It's time to start the plan

" Although it is not wrong to depend on your team mates, you should learn to trust them a bit more.


Both Namida and Wasabi quickly nodded their heads repeatedly in response, trying not to anger their teacher even more.



After a few more minutes of talking, Hanabi dismissed the meeting, telling them to rest as their second round for the chunin exam was on the next day.

As Rey was walking to his house, he opened his profile to check what he needed to focus on next.

[ Name: Rey

Age: 12

Status: Genin

Title: Impaler (expand)

Body strength: Elite Genin

Chakra Capacity: Chunin

Special Abilities: Chakra control (expand), Nature Energy control (expand), Secrecy (expand), Dream Implant (expand), Absolute obedience (expand), Senjutsu.

Ninjutsu: Basic clone jutsu (expand), Lightning bolt technique (expand), Current Transfer Skill (expand), Burst technique (expand) etc.

Fuinjutsu: Basic scroll storage. ]

' There is an increase in body strength and chakra capacity.


I guess all I can do for now is to keep practicing, may be learn a few good jutsus like shadow clone, chidori and Rasengan while mainly focusing on training Tenten to become an appropriate main wife. '

Rey thought and his dick twitched slightly to show it's agreement.



Rey reached his home and as he expected, it was empty, Tenten was at her shop and would return around dinner time.

As Rey laid down on his bed, he started thinking about how to proceed with Tenten. With his Dream Implant ability, he could think of many different ways to subdue her but he needed to know some things before deciding which was the best method.

He knew that even though Tenten appeared to be happy, in reality she was not. All her friends were busy with their own life, only meeting her occasionally. Her still being single even after all her friends got married was also a big lead, after thinking for a while about this matter, Rey recalled Tenten's infinite tsukuyomi dream and her reaction after Neji's death.

Although it could be seen that she was hurt badly by Neji's death, it was not the reaction of a girl madly in love, who was willing to live all her life in solitude after her lover's death. Even in her infinite tsukuyomi dream, there weren't any romantic feelings displayed towards Neji.

Although most people thought Tenten loved Neji but it was never announced to be official, making Rey dismiss that option.



' It's more likely that she is somehow punishing herself for not being able to save Neji. ' Rey reached this conclusion after thinking for a long time, he recalled that it was written in Neji's diary that he was also helping Tenten to deal with her depression.

' She most probably blame herself for not being able to help Neji even though he had helped her many times. ' To Rey, this conclusion sounded more possible.

' I still need to be sure. ' Rey thought as he looked at clock.

' Still two hours before Tenten arrives. I should probably get some sleep. ' Rey thought and then went to sleep, he knew it was better to rest now, as he planned to start his plan during the night.



" Rey " Waking up by the sound of Tenten calling his name as soon as she entered the house, Rey answered.

" Yes, mom. "

Soon Tenten entered his room with a beautiful smile on her face.

" Hey, Mom." Rey said as he got up from the bed.

Tenten walked upto Rey and took him in her arms. After a few minutes of familial reunion, Tenten exited his room to take a bath and prepare dinner.

While having dinner, Rey started telling her about his training and about the first round of chunin exam. Tenten was surprised by him being so talkative but was happy that he was finally able to share his feelings. She even praised herself for letting Rey leave as not only did it make him stronger, it also made him more confident.

Tenten also told Rey about how she passed those 10 days in loneliness, making Rey say that he also missed her.

That was not entirely false, he really missed the view of her voluptuous ass.



Both of them went to their respective rooms as Tenten was too tired and was dozing off in between their conversation, making Rey suggest it was time to sleep.

After entering his room, Rey sat on his bed in meditative position and started absorbing nature energy, he knew he had to wait until Tenten was asleep and he didn't want to waste his free time.

He continued entering and exiting sage mode to get his body used to it, trying to reduce the time required to enter it. Rey now needed almost 15 seconds to enter sage mode and it was because of his low chakra capacity and Nature control skill that he was able to do that.

Rey knew that it would take far longer once he had chakra equal to a Jonin or higher and that's why he was trying to increase his speed of absorbing nature energy whenever he got the time.

Rey finally got up after almost half an hour of training as his body was starting to feel heavy and he didn't want to be fatigued during his second round of chunin exam the next day.

' It's time to start the plan. ' Rey thought as he made his way towards Tenten's room.