Seed of doubt

' And then I will be there to pick her up and make her a perfect partner one could ever ask for. ' Rey had two choices in front of him.

One was to use all his women as a tool for increasing his chakra capacity and pleasure.

Another was to consider them his partners and make them capable enough to stand alongside him and assist him in his goals.



It didn't even take Rey a moment to decide what he wanted, He knew if he chose the first option, he would only have deadweight which would do nothing but slow him down.

On the other hand, if he took a little more time and trained the women, they would not only be a great help in danger but also in his quest to conquer other women. Like he could make Tenten invite Sakura and her other friends over to dinner and ultimately make them stay the night there, giving him the opportunity to make a move on them.

That's why Rey wanted to give Tenten some time to realize some things on her own instead of forcing her to accept it.

The next phase of the plan was to give little hints to Tenten, so that she would start believing in her 'Inner Self '.

After thinking for a few more minutes about his next steps Rey decide it was better for him to take some rest.



The next day Rey woke up and after getting ready, went downstairs for breakfast as usual.

There he saw Tenten cooking breakfast, but unlike usual, Tenten didn't react to his footsteps.

" Good morning, Mom. " Rey said as he sat on the chair, responding to his voice Tenten turned around with a smile on her face as she said.

" Good morning, Rey. " Although everything seemed alright but Rey who had seen that same smile for almost all his life knew that it was not the usual smile.

" The breakfast will be r-ready in a moment. " Tenten said hastily as she turned around and resumed her work.

A devilish smile appeared on Rey's face as he noticed the awkwardness in her voice.

' It seems like the seed of doubt has been planted successfully.

Let's give her a few more hints. ' Rey thought as he started looking at her firm ass.

Rey continued to maintain his gaze until Tenten noticed him looking at her ass. After that Tenten started to observe whether it was a one time thing or was Rey really looking at her ass.

Much to her fear she found him looking at her figure every single time she checked and what made it really convincing was Rey immediately looking away whenever she caught him looking at her.



Tenten tried to cook as fast as possible to not let her mind think about the weird situation. She convinced her that it was just a coincidence and quickly took the food to the table, but what she didn't know was that Rey was fully prepared.

Just as she was about to put the food on Rey's side, She noticed the huge tent on his pants.

Tenten wasn't a child, she immediately understood what that was and quickly moved her eyes away.

" Mom, Are you alright? " Rey teased seeing her lost in her thoughts, while laughing inwardly.

" Y-Yeah. " Tenten replied nervously and quickly sat on her seat.

As they started eating, Tenten kept telling herself that it was just a coincidence but after seeing the huge bulge on Rey's pants, she couldn't convince herself that it was just a coincidence.

" Mom, Are you really okay?

You are unusually quite today. " Rey said just as they were about to get up from the table, causing Tenten's body to tremble a little.

She quickly thought about an excuse and said " I-It's just I am a l-little nervous about conducting the second round. "

" Ohh!! Don't worry I know you can do it. " Rey said as he showed a thumbs up to Tenten causing an awkward smile to appear on her face.



Tenten quickly left the house as she had to overlook the preparation for the exam. Initially Rey thought about going to the exam center with Tenten but decided against it as he didn't want her to be too uncomfortable around him from the start.

Rey exited the house soon after Tenten left and made his way towards the given exam center.

Along the way he joined Namida and Wasabi at their decided location and the three made their way toward the exam center.



" Round two is capture the pennant.

Guard the pennant in your own territory while attacking your enemy's.

This is a chance to show us your teamwork. " Tenten's voice resounded in the training center, where all the participants stood.

Previously they had drawn slips with name of each team written on them to decide the matches.

Rey's match was against a team of three boys from Kirigakure ( The land of water ).

The first match was between Shikadai's team and a team from kusagakure, which Shikadai's team won quite easily.

Rey continued to observe each match carefully, trying to get an idea of the fighting style of the participants.

He knew that sooner or later he would have to face them in the next rounds.

The matches continued and soon it was time for Rey's match.

Rey looked at his cute teammates and found Namida trembling a little, clearly very nervous.

" Just do as we planned and it will be a piece of cake. " Rey said as he patted Namida's head, causing her to become embarrassed and quickly nod her head.
