the Sosite Empire after his father King Bafon had been slain in battle with the battle in the Gulf of Gangan. It was only a matter of time before the Holy Lotus Kingdom is defeated and both the Sosite Empire and the Principality of Temnota could reap the spoils of their accomplishments.

A sudden knock at the door disturbed his weary thoughts, he looked up to see his herald enter the small office. "What is it?" He demanded impatiently when the herald did not speak immediately.

"A negotiator from the Holy Lotus Kingdom has arrived your Majesty." The herald said.

"A negotiator!?" Bamadis snorted in contempt. After all those 3 years of fighting between them, now Queen Favena decided to attempt in an negotiation? "We've practically already defeated them, it's a little late to start negotiating and we're already going to take what's theirs when we win."

"Nevertheless your majesty, the negotiator is here to meet with you."

"Very well, send her in." Bamadis sighed. 'No doubt the negotiator would be desperate.' He thought to himself. Empress Frey did mention the the HLK were grasping straws in an effort to bring the war to an end. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage.

Moments later the Holy Lotus negotiator entered the room, flanked by two of Thomas's guards. The King sucked in a deep breath at the sight of the Amazon. The Amazon was a towering blonde, just over 6 feet tall so she practically dwarfed Thomas's five and a half feet of height. If memory serves him right, she is one of the three heroes Queen Favena summoned, her name being Diana.

She wore a brown leathered thong that displayed her long, toned legs, and a small leathered-bra that barely covered her humongous F-cup breasts. Although the Amazon negotiator was tall and physically dominating, she was also very beautiful.

"King Bafon." Diana said, bowing low and giving Bamadis a good look down the front of her tits. The fact she called him by his father's name made it clear the the three summoned heroes were summoned after the Holy Lotus Kingdom and weren't aware that they killed his father in the past, and Bamadis had no intention of letting them find out anytime soon.

Bamadis moved directly in front of the Amazon and stoked a finger along the line of her cheek as if assessing her. "So Queen Favena has sent you to me to negotiate surrender?"

"Negotiate peace." Diana corrected. They were too proud a race to admit defeat.

"I see." Bamadis hummed, his hand dropped from her face to trace the line of her deep cleavage. The Amazon froze at his invading touch. Normally no one would have dared touch her, but here in the heart of the Sosite Empire she would not live long if she struck their king. Bamadis cupped the woman's full breast through the leathered bra, giving it a firm squeeze.

He then moved his hand over to squeeze her other breast as if testing the freshness of the two lush mounds. The Amazon seethed with anger, unable to stop him as she didn't dare risk ruining the sensitive peace talks her Queen had instructed her to arrange.

Biting down her anger, Diana began talking, doing her best to ignore the King as he lifted both hands to her large breasts and began to maul and squeeze them. She wanted to punch him, but Favena gave her strict orders to not use violence, lest they provoke Frey to use her Dark Wolves unto any unfortunate Holy Lotus soldiers, and even Diana had trouble fighting those werewolves.

"The Queen is willing to call an end to this bloody and senseless war on the following terms." Diana began, her voice quavering slightly as Bamadis yanked down the cups of her bra, her F-cup tits bouncing free. "The Queen will give you all our lands to the North of the Marlriden River. She will give you 100 of our male slaves and will pay reparations for what the Holy Lotus Kingdom had done to the Sosite Empire." Bamadis ignored what the Amazon was saying, too busy enjoying the huge bare breasts offered up before him.

He squeezed and groped the large orbs, pulling on the Amazon's nipples and mashing her big tits in his eager hands. Bamadis licked his lips as he rolled the large globes of her breasts around over her chest, his hands squeezing and fondling to his hearts content. "In return for these concessions, the Sosite Empire is to break off loyalty to the Principality of Temnota and spare the lives of our citizens. Our two nations will be allies from this day forth." Diana said through gritted teeth, a blush forming on her face.

Bamadis released her big tits and threw his head back, laughing loudly at the Amazon. She dared to make demands of him? Her army had already lost. There was no need for him to give up anything. The mere fact that the Amazon had endured his assault on her tits without attacking him, or at the very least walking out, told Bamadis how desperate the Queen obviously was.

