The real question

" I don't know. I didn't even know there was a fifth volume. " Namida said as her eyes watered a little.

Rey and Wasabi both were shocked to hear that and knew that if a studious girl like Namida hadn't heard of this, they surely would know the answer.

" What do we do now?" Wasabi said, feeling somewhat panicked.

Rey looked at the other students and found them also expressing the same concern.

' No one knew about the fifth volume. ' Rey thought after he observed a few other participants.

' The question is also too weird for chunin exam, there shouldn't be any reason to check theory knowledge."

As Rey continued thinking about the situation, he soon arrived at a possible outcome.

' This is not the real question, just like when Naruto participated in the chunin exam, he didn't even write anything in the exam but still managed to pass as the real motive was to check whether they trusted each other or not.

Yes, there must be another motive behind the question. '



" Rey, don't you have anything to say? " Wasabi asked in a angry voice, clearly not letting the previous matter go.

Rey didn't answer and looked at a certain individual.

' Even if I am wrong, its safer to go with the protagonist's plot armor. ' Rey thought as he looked at Boruto and saw him going to the ' Yes ' option along with Sarada and Mitsuki.

" Let's go, I know the answer. " Rey said as he looked at Namida and Wasabi.

" Are you sure? " Wasabi asked, eyeing him to see if he was lying or not.

Rey nodded and then moved towards the ' Yes ' option, followed by Namida and Wasabi.



" I see you've all decided.

Those of you who are incorrect, that is, who err.. will turn black and not be able to advance. " Sai said.

'Turn black?' Rey thought inwardly but couldn't find what he meant.

" The answer is " Sai said as he raised his hand and everyone looked at the screen for the answer.

" Stay alert. " Rey said to his group as he become alert, feeling certain that something was about to happen.

" Why? " Wasabi asked in confusion while Namida also looked at Rey in confusion.

Suddenly the screen displayed ' Yes' and 'No' both options and the ground beneath the two groups of participants vanished.

" WAAAH! " The participants shouted as they started falling downward.

Being alert, Rey immediately understood the situation as soon as he looked at the black pool beneath him.



Taking out two wired kunai from his scroll and threw them with all his strength towards the earth wall.

Rey noticed Wasabi and Namida both had their eyes closed and were falling straight toward the ink pool.

Instantly he wrapped his left hand around Namida waist and grabbed Wasabi by interlocking his legs around her.

Both the Kunais got embedded into the wall, making them come to a abrupt stop.

" Argh " Rey groaned in pain as the wires tightened to a painful degree around his right palm.

Sensing themselves coming to a stop, both Wasabi and Namida opened their eyes and looked at the person holding them.

" Rey! " They shouted, seeing the painful expression on his face and also a small amount of blood dripping down his right hand.

Wasabi and Namida immediately used their own kunais to support themselves, making Rey able to switch his hand and let out a sigh of relief.



Wasabi and Namida both surrounded Rey as soon as they got up to the ground.

" I am sorry " Namida said as tears fell from her eyes, while Wasabi grabbed Rey's hand gently, looking how badly he was hurt.

Rey was smiling to see two beauties acting concerned for him, Namida he could understand, but was surprised to see Wasabi's wet eyes.

' She acts tough but is actually just a cute girl inside.'

Rey moved his other hand to Namida's head and patted her gently as he said.

" It's just a small injury, it will heal in no time."

Namida looked at him with tearful eyes and muttered.

" R-Really? "

Not wanting to see a cute beauty cry again, Rey immediately said.

" Yes and it doesn't even hurt. "

He then continued to pat her gently as Namida didn't stop him and just looked down in embarrassment, but what he didn't notice was the gaze that was fixed on Namida.



Soon a nearby medical-nin came to Rey and healed the small wound on his hand, making Namida and Wasabi to become much more relaxed.

After that all the participants who managed to prevent themselves from falling into the pool of ink, stood up in the front while those who fell into the pool sat behind.

" Those who lacked courage simply accepted the impending pool of ink.

You made the wrong choice and allowed yourselves to fall in. You are not qualified to become Chunin!

The real decision in the first round is the split-second one you make when cornered.

Do you give up or not give up?

Those of you who didn't fall into the pool of ink are correct! And with that, Round one of chunin exam is concluded! "

Those who passed started cheering as soon as the Sai finished his speech.




Shout-out to my patrons for their support.


Bert Torres

omar amurrio

Daemon Lee

max alvarado

dorian wilson

Jose Cintron

Peter Kraushuber

Darth Bane

Jacob Durbin


I really can't thank you guys enough.