King and Queen (Original)

Featuring: Original characters

"I see." Empress Frey giggled, currently straddling King Bamadis' waist as the he buried his head into the demoness' massive K-cup breasts as he sat on a chair, letting her feel his hot breath as she shook her tits. "That was very bold of you to demand such agreements."

The two rulers were on Bamadis' bedroom in which the Sosite Emperor sat in their as they enjoyed their time together. Their alliance came when the summoned heroines of the HLK had unknowingly killed his father Bafon and he was crowned king, Frey came to him and they had secured a treaty with each other, enjoying the spoils of war with each victory against the HLK.

"But will Favena be able to accept such terms? I doubt she would whore herself out that easily especially in a time of crisis like this?" Frey asked to her sex partner. She knew Favena wasn't to give into the enemy's proposal without something in return.

"It's that she would have any choice, Frey." Bamadis commented as his face popped out from her huge breasts. "Either she surrenders to me now or risk losing everything if the Sosite Empire and Principality of Temnota waged war at the Holy Lotus Kingdom at once." He said with finality.

"You have a point." Frey giggled again before a knock on the door garnered their attention. The Empress detached herself from him as they stood up. "Guess she's here now. I must be going now, Bamadis. Have fun with her~." She winked blew a kiss before using a teleportation magic to disappear.

"You may come in." Bamadis said as fixed his clothes to make himself more presentable. The door open and his herald from before came in and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Queen Favena of the holy Lotus Kingdom has arrived." He said.

"Good. Bring her here so that we may discuss." Bamadis ordered he bowed again and left. A minute later, ruler of the Holy Lotus Kingdom entered his chambers. Her gold crown on top of her headand red flowing cape following her from behind.

Bamadis felt his breath taken away as he took in Favena's figure. The Queen had bore curvaceous hourglass body that's only surpassed by Frey. Her blonde hair tied to a bun with two strand flowing in front as her green eyes shine brighter than an emerald. Her huge G-cup breasts jiggled with every move and are only contained by her blue leotard clothing. Blue glove reaching her elbows with her blue stockings reaching her legs while cladded in steel boots.

"Hello, Queen Favena." Bamadis greeted the HLK Queen as she looked at him before her eyes widen.

"Bamadis? What are you doing here? Where's King Bafon?" She said, causing Bamadis to raise an eyebrow.

'She figured it out quickly.' Bamadis mused. 'Well, guess there's no point in hiding it now.'

"My father was killed by one of your summoned heroines, the one with fire and ice abilities if I'm not mistaken, during the battle in the Gulf of Gangan." Bamadis revealed. "I became next in line. Your Amazon wasn't aware of my identity when you brought her here since I bore a lot of resemblance to my father. It was I who made those terms."

"..... I see." Queen Favena sucked in a deep breath as she took in this information. This got a lot more complicated than she imagined. But she had to do d

"So I assumed that you're ready discuss your surrender, Favena?" Bamadis as he walked up to her and stared into her eyes. Unlike Diana, they were of equal height so they are able to make eye contact on a similar level. He then walked around the Queen, inspecting her like a prize.

"Y-Ye." Favena swallowed as she is about to make a life-changing decision with the Sosite Empire ruler: Either submit to him or allow her country to be destroyed by the Sosite Empire and the Principality of Temnota. "The Holy Lotus Kingdom will give you 100 female slaves and half of our treasury if you name the time and place. In addition, all lands in the north owned by the Holy Lotus Kingdom are now your and see fit." She finished as Favena felt a huge weight come off her shoulders.

"Good." Bamadis smiled as he stopped in front of Favena and cupped her chin, fascinated by her green eyes. "You can bring those slaves and gold as of tomorrow noon." He leaned in to whisper. "All that's left now is to be a good little girl and take my cock inside you."

"Favena's face flushed as she recalled the last request Diana had mentioned. That she will be screwed by the Bamadis in order to make the deal legitimate. 'Well it's not like I'm a virgin anymore. Frey's Dark Wolves did that for her.' Favena winced as she recalled that incident in the past.

"My body is yours to command and desire." Favena declared as she placed her crown on the table and unclasped her red cape which falls down to the floor as she watched Bamadis smile and walk forward. His hands reached for her contained G-cup breasts and began to groped them through the fabric. Her cheeks burn as she felt his fingers massage her tits as she felt her snatch twitch slightly from the invasive touch.

"Let's them free shall we?" Bamadis chuckled as he pulled the underside of the leotard's chest window and pulled them down, causing her breasts to spill and bounce from their captivity, making Favena blush even more as her breasts jiggled from the movement to Bamadis' amusement.

Soon Favena found herself on her hands and knees on top of Bamadis' bed as the Sosite King got behind her, pushed her lower leotard aside and whipped out his thick 12-inch cock, rubbing the tip against her tight backside. "Are you sure you want this Favena? There's no going back once it's in." Bamadis chuckled as he repeatedly poked the puckered hole. Favena bit her quivering lip as the Sosite ruler's huge cock trying to pry her ass open.

