Hanabi hyuga

The real decision in the first round is the split-second one you make when cornered.

Do you give up or not give up?

Those of you who didn't fall into the pool of ink are correct! And with that, Round one of chunin exam is concluded! "

Those who passed started cheering as soon as the Sai finished his speech.



" T-Thankyou, Rey " Namida said as their whole team was making its way towards the usual training spot to inform their teacher, Hanabi, about the results.

Rey looked at Namida and found her looking at the ground with a red face.

' Such a cutie.' Rey thought as his desire to take her for himself became even stronger.

" There is no need to say thanks between us but you can always treat me to some food. " Rey said as he leaned his face closer to hers.

Namida became startled and came to an abrupt stop, it took her a moment to realize what had happened and her face reddened in embarrassment once she realized.

' H-He is too c-close. ' Namida thought.



" So what do you say? " Rey asked, getting even closer, making the distance between their lips only a few inches.

Namida's heart started beating faster and faster with each passing second, she wanted to look away and break the eye contact between them, but couldn't. The memory of Rey saving her previously, even getting injured in return flashed in her mind, making her continue to stare in his eyes.

Wasabi who was looking at all that couldn't endure it anymore and shouted.

" Heyy!!

We have to go otherwise we will be late."

Saying that she started walking forward while pouting.

' Interesting. ' Rey thought as he observed the unusual behavior of Wasabi.

" Let's go." Rey said and Namida nodded slightly as she started walking behind him.



Soon they reached their usual meeting place where Hanabi was already waiting for them, she was standing under a tree with her eyes closed.

Hanabi was a tall woman with brown hair styled in a long loose ponytail that reached her knees. She also had a bang that framed her face from the middle to the left side.

She wore a long yellow kimono with a white obi.

Even with her kimono, Rey could see the outline of her ass and boobs, making his throat dry. Hanabi had trained since her childhood, resulting in the formation of a body that every girl was jealous of.

Trying not to stare for too long, he averted his gaze from her body to her face. Hanabi's face was just as beautiful as her body, making her worthy of being a hyuga heiress.

' Gosh, It's hard to control myself with all these beautiful women around me. ' Rey said inwardly, he had already decided to take all these women as his own when he first arrived in that world and seeing them face to face made his desire to conquer them even stronger.

But he knew he had to wait, he had no way of getting into Hanabi's pants for now, but he was sure that would change sooner.



" So, you have returned, Rey. " Hanabi said as she opened her eyes.

Rey, Namida and Wasabi bowed to greet their teacher as always and then stood in front of her.

" Yes, Sensei " Rey answered, to which Hanabi nodded and asked.

" Good, So how did you all performed in the first round. "

Namida looked down while Wasabi averted her gaze upon hearing the question.

" We did alright and managed to make it to the second round. " Rey answered.

Hanabi noticed the changes in Rey, he appeared to be more confident and less conserved.

' It's good that he's starting to actually act like the leader of the team. ' Hanabi thought, happy with the changes in his behavior.

The previous Rey was the leader of the group, as Namida was too indecisive and soft, while Wasabi was too impatient and wild, leaving the team leader position to Rey. But Rey also didn't do much as a team leader and only did the bare minimum of what was needed.



Hanabi also noticed the changes in Namida and Wasabi's expression and quickly realized that something was off.

" Namida, tell me what happened?" Hanabi said looking straight at Namida.

Under the strong gaze of her teacher, Namida told her everything, including how they got scared and closed their eyes and how Rey got injured while saving them.

" Rey, Are you alright now?" Hanabi asked after she finished listening to Namida while looking towards his hand, but finding it without any visible injuries, she relaxed.

" Yes, Sensei. " After getting Rey's answer, Hanabi nodded and then her expression became strict.

" Sometimes you have to just trust your teammates without questioning them. If you had become alert when Rey told you, you would be able to pass the test on your own. "

Hanabi said while looking at Namida and Wasabi, who could only lower their heads in response.

Seeing their wet eyes, Hanabi's expression softened a little and she took a deep breath before saying.

" Although it is not wrong to depend on your team mates, you should learn to trust them a bit more.


Both Namida and Wasabi quickly nodded their heads repeatedly in response, trying not to anger their teacher even more.