Pleasure through Failure (Naruto)

Featuring: Danzo Shimura and Hinata Hyuuga

A/N: Haven't watched Naruto f or years so they might be a bit OOC.

Hinata Hyuuga woke up with small moan, her head throbbing with pain as if someone hit with a large sledgehammer. Not wanting make it worse, Hinata waited and wondered for a bit on the mission she was assigned by the orders of Danzo Shimura, the acting Hokage after Tsunade is out of commission in the aftermath of Pain's assault on Konoha. She was to find a rogue ninja who'd have intellect on the Cloud village that had been preparing to invade Konoha as Naruto is in a comatose state after defeating pain. Yet despite managing to corner the man, she was still outclass and the last thing she saw before passing out is him escaping.

'Where am I?' It took her a few moments to gather her senses before opening her eyes. When she did, she squinted as a bright flash of light entered her view. She tried to move her body but her pale eyes widened when she found herself bound and nude. Her arms were placed at her back and bound by red ropes which connected to her huge F-cup breasts, which shows their perky nipples and round shape. Two more red ropes are tied to her legs which were raised, letting anyone in sight take a good look at her pussy. A red ballgag is also strapped to her mouth preventing her from making any too much noise.

Looking around, the Hyuuga realized she's trapped in a room. Hinata panicked and wondered how she got into this situation. "You've failed once more Hyuuga," A gruff voice stated, disappointment in her voice. Hinata looked up and saw Danzo walking in with a scowl on his face. Hinata merely glared at him as he closed the door and walked up to the bound kunoichi.

"You continued to be a disappoint for the Hyuuga clan if you keep failing your duties." He declared harshly as he raised his bandaged arm and slapped her ass, making Hinata let out a muffled squeal as her buttcheek rippled from the force. "Normally such failure result in execution of the person in question." Hinata gave a look of fear from his words and Danzo suppressed a smile of satisfaction at the night.

"Fortunately for you, however," Danzo stated as he parted his robes and Hinata's eye widen in shock as he whips out a his massive cock, an intimidating. Despite his age, his cock is still hard and virile which sported veins making the Hyuuga wonder what Danzo's been eating. "Your bloodline is very vital to Konoha and must be preserved. As such, you'll only be punish via sexual intercourse." He got closer and began rubbing the tip against her cunt, making her moan behind the gag.

"Unless of course, you'd rather be executed and let the Uzumaki become depressed by your death." Danzo threatened as he looked into Hinata's pale eyes. Hinata gulped as she was torn between having her virginity taken by someone else or letting Naruto be devastated by her death to the point of committing suicide. After a moment, she gave a reluctant nod and slight spread her legs.

"That's good Hyuuga, you've made the right choice." Danzo smile as he aligned his cock to Hinata's pussy before shoving it all in. Hinata arched her back and moaned from pain and pleasure after having the Hokage's thick cock inside her, the blood leaking from her pussy signaling her lost maidenhood. Meanwhile Danzo groaned from the sheer tightness of the Hyuuga, she is. When Hinata looked down, she is in awe and shock of how the cock made a bulge in her stomach.

Without letting Hinata adjust to his size, Danzo began moving his old hips in a slow but hard pace. Hinata squeals as she is violated by her superior. Her breasts jiggled in the ropes as her body rocked back and forth from the movements. Danzo reached forward to grab one of Hinata's tits, enjoying how soft and firm they are. "I must say you have a nice pair of tits and a tight pussy. You'll be worthy of bearing an offspring when given the chance, but for now, only pleasure can come from this." Danzo moaned as he squeezed the soft tit in his hand.

"MMMMPH!" Hinata cried out as her breast is played with while her bleeding pussy is spread open repeatedly by the old man's virile cock. The pleasure coming from this outweighed the guilt and shame that Hinata once had. 'As long as Naruto-kun is safe, I must endure this.' She thought as she kept moaning around the ballgag as Danzo raped her. Sound of flesh slapping echoed that was soundproof on the outside.