"Yes. I'm sure." Favena admitted as she closed her eyes. Bamadis smiled and, with one thrust, entered Favena's asshole with all 12-inches in. Both royals moaned from their genitals connecting. Favena for how huge Bamadis still is even after getting broken in by Dark Wolves before. For Bamadis, Favena had a tight ass despite Frey's monsters fucking her first.

Feeling her getting used to his size, Bamadis pulls his hips back just enough so that 1/4 of his cock remained inside before thrusting back in and repeated the process. Favena's fingers dug deep into the bedsheets as she moaned from the rough pounding Bamadis is giving her. Bamadis grunted as he rutted the HLK Queen's asshole in a vigorous rhythm. Granted, Favena pales in comparison to Frey but was still tight nonetheless as his cock speared through her anal walls.

"Rest assured, Favena, your people will be protected by those who seek to harm them should they to turn on you." Bamadis said as he leans forward to cup her G-cup breasts and began moving them rhythmically with their movements. "G-Good. That's a-all I need to h-hear Bamadis." Favena panted and moaned as her body rocked back and forth from their rough sex as the bed creaked beneath them. Her nipples harden within Bamadis' grip as sweat poured from their bodies which cling to their clothes or bedsheets.

Their fun lasted for a few minutes before Bamadis could feel his end nearing. He thrusted into Favena a few times before hugging her close to his body and let out a lustful groan as he creampies the HLK Queen. Favena cried out in ecstasy as huge load of hot cum pouring out of his cock and into her ass as he held her tits tightly with his chest pressing against her back.

After their intense orgasm, Favena collapsed on the bad, panting in exhaustion as she felt her backside stuffed to the brim with Bamadi's semen as the Sosite ruler himself took deep breaths to regain his breath. Looking down, he saw that he was still hard inside the HLK Queen's ass despite filling her up. Favena barely had enough time to recover before she's flip on her back and pulled in by Bamadis as he towers over her.

"Let's get to the main course now shall we Favena?" He growled with lust dripping in his voice, causing Favena to shiver in as he spread her legs apart, exposing her wet pussy for the King to see. His cum-covered shaft rubbed against her wet lips as she quivered in anticipation. Then, he swiftly moves his cock inside the Queen's

"MMPH!" Favena rears her head back and bites her lip to muffle her moan as the King entered her pussy, stretching her walls to their limit as Bamadis moaned from how warm and tight she still is. Her legs wrapped around his legs as he began thrusting into the Queen. Bamadis leans down and sucks on one of Favena's G-cup breasts while using his free hand to grope and fondle the other.

Favena's pussy began to leak more juices as it tightens around the Sosite ruler's cock. "Goddess above!" Favena's eyes rolls back into her head as she arched her back, causing her breasts to bounce in Bamadis' face and giving him deeper access into her snatch as forced more of his shaft into the Queen as their bodies rocked back and forth. Her tongue hanging out from the mouth as Bamadis spears through her pussy in a hard and fast pace.

Favena had to admit, Bamadis knows to pleasure women. Maybe it explains why Diana walked funny when she returned from the Sosite Empire. She didn't have time to ponder how good Bamadis is when the King's cock swells up inside her and groans into her tits as he cum inside the Queen. Favena moaned once more as her cunt gets painted white inside with his semen.

Each twitch sent huge loads of semen into her, making her head spin from the heat of their climax. Eventually, even Bamadis' huge cock couldn't keep all of his cum in and began leaking from Favena's pussy, pooling beneath her and staining the bedsheets. When all is said and done, Bamadis took a deep breath as he detached his mouth hand hand from Favena's breasts and stood up, pulling his cock out with a pop as cum gushed out from Favena's cunt.

The sight of Favena's state aroused him even more, but decided to comply with their terms. "You can start delivering those golds and slaves tomorrow, Favena. You can rest there for a while if you need." Bamadis said as chuckled. Favena's only response is a satisfied moan.


"So," Diana coughed with a flushed face as she and Rafaela were waiting outside for Favena as they discuss the negotiations. "I take this it's going well inside." She joked weakly as sweat poured down her face as they heard their Queen getting pounded only something Dark Wolves could accomplish.

"Looks like it." Rafaela fans her face as they were getting wet from the moans coming from the inside. And it wasn't just them. Two soldiers guarding the door were also fidgeting as the four of them

There was an awkward tension between then before Rafaela of all people broke the silence. "So, you guys wanna have fun while we're still here?" She asked.

The guards looked at each other for a bit, then heard more sounds coming from the inside, before smirking and stripping their armor and weapons. Rafaela and Diana following suit. Soon moans and cries of pleasure echoed in the hallway as an orgy started.