Chunin Exam- Round Two

The matches continued and soon it was time for Rey's match.

Rey looked at his cute teammates and found Namida trembling a little, clearly very nervous.

" Just do as we planned and it will be a piece of cake. " Rey said as he patted Namida's head, causing her to become embarrassed and quickly nod her head.



Rey's plan was pretty simple yet very effective, Namida would go forward alongside a clone of Wasabi and when they engage with the enemies, Namida would use her 'Calling on tears' technique which basically creates a wave of sound by crying that could incapacitate anyone who hears it. 

The real Wasabi would be following behind Namida remaining an appropriate distance away to be safe from Namida's technique and when the enemies would be incapacitated, she and Namida would tie them up and then go for the pennant.

Meanwhile Rey would guard their pennant and deal with anyone who slips by Namida and Wasabi.

Rey decided to guard the flag as he didn't want to risk the round just because he was arrogant enough to think he could stop all the enemies from passing by him.

Rey knew that although he had perfect chakra control, it would be best to not underestimate the opponents. That's why he decided to stay behind and guard the pennant as he wasn't sure that Wasabi or Namida could stop the enemies.



Now Rey, Wasabi and Namida were standing on top of the roof of a building waiting for the match to start.

" Start. " Tenten voiced, causing Namida and a clone of Wasabi to sprint towards the direction of the enemy's pennant.

Wasabi nodded toward Rey and then followed behind Namida, maintaining a certain distance from her and the clone.

Rey watched them jump from one building to another and walked back to stand near the pennant.

Namida and Wasabi continued following the plan but what they found strange was the absence of any enemy even when they crossed half the distance.

Although they were anxious, they still continued following the plan as Rey had told them to keep moving forward and capture the enemy's pennant no matter what.



Rey didn't dare to be careless as he knew one slip-up could cost him the round and ultimately the chunin exam. As he continued observing the surrounding, he suddenly noticed two figures quickly making their way towards him.

Rey bent his knees slightly and positioned himself for the fight. The two opponents jumped on the roof where Rey guarded the pennant. One had a smirk on his face as he looked at Rey as if he had already won the battle. The other was appeared to be alert but a small smirk could be seen on his face.

Rey didn't wait for them to make the first move and quickly took out a smoke bomb from his scroll and threw it near himself.

The two opponents got a little bit alert as smoke blocked their vision.

As they waited for the smoke to clear out, they heard footsteps approaching their respective location, followed by loud shouts.

" Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!" ×2 .



' What an idiot?

Throwing away the elementof surprise. ' Rey's both opponents thought as they took out their kunai, waiting for the figures to near them.

As the figures shouting inside the smoke reached a certain distance, both the opponents moved suddenly, slicing at the figures with their kunais. As the kunais touched the figures, they disappeared with a poof sound.

What followed the poof sound was faint sizzling sounds, causing their eyes to widen in horror.

They quickly tried to move away but weren't fast enough to make it in time, causing both of them to get hit by numerous lightning bolts, resulting in them being blasted to the floor with tattered and bloodied clothes.

" Arrghhh!! " Their painful cries resounded through the smoke as their bodies hit the floor.

Rey immediately reached their location and tied both of them tightly with a rope, making them scream even more.

Meanwhile Namida had done her job and alomst knocked the opponent guarding the pennant unconscious for a few moments with her ability, giving Wasabi enough time to capture the pennant.

" Match over.

The winner is team 15 of the Leaf. " Tenten's voice resounded through the speakers, putting an end to the match.



After the match Rey praised both Namida and Wasabi for their good work, causing both of them to be get shy and look away.

The other matches then continued and finally it was time for the cute Uchiha to show her figur.... Cough... skills.

Their plan was somewhat similar to Rey's as Mitsuki and Perky Sarada would capture the enemy's pennant while Boruto would stay back to guard their own pennant, But the plan almost backfired as Boruto and his clones were beaten black and blue by the opponents. However at the last moment, Boruto somehow managed to turn the tables with two powerful jutsus. Although Rey couldn't see if he used the scientific ninja tool but he was quite sure that he might have used it considering his personality, Boruto was the type who would want to win as domineeringly as possible to prove himself to his friends and dad. Unlike Naruto who even with the power superior to everyone was humble, Boruto without any ability thought he was superior than anyone.



Rey slightly frowned upon seeing the capability of the scientific ninja tool, after seeing the last attack of Boruto using the scientific ninja tool, Rey knew that he would need to use almost one fifth of his chakra if he wanted to create a lightning bolt of that caliber.

But what caught his interest was how helpful the shadow clones were, although he knew that shadow clones were helpful but seeing them in action made his urge to learn that jutsu even stronger.

' It seems like I miscalculated the benefits of shadow clones.' Rey thought as he started thinking of ways to learn the jutsu.

Rey knew that multi shadow clone jutsu was forbidden, not to mention he would probably die due to not having enough chakra, but simple shadow clone jutsu could be considered as long as he didn't create more clones than his capacity.

Rey knew that shadow clone jutsu was available to the Jonins not to mention even some chunin, So he planned to ask Tenten to teach him the jutsu.



After all the matches ended, Tenten gave a short speech and then dispersed everyone after telling them that the third round would be held the next day.

Rey, Namida and Wasabi again made their way toward the meeting spot where the beautiful hyuga heiress was waiting for them.

After giving a bow, Rey explained the events of the second round, causing a happy smile to appear on Hanabi's face.

Hanabi then praised all three of them for their good performance and like yesterday told them to go home and get some rest.

Rey made his way to his home as he continued thinking about the situation, he knew that he needed to increase his chakra reserve as soon as possible as that would free him any kind of restrictions preventing him from learning and using some major jutsus.

But he also knew that it was better to not force things on Tenten as that would leave doubts in her mind, preventing her from devoting herself to him completely.



As Rey reached his home, he noticed that the door was unlocked, meaning Tenten was at home. Seeing that a smirk lit up on his face as he thanked lady luck for shining on him.

" Mom, Are you home? " Rey called out as he entered the house, excited to spend some time with his sexy mom.