Shadow clone jutsu part-2

Rey initially wasn't sure that the clones would also have absolute chakra control but seeing them perform jutsus with ease, a smile formed on his face.

Rey then called back all his clone which was a similar experience to what he felt when the previous Rey's memories merged with his.



Rey then waited until his expended chakra was restored and then created a single shadow clone.

" Poof "

The shadow clone nodded at Rey and then sat in a meditative position to absorb nature energy under the observant gaze of Rey.

What Rey noticed was that the clone only needed around half the time he would need to enter sage mode.

Rey quickly figured out the reason behind it, The clone only had around 50 percent of Rey's total chakra, that's why it needed less time to enter sage mode.

Rey then dispersed the shadow clone, Causing his chakra to return to full reserve but to his surprise he didn't enter sage mode like Naruto.

However what Rey noticed was that there was nature energy in his body, but not to the amount that he would need to enter sage mode.

This caused Rey to think about the situation and after a few minutes, he arrived at a possible conclusion.



' The shadow clone only had half of my chakra, meaning it only needed to absorb half the amount of nature energy to enter sage mode.

But when I recall the clone, the chakra reserve return to normal while the nature energy still remain the same. '

As Rey continued thinking, a few ideas popped up in his mind.

One was to be already in sage made when dispersing the shadow clone, so that his chakra and nature energy ratio remain same.

Another was to expend almost all his chakra before dispersing the shadow clone, So that the chakra and nature energy ratio doesn't change by much.



Rey then tested his theories and as he expected he was right, But he also noticed a few other things as he continued testing new theories with his shadow clones.

Rey knew that in sage mode, his body is constantly supplied with senjutsu chakra to make it stronger for that time period, meaning that his senjutsu chakra will continue depleting even if he doesn't use any jutsu in that time period.

Rey knew that his current senjutsu reserves could only last for about 15 seconds even if he didn't expend his senjutsu chakra as that chakra was passively used to give a power boost to his body.

However when he reduced his chakra reverse and entered sage mode, he needed less amount of nature energy to enter sage mode, meaning lesser time to enter sage mode, but that also meant that that he had less amount of senjutsu chakra.



But with the use of shadow clones, that problem was solved.

Now if Rey created a shadow clone and they both entered sage mode, he would have more benefits.

Firstly he would need less time to enter sage mode.

Secondly he could make a clone during a fight and then make him enter sage mode when he is at a safe distance, even though would need him to exhaust his normal chakra first and would have lesser amount of chakra meaning lesser time, but it was still better than not entering sage mode at all.

Rey was happy as he knew that the main problem with him using the sage mode was that he could not enter sage mode if he was in a fight but with shadow clones that problem was solved.

Rey then proceeded to continue his experiments further and by the time he was done, he learned a lot of different things.

Like if he used three shadow clones and made them enter sage mode alongside himself, he would still need the chakra of all of them to stay in sage mode for 15 seconds. If he only used senjutsu chakra within him, he could only stay in sage mode for about 4 seconds and upon using one more clone he could prolong it by 4 more seconds.



The calculations were pretty simple like for example if all of Rey's senjutsu chakra could last 15 seconds, and he made a shadow clone, he and the shadow clone would each have senjutsu chakra only enough to last 7.5 seconds, meaning a total of 15 seconds when combined. The more shadow clone he made, the lesser the senjutsu chakra will be in each of them, meaning lesser individual sage mode time.

Rey knew that to extend the total time, he would need larger chakra capacity and he wasn't worried about it as he knew sooner or later Tenten would fall, giving him chakra almost equal to an elite Jonin.



What truly surprised Rey was that even the ninja tools he carried were also copied alongside the shadow clone, however they would disperse alongside the clone.

But it was still a good thing that they had the same ninja tools to fight with.

After he was done with his experiments, he sparred with his shadow clones to check their durability and he was satisfied as they could handle a few punches and kicks.

By the time he finished the little sparring session, he was fully exhausted and covered in sweat.

Rey noticed that it was almost night time and decided that it enough for the day. Going inside the house he directly went to his room to take a bath.



During the dinner, Rey followed the same steps as he did in the morning, he continued looking at Tenten's private parts while she was noticing and he also made sure to position his erect dick in a way that Tenten could easily notice it.

After noticing the outline of his dick through his pants, Tenten was feeling awkward but Rey continued to tell her about what he learned during his practice earlier, making it a little less awkward for her.

During the night, Rey once again entered her room after checking she was asleep through hearing her heartbeat using sage mode.

He once again showed her the same dream but this time his face was clearly visible to Tenten and she was also calling him 'Rey' instead of 'Yer'.

Rey didn't show her the ' Inner Self ' this time and ended the dream just as Rey asked her to marry him after their intense love making session.

After that Rey quietly exited her room and went to sleep.



The next morning Rey again followed the same method but he noticed that this time Tenten didn't try to cook faster. She noticed his gaze but didn't try to hide her assets, the same thing also happened when she placed the food in front of Rey, She noticed his hardness but calmly sat on her seat to eat breakfast.

Rey smiled inwardly upon seeing that change as he knew she was slowly getting used to it, although it didn't mean that she agreed to these things but it was still a sign that she was trying to get used to it.

During their breakfast Tenten gave him a encouragement speech for the Third round, making Rey say that he was going to win.

After that they both made their way to the arena where the third round would be held.