Sexual Encounters in a Grimm World Pt. I (RWBY)

Featuring: Futanari Cinder Fall and Raven Branwen

The battle between two Maidens beneath Haven Academy for the Haven Fault had gone very differently in two timelines. In the original timeline, Cinder deflects a shot fired by a fatally injured Vernal, but the distraction costed her as Raven jumps and knocks Cinder back with a spell, breaking her mask and sending her over the edge, where her body is encase in ice as she plunges down into the abyss, giving Raven the victory.

However, in another timeline, it was an entirely different scenario. Cinder deflects the bullet with her Grimm arm with Raven jumps in to attack in canon. However, Cinder hurls a powerful fireball and launches it at the Spring Maiden, hitting her directly in the stomach. "AGH!" Raven cried out in pain as the fiery sphere exploded, breaking her Aura and knocking her down on the ground.

Forming a fiery spear in her hand, Cinder spun on her heels and throws it at downed Vernal, piercing her head with the tip exiting the back as blood. Vernal dropped dead with blood gushing out from both exit wounds. Her eyes wide and etched in shock as her distraction failed and payed the price with her life.

The Fall Maiden fell to one knee as she tried to catch her breath. Soon, Cinder stands up and began to laugh, reveling in the fact she had bested Raven despite the bandit leader's superior skill and experience. Cinder walks over to the defeated Branwen. Raven, having enough energy despite her depleted Aura, reached for her sword and swung the blade. But Cinder grabs it with her Grimm arm and, since it's not a Dust covered one, shatters it.

Cinder knocks the useless weapon away from Raven's hand and lifts the Spring Maiden up by the throat with her human hand. "Look at you Branwen. All alone and without your precious subordinate to help you out." She mocked the bandit leader, gesturing to the dead Vernal.

"You'll pay for this!" Raven snarls as she weakly tries to escape Cinder's grip, but it proved fruitless. "What are you waiting for, you coward? Kill me now and be done with it!" She spat out.

Cinder is more than ready to kill Raven and take the Spring Maiden powers. But then she thought about something. Looking at her Grimm arm beside her, Cinder had an idea. "Oh I will take your powers, Raven. However, I have another use for you alive." She smirks at Raven. "But I need to make you a willing participant."

Then, she grabs Raven's face with her Grimm arm and began injecting something into Raven's head through her fingers. "AAAAAAAH!" Raven gave a loud scream echoing as she felt something being pumped into her head. She struggled in Cinder's grasp as the Fall Maiden injected parasitic Grimm into her brain. Within 10 seconds, Raven's struggle ceased and her arms slacked to the side as she stopped resisting. Cinder drops the bandit leader to the ground and looked at her eyes. Raven's eyes had gone completely blank, the Grimm had done its job inside her.

"Good. Now for the main event." Cinder cooed as she snapped her fingers and burned both their clothes away, leaving them exposed. Cinder had a sexy model body despite her scarred face and Grimm arm, while Raven's was that of a hourglass figure, fitting for a MILF. Cinder had an impressive D-cup breasts, but Raven's G-up tits looked divine.

Sticking two of her Grimm fingers into her snatch, Cinder groaned as she injected the same parasitic inside her and retracting them as something began to form. She then yelled as she thrusts her hips forward and a huge, 12-inch black cock with red veins appeared, complete with two balls beneath.

"Suck on it you bitch." Cinder commanded tot eh brainwashed Raven, pointing down to her Grimm cock. The Spring Maiden obeyed, opening her mouth and took the appendage inside, taking all inches within. Cinder moaned the warmth of Raven's mouth, the sensitivity of her new cock nearly made her cum, but she held it in and with both hands on the side of her face, she began to face fuck Raven.

"Hurk!" Raven made gagging noises as Cinder shoved her cock back and forth in Raven's mouth, pulling her head back only to reel it in while thrusting her appendage in as to create. Had Raven been in control, she would've been disgusted and fought in defiance. But with the parasitic Grimm messing with her brain, she can only take the Grimm cock emotionlessly as her tormentor kept ramming it into her mouth and down her throat, making choking noises but ultimately no resisting.

Saliva coated the Grimm cock as Cinder continued to face fuck the bandit leader. Her tongue hanging out as the sensitive shaft feels so good with in her victim's mouth. The way the submissive female sucked on her cock sent shivers down her spine as she rammed her shaft down her throat. But good things must come to an end as Cinder reached her limit. She went deep as she can inside Raven's throat, her balls slapping her chin as she came inside.

