Training at Mount Myoboku

Apparently he was 'Gamaki' the son of 'Gamaken ' who helped Naruto during his fight with pain.

Gamaki just like his father was very modest and upon asking If he was willing to become Rey's personal summon, answered ' I will try my best'. Rey was also satisfied with him as he had seen Gamaken's fighting abilities in the anime, he was able to hold his own against several summons of pain, giving Jiraya enough time to prepare his attack during his fight with pain.

Although Gamaki was not as big as Gamakichi but Rey knew that he probably would grow more as his father Gamaken was as big as Gamabunta ( the biggest toad in the land of toads ).



" It's time to go back." Fukasaku said, indicating Rey to say his goodbyes to his family.

Getting the hint, Rey turned toward Tenten, who came closer and hugged him.

" Take care of yourself." Tenten said as she released him from the hug.

" You too." Rey said and then turned toward Naruto.

" Thank-you Lord Seventh for all the help. " Rey said as he bowed while laughing at his success inside.

Naruto came closer to Rey and patted him on the shoulder as he said

" Good luck, I know you can do it. "

Rey nodded in response and expressed.

" Lord Seventh, can you please tell me the date of the chunin exam?"

" It's 10 days from now, don't worry I will call you if you don't come back till then." Naruto said, understanding Rey's worries.

" Thank you and please notify Hanabi sensei about my absence. " Rey requested, making Naruto nod in response.

Rey then moved to the center where Fukasaku and the other toads were waiting and nodded.

Fukasaku then used his jutsu to re summon all of the toads and Rey to Mount Myoboku.



Rey appeared in the land of toads, where the vast greenery contained mushrooms as big as Gamakichi along with statues of the ancestor toads.

" Welcome to the land of toads." Fukasaku said as he looked at Rey.

Rey nodded and said

" Thanks for having me, Elders. "

" Are you hungry?" Fukasaku said, causing Rey's eyes to widen as he remembered a scene of the anime where Naruto trained in the land of toad. He remembered Naruto eating some weird soup, worms and caterpillars as there was no other food in the land of toads.

Rey's heart sank as he cursed himself.

' Fucckkk, why did I forget such an important thing. '

" No, elder. I already ate breakfast. " Rey quickly said, trying to delay the worms for as long as possible.

Fukasaku nodded and said

" Okay, then let's start your training. "



For the next 10 days, Rey continued to train under Fukasaku's guidance. His day would start with eating worms and caterpillars, followed by training in the special toad oil to increase his perception of nature energy even more, eating more caterpillars and worms in the lunch, followed by more training and finally eating more caterpillars and worms in dinner, before going to bed.

Rey did all the training that Naruto did while learning sage jutsu, he was also beaten up by Fukasaku with a baton whenever he was about to turn into a frog but it was far lesser that the times Naruto got hit. With each day, Rey's ability to sense Nature Energy and control it became better and better.

Although he didn't have shadow clones like Naruto to help him, the Nature Energy Control skill helped him a lot.

He also practiced other jutsus and ninja tools like shuriken, kunai and even wired ninja tools in the night for a few hours to get the hang of them.

He discovered that the new Chakra Control Skill helped him a lot as he didn't even waste a small amount of chakra while performing jutsus, he could also make his jutsus stronger without losing control.

Like, his lightning bolt jutsu made small blue colored lightning bolts previously, but now he could make big purple lightning bolts, obviously it would take more chakra to make them.

Rey also spent some time with Gamaki to further deepen his bond with his summon, he learnt a few things about Gamaki as unlike other toads who spent their time just eating and resting, Gamaki spent his majority of time training. Just like his father Gamaken, Gamaki always tried to become better and stronger.



On the 4th day of training, Rey was able to enter sage mode, but only for about 10 seconds, leaving him confused.

Noticing that, Fukasaku told him that his body was not powerful enough to hold that state for a long period of time.

The other reason was he didn't have a large chakra pool like Naruto and that's why his senjutsu chakra would empty out faster.

Rey didn't let that disappoint him as he knew both these problems were solvable.

He then continued to practice until his chakra ran out and then he would wait for it to be refilled, only to do the same again.

Although it was stressful, his body became stronger than before and his chakra capacity also increased alongside needing less time to enter sage mode.



[ A/N: Make sure to check out the images of the characters in the auxiliary chapter and post other images if you have better one.

Ty ]