Shadow clone jutsu part-1

As Rey reached his home, he noticed that the door was unlocked, meaning Tenten was at home. Seeing that a smirk lit up on his face as he thanked lady luck for shining on him.

" Mom, Are you home? " Rey called out as he entered the house, excited to spend some time with his sexy mom.

" Yes Rey. " Tenten's voice resounded from her room, causing Rey to move toward her room.

* Knock

Knock *

" Mom, Can I come in? " Rey asked after knocking the door.

" Yes. " Tenten replied, making Rey open the door and move inside.



" You did great in your match. " Tenten commented with a smile on her face, looking proudly at her son sitting on the bed beside her.

" Thanks, It's just that someone special was present there, So it was obvious for me to perform well. " Rey replied as he looked at Tenten.

Tenten raised an eyebrow upon hearing Rey's words, a teasing smile appeared on her face as she leaned toward him.

" Well well, Mind telling me who that special person was? " Tenten said in a teasing manner, wanting to grab the opportunity to tease her son a little.

However what she didn't expect was for Rey to answer without any hesitation.

" Who else than YOU mom? "

Rey's answer caused Tenten to freeze as a lot of thoughts flooded her mind.

' I am the special person? '

' Did he want to impress me by performing better? '

Although there was nothing wrong in a son trying to impress his parent by performing well on his exam but the recent events caused Tenten's mind to look at it somewhat differently.

Due to the breakfast incident and conversation with her 'Inner self', Tenten couldn't get the thought that Rey saw her as a woman out of her mind, making her doubt whether Rey wanted to impress her as a son or as a man.



Seeing Tenten freeze for a moment, Rey knew that his attempt to fill her mind with strange thoughts was successful. He also knew that Tenten would feel awkward after that and would try to make an excuse and be alone for sometime. That's why Rey decided to change the subject and expressed.

" By the way Mom, Can you teach me the shadow clone jutsu? "

Hearing Rey's voice, Tenten came out of her reverie and a serious expression appeared on her face.

" Do you know the consequences if that jutsu is used wrong? " Tenten said, forgetting all about her strange thoughts.

" Yes, I am perfectly aware that if I create more clones than my capacity, it can lead to my death, But don't worry I know my limits. " Rey said seriously, causing Tenten to nod after observing him for a few moments.

" Although I have never used it as it divide my chakra, it's still a good jutsu. " Tenten said as she started thinking about the matter.

" Very well, I will teach it to you but on the condition that you will never make more clones than the number I decide. " Tenten stated as a matter of fact, leaving Rey no room to argue, not that he wanted to.



Tenten and Rey now stood in the house garden, Tenten first taught the hand signs to Rey and explained how the technique worked. The shadow clone jutsu allowed the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra would be evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone would give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones would give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they made, that rapid depletion of their reserves could be dangerous. 

Rey already had a basic idea about the jutsu but Tenten giving him a full detailed explanation made it even better.

" Shadow clone jutsu. " Tenten said as she did the hand signs, causing another Tenten to appear beside her.

" Poof "

Rey's eyes trembled in amazement as no matter how much he looked, both Tenten appeared the exact same to him.

" Now try it but only create one shadow clone." The real Tenten said as she called back her clone, causing it to disappear with a poof sound.



Rey closed his eyes to focus and did the hand signs as he said.

" Shadow clone jutsu. "

" Poof "

Immediately a shadow clone appeared beside Rey, causing Tenten's eyes to widen in amazement.

Rey didn't try to hide his excellent chakra control as that would not benefit him in any way, On the other hand by showing his superb chakra control he could convince Sakura to teach him medical ninjutsu which would not only give him the opportunity to spend time with her but also spread his image as an exceptional shinobi among the higher ups, not to mention the benefits of it during a battle.

But what Rey really had in mind was the 'Mitotic Regeneration: The hundred healings ' technique that tsunade used during the forth great ninja war, enabling her to fight without worry even when she was injured to the point that any normal ninja would die.

' What would happen if I use the hundred healing technique alongside the toad sage mode? ' Rey had many thoughts in his mind about the future, but he put them back as he were of no use to him in the present.



Rey felt half of his chakra vanishing suddenly as the clone appeared beside him but other than that he didn't experience any sort of discomfort or anything.

Opening his eyes, Rey looked at the shadow clone curiously and then suddenly threw at punch, causing the shadow clone to block it with his own.

Rey and the shadow clone both smiled as they lowered their hands, as if reading each other thoughts.

The sudden exchange of blows caused Tenten to came out of reverie and a proud smile appeared on her face.

" It seems your chakra control has became better recently. " Tenten said, causing Rey to nod.

" Do you feel dizzy or anything? " Tenten asked in a slightly concerned voice.

Rey shook his head in response and asked.

" Should I try to create one more? " Tenten nodded, causing Rey to perform the jutsu again.



After repeating the process for a few more minutes, Rey was finally able to create a total of 3 shadow clones, any more than that he would start feeling a little dizzy.

Tenten made him promise to not use more than 3 shadow clones at once unless he had absolutely no choice but to do so.

After that Tenten went to her room as she was too tired due to lack of sleep the previous night, leaving Rey alone with his shadow clones.

Rey then tried a few different things with his clones, each clone had around 25 percent of his chakra, So he ordered them to try a few jutsus and to his surprise they also had the same chakra control as himself. Rey initially wasn't sure that the clones would also have absolute chakra control but seeing them perform jutsus with ease, a smile formed on his face.

Rey then called back all his clone which was a similar experience to what he felt when the previous Rey's memories merged with his.