Bamadis stopped laughing and scowled at the Amazon. He reached out and grabbed a handful of her long blonde hair and yanked her across the room. Diana yelped in pain but did not fight back as she was dragged over to Bamadis' desk. He bent her over the table, pushing her face down into a pile of papers. He pulled her thong down, her plump ass perfectly presented to him along with the lips of her cunt.

Bamadis unlaced his pants and dropped them to his ankles, letting his hard 12-inch cock pop out and slap across the Amazon's firm buttocks. "Are you ready for my counter offer?" Bamadis demanded as he pushed apart her thighs a little and aiming the dripping head of his massive cock at entrance of her pussy.

"I come under a flag of peace. You can't do this....." The Amazon protested. She tried to straighten up, but Thomas shoved her back down, her bare breasts smearing the ink on a report he was in the middle of writing.

"I asked you if you were ready for my counter offer." Bamadis replied calmly. "I didn't ask for permission to take you as I don't need it. So are you ready my lovely Amazon negotiator? I'm sure Queen Favena gave you instructions to do whatever it takes to stop this war. You don't want to go back to her with news of your failure now do you?"

The Amazon hesitated a moment as Bamadis rubbed the head of his cock up and down across her vagina, his precum juices beginning to lubricate her.

"I..... I am ready for your counter offer." Diana said softly after a moment.

Bamadis gave a grunt and rammed his cock up inside her, driving deep with a long, fast thrust. Diana gave a short cry as she was jolted forwards into the desk, Bamadis' cock slipping all the way to the hilt into her. Bamadis slapped his hand down hard onto her right buttcheek, spanking her a couple of times before he grabbed her by the hips and started fucking her in earnest.

"If your Queen wants me to call off my forces and spare her life and the miserable lives of what's left of her army she will completely surrender to me." Bamadis told the indignant negotiator as he sawed his hard cock in and out of her cunt, each thrust ramming home hard. "All Holy Lotus Kingdom lands from the North will be turned over to my rulership." The newly crowned king continued to relentlessly pound at the Amazon's pussy without letting up. Her cunt felt incredibly tight and wonderful and he could already feel his balls churning, he wouldn't last long.

"I don't know if the Queen will accept such an offer....." Diana stammered, gasping as Bamadis fucked her even harder as his lust grew larger and larger

"I haven't finished!" Bamadis yelled, slapping her ass again without slowing his thrusts. "The Queen will also give me half of her treasury of gold and valuables. And she will give me 100 female slaves, not males." Bamadis was over the top. He briefly considered pulling out and cumming over Diana's face, but decided it would be more degrading to cum inside his enemy's womb.

"Oh fuck!" Bamadis cried out as he reached his limits and his cock spurted inside the busty Amazon. Bamadis reached out and grabbed a handful of the Amazon's long blonde hair, tugging on it none too gently, and pulled her back against him as he blew his load. Diana moaned as she was being creampied by the enemy's king as she felt each load of semen flooding into her.

"Yesss!" He groaned as rope after rope of gooey cum splashed inside the Amazon, he kept his cock deep inside her and thrust only slightly as his orgasm overtook his him. Bamadis' body shook as his cock twitched inside her. Eventually even his huge cock couldn't help it contain inside her cunt and soon, cum began leaking around her cunt, like a broken water faucet.

After creampie-ing Diana until he was content she was full of his semen, King Bamadis pulled out of the Amazon and moved around to the other side of the desk, a hand on the negotiator's shoulder stopping her from standing up. Bamadis stood directly in front of her head, his drooping cock sticky with cum and mere inches from her face.

"Clean me!" Bamadis ordered, pushing his cock at her face. Diana submissively obeyed the order, opening her lips and allowing Bamadis to shove his cock into the warmth of her mouth.

"That's good." Bamadis nodded, stroking the top of Diana's head as she suckled at his cock, licking up the remaining cum. The sight of the HLK's summoned heroine servicing him gave him one final idea to add to the peace treaty.

"If your Queen accepts my deal to make it valid, she will have to come and visit me in my bedroom." Bamadis said. The Amazon tried to pull up from his cock and say something but Bamadis merely pushed her back down onto his cock. "If your Queen wants her people to be spared, she get on my bed, strip her clothes, spread her legs....." Bamadis paused briefly for effect. "And she will take all of my cum to solidify the the terms."