Raven's cheeks bulged out as huge black torrents of Grimm semen spills out from the tip and flooded her oral orifice, filling every crevice of her mouth.. Nevertheless, she managed to robotically took big gulps in an attempt to avoid drowning from the Grimm semen while using her tongue to clean the Grimm cock. Audible gulps rang in Cinder's ears as Raven swallowed all of her essence down to the last drop.

"Hm, for a ruthless leader, you know your way around cocks." Cinder sneered as she takes her Grimm cock out and slaps Raven's face again. The blank eyes shows that she'd still under the Grimm influence Cinder injected. Cinder then pushed Raven down on her back and knelt down to Raven's pussy, amused that she was wet despite being completely emotionless.

She grabbed her Grimm cock and slapped it several times, earning a moan from Raven. "Ha, so you're eager for a pounding." Cinder laughed as she aligned her appendage to the entrance, her hand on Raven's sides. "Very well then, allow me to fuck your pussy until it's red!" She spears her cock through the Spring Maiden's pussy, sheathing her shaft completely. Cinder and Raven screamed out in pleasure as their genitals connected.

The brainwashed Raven barely has time to adjust before Cinder spreads her legs and began rutting her victim in a hard and fast pace. Raven's moans and cries are music to the Fall Maiden's ears as she raped the bandit leader. Her hands reached up and squeezed her G-cup breasts. "Hm, such a big pair of tits you got here." Cinder leans down and began sucking on it, making Raven's moans louder as she was not only having her pussy penetrated, but her tits manhandled by Salem's subordinate.

Her pussy clenches around the Grimm cock violating it as Cinder assault her MILF-size breasts with her rough hands. The once proud Branwen tribe leader squirmed and twitched under the Fall Maiden as she is pounded again and again, all while she was mind controlled by a parasitic Grimm implanted in her brain. Her legs wrapping around Cinder's legs and locked it to prevent her from pulling out, not that Cinder had intentions.

Soon, Cinder moans into Raven's nipple as she sheathed her cock deep into Raven and came explosively inside. The Spring Maiden screamed in ecstasy as her pussy is creampied by the Fall Maiden, the warm Grimm semen spilling from the tip and filling her vaginal caverns. It wasn't potent enough to impregnate but still brought pleasure to both women as they came. Black liquid leaks around the Grimm cock as Cinder pumped her victim more and more, causing a black pool of puddle beneath Raven's ass.

After the last batch is deposited, Cinder fell on top of Raven's breasts as they panted in exhaustion, the former feeling smug and satisfied as she'd fucked the Spring Maiden. However, her cock remains hard inside Raven. She then gave a lustful smirk as she looks up to Raven. After a full minute of resting, Raven began screaming anew, on her knees as Cinder spread her asshole with her Grimm cock and began pounded away. Her human arm pulling on the Branwen's hair with the Grimm one squeezing her G-cup breasts.

"Fuck, you're a tight one back here." Cinder groaned as she rams her Grimm cock into the defeated and brainwashed Raven as she spreads her anal walls to the fullest as she enjoyed the tightness of her asshole. Raven's only response is a throaty moan as she was taken from behind. Her G-cup breasts squeezed painfully by the Fall Maiden's Grimm arm as the nails dug into the flesh.

Cinder's measly D-cup breasts squished against Raven's back, feeling her own nipples harden as she fucked the bandit leader. Sweat pouring their bodies as they went it for minutes with flesh slapping flesh echoing beneath Haven Academy. Eventually, both females reached their peaks and came simultaneously. They cried out in pleasure as Raven's asshole clenched around the Grimm cock which forces to spew black cum in her asshole.

Raven's eyes rolled into her head as Grimm semen swims around in her anal walls as Cinder pumped her full of it, pulling on her hair and squeezing her breast hard as Cinder rolled her hips to prolong the orgasm. The climax reached a mindboggling 2 minutes before Cinder's cock stopped. She released her grasp on the bandit's hair and breast and let her body fall face first.

She pulled her cock out with a soft pop. Some Grimm semen leaked out of the tiny hole but many stayed inside Raven's asshole as it quickly puckered up. Looking at her limp cock, Cinder licked her lips. She can't wait to fuck Raven again after obtaining the Relic of Knowledge from the Haven Vault.