What happened in these past 10 days?

Tenten didn't understand what her 'inner self' meant but she still did as she was told.

As the word formed in her mind, she felt her stomach churn and her heart started beating faster.

" Answer me " Tenten no.2 commanded, causing Tenten to instinctively answer.

" R-Rey. "



Tenten's mind was a mess, she couldn't think of anything else but the name ' Rey '.

Rey knew that this was the perfect moment and controlled Tenten no.2 to say.

" Deep down you also think of him as a man and not a son. "

Immediately there was a pin drop silence in the room until Tenten voiced.

" N-No




It c-can't be..

I-It must be y-you.

Y-Yes, You a-are trying to m-mess with my head.

O-Otherwise why d-did I h-had such a dream only b-before meeting you." Tenten said as she looked at Tenten no.2 with anger and uncertainty.



Rey smiled as he heard Tenten's words.

' It looks like she can still think somewhat clearly about the situation. '

' However, It's just too bad that she is up against me.' Rey's smile widened as he thought.


" You are asking the wrong question.

What you should be asking is why this is happening on the day of Rey's return. " Tenten no. 2 said as she sat in front of Tenten.

" W-What does .." Tenten tried to question but was cut off by Tenten no.2.

" What you should be thinking is what happened in these 10 days that you are experiencing such a dream?"

Tenten open her mouth to say something but couldn't think of any answer.

" Don't know? " Tenten no.2 said in a mocking tone, causing Tenten to clench her fist.

" Hmm.. Let's see.

Did you feel more lonely than usual due to Rey's absence?

Did you thought about him all the time?

Did you spend more time in praying for his well-being than blaming yourself for Neji's death?" Tenten no.2 expressed.



The more Tenten heard the more she was shocked, everything what Tenten no.2 said was right.

' I-I did f-feel lonely.

I also t-thought about R-Rey all the time.

I-I don't remember t-thinking about N-Neji in these p-past 10 days at all. '

By the end, Tenten wasn't even sure whether it was Tenten no.2's fault or not.

Seeing Tenten in a completely confused state, Rey smiled as he knew that the initial phase of his plan was successful. As for the questions he just asked, he just guessed what any normal mother would feel if her son was away from her and was in danger. Any normal mother would pray for his well-being more than anything and any mother would feel lonely if her son was away from her.



" You don't need to believe me. Just try to observe your surroundings a bit more and you will notice whether what I am saying is true or not." Tenten no.2 said, causing Tenten to feel even more worried and puzzled. Tenten could tell by the voice that Tenten no.2 was confident in what she said and that caused her to think.

' What if it's all true? ' Fear and uncertainty rose up inside Tenten as she thought that.

" All I ask you is just don't do anything that might push Rey away from you forever. " Tenten no.2 said as she stood up and her body started disappearing.

Tenten looked at the disappearing figure in confusion, She couldn't decide whether the strange doppelganger was trying to help her or not.

" I will return when you have confirmed that what I am saying is true. " Tenten no.2 said as her figure disappeared from the room.



Rey thought about stopping the dream at that point, causing him to return back in his body.

[ User has ended the dream. ( 1:07:56 )

The target will wake up in 10 seconds

9 seconds ..

8 seconds.. ]

Rey immediately exited the room, closing the door behind him, he started running towards his room while trying to be as silent as possible.

Entering his room, Rey closed the door just as a new system message popped up in front of him.

[ 0 seconds..

The target will be awake now. ]

Rey then laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, he started thinking about the events of the past hour.

' It went far better than I expected. ' Rey thought, he expected Tenten would put up a little more resistance in the starting but he was wrong.



' I overestimated her willpower.

Seems like all these years has weakened her more than I expected. ' Rey thought as a devilish smile appeared on his face, It was more beneficial for him if Tenten didn't put up much resistance as it would speed up his plan.

' A week..

It should be more than enough for her to crumble. ' Rey said inwardly.

' And then I will be there to pick her up and make her the perfect partner one could ever ask for. ' Rey had two choices in front of him.

One was to use all his future women as a tool for increasing his chakra capacity and pleasure.

Another was to consider them his partners and make them capable enough to stand alongside him and assist him in his goals.

