Lewd Island of Giant Insects Pt. V (Kyochuu Rettou)

Featuring: Kamijo Atsushi and Suzuki Kayo

"Oh god, yes! Fuck me harder!" A nude Suzuki Kayo moaned loudly as she rides the thick, 12-inch cock of an equally nude and amused Kamijo Atsushi, who's on the ground with leaves at his back as the female bounced her body up and down. Blood seeping out indicates the loss of her virginity, yet the feeling of his cock stretching her out brought euphoria as her eyes had love shaped pupils.

"Don't need you to tell me bitch, I'm loving it!" Kamijo laughed as his hands moved to Suzuki's ass and thrusted her down while his cock thrusts up. The girl's E-cup breasts jiggling with each movement only fueled Kamijo's lust as he went with a hard and fast pace as the two made love in the bug-infested forest. He then inserted a finger into her asshole, making her squeal.

"S-Stop! Not in there! This is my first time!" Suzuki cried out as her pussy gets tighter from having her backside poked. Yet he ignored her pleas and resumed his actions. Normal people would've called them crazy for fucking in a dangerous area, but Kamijo is confident the smoke from the fire near them would cover their scent and the cold winds would divert the smell.

After the group went back to the harbor where Ryoko and Pops arrived with other coast guards, they were shocked horrified to see that not only were the patrol boats destroyed, but the giant centipede that killed all those patrol guards had encircled the last surviving patrol boat tightly. Oribe, who's a professional at bugs, deduced the gunpowder inside the ship emitted a scent akin to pheromones when its mating season. She instructed everyone to find a large population of smaller centipedes and kill them amass, as the scent would make a similar smell to lure the giant centipede away from the boat.

However, with Kamijo injured from a tiger beetle attack and Suzuki having survivor's guilt and and convinced she'll only slow everybody down, the group decided to let them rest while they go out. However, as Suzuki gathered wood to make fire, Kamijo attacked her out of nowhere, going a bit insane and declared that he'll kill everyone once they escaped the island. But not before forcing Suzuki to give him a blowjob in exchange for sparing her. Leading to their current situation.

"I'm about to cum!" Suzuki gasped as she felt the pit of her stomach heating up as she rides Kamijo's cock, her hands reaching for her own tits and began to fondle them. "Same here." Kamijo grunted as he felt his cock twitching while thrusting up to meet her hips. Eventually, the two students screamed out in ecstasy as they came together.

Kamijo's cock swells up inside her pussy as it spews hot semen into her and painted Suzuki's vaginal walls white. Suzuki's head spun from the feeling as she shrieks in pleasure. Her pussy clamping down and milking Kamijo's cock for all its worth. The heat inside her was so intense, only the cold air from the island's winds kept her from passing out.

"Fuuuuck!" Kamijo groaned as his hands dig deep into Suzuki's ass as he kept pumping her pussy full of semen. Soon, not even his thick cock would plug it all in and cum leaked around her pussy and drips down on the cold ground. Minutes went by before things had calmed down. The brunette girl fell to her side, detaching from his cock with a pop as she laid there panting. More cum leaks out. However, Kamijo is still hard and and far from done with Suzuki.

"Get on your hands and knees." Kamijo demand and slapped her ass, watching in delight from Suzuki yelping as her buttcheeks shake from the impact. Nonetheless, the girl obey and presented her ass to him. Licking his lips and getting up, Kamijo got behind Suzuki and slap her ass again several times, enjoying the sounds Suzuki made.

"Let me feel how tight your ass is." Kamijo's hands gripped her waist and with one movement, shoved his entire length into Suzuki's ass. She gave a loud yell from having her asshole entered for the first time. Kamijo didn't have mercy though and began thrusting into her ass repeatedly whilst grabbing a fistful of hair. "OOOH~!" Suzuki's eyes rolled into her head as his cock impales her pussy multiple time as she rocked her hips back to meet his own, creating a rhythm as she's rutted from behind.

"So you like pain huh? Fucking masochist bitch." Kamijo laugh as he pulls on Suzuki's hair while using spanking the girl. She squeals in pain and pleasure as her tormentor kept hitting her buttcheeks until they sting from the soreness and leaving red handprints behind. Sweat dripped from their bodies and unto the ground as the sounds of ecstasy reverberates within the forest. Her tongue hangs out from her mouth as she drools from the experience.

Soon, the efforts paid off as Kamijo reached his end. "Cumming!" He groaned and sheathed himself in Suzuki's ass before exploding. Suzuki shrieks as her ass became under fire from hot semen bursting inside her and filling her second hole. Kamijo kept held her hair tightly as he creampies Suzuki's ass, their bodies shaking from the intense orgasm. Finally, Kamijo sighed as released her hair as she flops forward. This time, the cum stays inside the puckered hole as it closed quickly when his cock pops out.

However, they're still not done. Kamijo sat upright and his legs spread as Suzuki sucks on his cum-covered cock, using her F-cup breasts to smother his length as she bops her head up and down. "Hmmm." Suzuki hummed as she slurps the semen and her love juice from his cock as Kamijo groaned from the blowjob and tit job. "Keep sucking." He praised, combing his fingers through Suzuki's hair as she works on his cock. Saliva replacing cum and juices as she swirls her tongue around the base of the shaft as she serviced him. Her tits smothered in cum provided lubrication as she easily moved them up and down, letting Kamijo feel the softness of her breasts.

Suzuki kept sucking Kamijo for 2 full minutes before she felt his cock twitching in her mouth and deepthroat so that he came in her mouth. Kamijo tensed up and held Suzuki's hair, gritting his teeth as he came. Cum spews out from the tip and filled Suzuki's mouth and throat to the brim. Some manage to leak out of her mouth and spills on her breasts, but Suzuki swallowed each load with audible gulps. After the last batch of cum had been deposited, Kamijo sighs as he detaches his cock from her lips with a loud pop, deflated and out of energy.

Suzuki gulps down the final one before licking her lips to eat the cum around her mouth. Exhausted, Suzuki laid on top of Kamijo as the two basked in the aftermath of their sex.

Unfortunately, they were unaware that the fire had died out and, without the smoke to cover their scent, alerted two botflies to their location which sealed their fate.