A woman?

" W-What is this place, even though it looks like my house, it's not." Tenten asked as she looked towards Tenten no.2 with caution.

Tenten no.2 smiled and said.

" It's your subconscious, just think of it as a place where all your true emotions, desires and thoughts resides. "

Tenten's eyes narrowed as she continued to eye Tenten no.2, Obviously not buying her weird talk.

" It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, Just answer me,

' Why are you doing this to yourself, to us?' "

Tenten no.2 said as she clenched her fists and looked at Tenten in seriousness.

" Doing what? " Tenten asked while still maintaining caution.



" Do you really think Neji would be happy to see you in this state? " Tenten no.2 said as she took a step toward Tenten.

Tenten eyes trembled and she retreated a step back involuntarily upon hearing Tenten no.2's words.

" W-What nonsense a-are you saying? " Tenten said nervously.

" You know damn well what I am talking about.

Do you really think your little facade will work on me, on yourself? " Tenten no.2 rebuked as she took another step forward, causing Tenten to take one step back.

" Just what are you trying to prove by punishing yourself, ourselves like this? " Tenten no.2 said, taking another step forward.

" Do you think Neji would be able to rest in the pure world, knowing his friend is punishing herself because of him? "

" Do you think so low of Neji that he would want you to live all your life in loneliness and pain? "

" How dare you cause suffering to Neji even after his death? "

" Why can't you let him rest in peace? "

" Hasn't he already suffered enough while living, that you are now causing him pain even after his death? "

Tenten no.2 said angrily as she stood in front of Tenten, who had her back against the wall as tears flowed out her eyes.



" I- I am s-sorry. "

" I am sorry. "

" I am sorry. " Tenten kept repeating that as she dropped on the floor and covered her face with her hands as if not able to withstand the harsh but true words of Tenten no.2.

Rey knew that his plan was working better than expected and continued to press onto her.

" Do you think saying sorry would fix everything? "

" What about the years of pain and loneliness that I suffered, that we suffered because of your foolishness. "

" What about the pain you have put Neji through? "

" Do you think a sorry would be sufficient? " Tenten no.2 shouted in anger as grabbed Tenten's both hand.



Removing both the hands covering Tenten's face, Tenten no.2 said.

" Look into my eyes and answer."

" I-I am s-sorry "

"I-I am sorry. " Tenten however closed her eyes and continued apologizing.

Rey knew his plan wouldn't have pushed Tenten this much on the first time unless Tenten already had these doubts inside her mind. And he was right, Tenten asked the question ' Am I doing the right thing? ' to herself again and again each day and deep down she knew the answer, but didn't want to accept the all those years of pain and suffering were for nothing.

However when confronted by Rey's ruthless but true questions, she couldn't keep her fake beliefs from crumbling and what was left behind was an even greater guilt for harming not only herself but also Neji because of her foolishness.



Seeing Tenten crying like that Rey knew she was at her most vulnerable state and decided to give her the final blow.

" What about the pain you inflicted onto Rey because of your foolishness. " Tenten no.2 said but this time instead of anger, her voice contained sorrow.

Tenten's eyes opened wide as her body trembled.

" W-What are y-you s-saying? " Tenten asked in disbelief, not knowing how her actions had hurt Rey.

" You were so in your own bubble that even after noticing, you didn't realize what was going on. " Tenten no.2 said, causing Tenten to feel even more anxious.

" Do you think Rey doesn't know that you, that we are not his biological mother? "

" W-What? " Tenten muttered as fear gripped her heart.



" Not only that, Are you sure he sees us as a mother and not as a woman? " Tenten no.2 dropped another bomb, causing Tenten to be stunned.

' A woman?' It took Tenten a few seconds to realize what Tenten no.2 was saying.

" W-What N-Nonsense? " Tenten retorted, this time her tone became a bit aggressive.

A look of pity appeared on Tenten no.2 face as she said.

" Can't you even understand your own feelings? "

Tenten's body trembled as she tried to comprehend Tenten no.2's words.

" What was the name of the person you were having sex with in your dream?" Tenten no.2 asked.

Tenten however still remained in her thoughts and didn't respond.

" Answer me." Tenten no.2 said with an angry tone, causing Tenten to instinctively answer.

" Y- Yer. "

" Now spell it backwards. " Tenten no.2 said as she towered above Tenten with a mocking smile on her face.



Tenten didn't understand what her 'inner self' meant but she still did as she was told.

As the word formed in her mind, she felt her stomach churn and her heart stopped beating for a moment.

" Answer me " Tenten no.2 commanded, causing Tenten to instinctively answer.

" R-Rey. "