
However, It seemed as if Fukasaku and Naruto were arguing about something but Rey knew that Naruto would be the winner, after all he had the world's most dangerous jutsu ' The Talk No JUTSU'. And as Rey expected after losing that little exchange, Fukasaku approached him.

Rey didn't hesitate to bow as a show of respect, causing Fukasaku to get a good first impression of him.



" What's your name?" Fukasaku asked while curiously looking at Rey.

" My name is Rey, Elder." Rey replied respectfully, trying to create a good impression on the great sage toad. Although it may not seem important, Rey knew it could be the deal maker or the deal breaker.

" So, Rey boy, can you try to absorb nature energy once again?" Fukasaku asked, to which Rey replied.

" Sure, Elder. " Saying that he immediately sat in a meditative position and closed his eyes to focus.

Once again the nature energy started moving towards him, getting absorbed in his body.

Fukasaku soon stopped the process as he confirmed Rey absorbing nature energy.

Standing up, Rey waited for Fukasaku to say something.

" There are two options in front of you.

One is to stop absorbing nature energy and you won't need to worry about turning into a stone.

Another is to learn how to control the nature energy and become a sage. "



Fukasaku stopped as he let everyone digest his words and then continued.

" The first option is the safest, but it will also prevent you from using this magnificent energy that could make you tremendously stronger.

The second option will have the risk of you turning into a stone until you learn to control it perfectly.

If you wait for a few years until you reach the appropriate chakra level required to learn the sage mode, you will have better chances of success.

However if you try to learn it now, I don't think you will succeed as you don't fulfill the basic requirement of having a large chakra reserve."

" However your being able to sense and absorb nature energy on your own is a feat that I have never heard of and not to mention at such an young age. So, I am not entirely sure if you can do it or not."



Tenten initially wanted to tell Rey to choose the first option but just as she was about to open her mouth, something inside her seemed to stop her. She had experienced how important it was to be strong, during the fourth great ninja war, she felt that if she was stronger, she could have prevented Neji from dying and this forced her to say

" It's your choice, Rey. I will accept whatever you decide. "

When she said that, her heart clenched but she still held onto her resolve of not letting her feelings get in the way of Rey's future.

Hearing Tenten words, Rey was surprised, he had predicted that he would need to convince her to let him go, but her words made it really easy for him.

" Thanks mom." Rey said and then acted as if he was thinking really hard about it, but in reality he was preparing himself for the upcoming questions.

" I want to learn it now." Rey said as a look of determination appeared in his eyes.



Fukasaku looked at Rey and asked.

" Then tell me why do you want to get stronger? "

Rey smiled inwardly upon hearing this question as he had already predicted something like this would happen, so he had prepared an answer beforehand.

" Thanks to the efforts of the previous generations, all the villages are at peace, but we never know when danger once again appears on our doorstep. If that time comes, I want to be strong enough to protect the people that I care about. " Rey said with unbending determination visible in his eyes.

Fukasaku continued to look at Rey for a moment as if trying to see through his soul, but seeing Rey not backing away, he turned to look at Shima, who nodded towards him.

" As you wish, Do you want to train under me and learn to control the nature energy at the land of toads. Although I can't promise your success but I can promise you that I will not allow you to turn into a stone on my watch." Fukasaku asked seriously while looking at Rey, waiting for him to answer.

" It would be an honor." Rey said politely, causing the couple to nod at his respectful conduct.



Fukasaku then took out a summoning contract and asked Rey to form a contract with a toad from Mount Myoboku. It was necessary for Rey to have a toad as his summon if he wanted to learn from them.

Rey nodded and did as he was told, doing the hand signs, he performed the summoning jutsu.

" Summoning jutsu " Rey said after he bit his thumb and pressed his five fingers on the ground.

Rey used almost all of his chakra as he knew the amount the chakra would determine how large his summoned toad would be. He also knew that the first summon would be his personal summon just like Gamakichi for Naruto and he didn't want a small toad as his personal summon.

What followed was a huge poof of smoke, although not as big as Gamakichi's but still big nonetheless. As the smoke disappeared, a giant magenta-coloured toad with black markings on his face, arms, and legs with horn like protrusions on his head appeared on the training center.

He wore a black kimono with a white sash and mesh armour underneath. He had a sakazuki-like  shield wrapped around his back and his sasumata in his hand.

He was the exactly like one of the toads which Naruto summoned during pain's invasion.



Apparently he was 'Gamaki' the son of 'Gamaken ' who helped Naruto during his fight with pain.

Gamaki just like his father...