After fucking Hinata for a long time, Danzo groaned as he hilted himself deep inside her cunt and let loose. Hinata squealed in mortified excitement as Danzo's cock swells up inside the Hyuuga before it deposits huge loads of semen. Her head spun as hot liquid painted her vaginal walls white while filling her pussy to the brim with each twitch. Soon, cum leaked around Danzo's cock and spills down the table. When the orgasm died down, Hinata slumped back on the table as blood and cum drenched her pussy.

"What makes you think we're done yet Hyuuga." Hinata's eye flew open and met Danzo's smirking face. She looks down and she was surprised that Danzo's cock remains hard after that intense orgasm. 'H-He's still hard?! He pumped enough cum to impregnate dozens of women!' Hinata gasped mentally as Danzo chuckled and used both hands to grip Hinata's waist before beginning anew. Her protests turning to moans.

"Hmmph, that's a good girl." Danzo grunted as he leans down and sucked on Hinata's breasts. Hinata's body quivered as she moaned, her pussy clenching around Danzo's cock as he thrusted into her. She willingly spread her legs wider to give him more access, letting the Hokage reach deeper inside the Hyuuga heir. Her nipples harden in Danzo's mouth as she moaned like a slut. While still loyal to Naruto, her body would succumb to the Hokage for his sake.

After 5 minutes went by, Hinata and Danzo moaned as they came together. Semen and pussy juices filled the former's cunt once more as she is creampied for the second time. More excess cum had been pushed out to make way for the new batch, causing the old ones to leak out like a waterfall as blood and spunk stained the floor below.

Seeing the embarrassed yet satisfied look on the Hyuuga's face, Danzo pulled out of her pussy and watch in secret joy as cum spilled out of her pussy now that his cock wasn't there to plug it in. However, Hinata looked at him and her eyes are filled with pleading and lust to which Danzo notice.

"So you want another round slut?" Danzo asked to which Hinata nodded. After thinking about it, Danzo smiled. "Very well then. But this time," He started, poking his cum-covered cock into her anal hole, making her moan. "I wanna feel how good your secondary hole is." With lubrication from the semen, he pushed into the Hyuuga's asshole, sending all 12-inches in.

'SO GOOD!' Hinata cried out behind her ballgag as her backside had been stretched like never before. Danzo groaned from how tight Hinata's ass is, to the point he would've came right there and then. But the Root Leader withheld and let himself take a breather as Hinata quivered from her position. After a minute, Danzo gripped Hinata's waist as he started pounding her asshole.

"MMPH! MMMH! MPG!" Hinata moaned as she thrashed around from how she's being bottomed out by the Hokage, but her restraints limited her movements. A slap to her left breast made her squeak and stop her action. "I did not give you permission to move wildly, Hyuuga." Danzo said coldly as he slapped her breasts repeatedly while thrusting his cock into her ass as Hinata screamed and moaned helplessly until her breasts are sore and had red handprints left there.

"Still want too disobey the Hokage?" Hinata shakes her head as Danzo smiled. "Good now let us enjoy this before I bring us to climax." He stated as he groped her sore breasts. The sensitive made Hinata moan louder as they jiggled in Danzo's grasp. Her asshole clenching around his cock as she enjoyed the abuse Danzo gave her.

Soon, the fun ended when the Hokage and his pet moaned together. His palms squeezing Hinata's breasts hard as her asshole milked his cock for its semen. Hot liquid spews from the tip as wave after wave of semen flowed through Hinata's asshole, slowly filling the Hyuuga heir's backside. The pleasure proved too much for Hinata though, because her pale eyes rolled into her head and passed out. This didn't stop Danzo however and the Hokage grunted as he kept pumping virile cum into the unconscious kunoichi's ass.

After 2 minutes went by, Danzo gave a sigh of relief and pulled his cock out with a pop, watching the tiny hole quickly pucker to prevent his cum from spilling out. "Hope this taught you a lesson, Hyuuga. If not we may have to continue this again and again." He instructed before leaving Hinata alone, letting her rest before releasing her back.