Chunin Exam- Round Three

" It's time. " Naruto's voices resounded in the entire arena, marking the start of the third round of the chunin exam.

Currently Rey alongside the other fourteen participants was standing in a different section of arena, where only participants were allowed.

The whole arena was filled numerous people of all ages ranging from child to older generations.

On the highest section of the arena were all the kages and their advisors.

" I am sure you are all aware, but round three consists of individual matches.

You may even face a teammate who knows your skills.

There will be four stages.

The final battle will be between the winners of block A and block B.

Are you ready? " Rock Lee announced with youth oozing out of his voice.

" Yeah!!" Every participant shouted to show their excitement.



There was a big ass screen in the arena, displaying the matches of first stage. The block A consisted of 8 participants while the Block B consisted of 7 participants. One lucky participant from block B would directly pass the first round without fighting as per the orders of the kages as they said that luck was also part of one's strength.

Block A included Boruto vs Yurui, Sarada vs Wasabi, Araya vs Inojin, Shikadai vs Yodo while Block B included Rey vs Tarui, Mitsuki vs Toroi, Shinki vs Cho-cho, Namida ( Directly advanced to second stage ).

" We will now start round three of the chunin exam.

Challengers, Step forward!

The leaf's Uzumaki Boruto and the cloud's Yurui! "

Both Boruto and Yurui got up and went in the arena.

" Match one

Begin!! "



The match started with both participants exchanging blows in close combat, Rey was keenly watching the plot armored Boruto, trying to see what type of fighting style and jutsus he used.

They both seemed evenly matched in close combat but when Yurui started using his weird ass of a jutsu, he immediately gained the upper hand.

Before Boruto knew it, he was surrounded by numerous exposive gaint bubbles that Yurui created through his bubblegum.

Although it seemed that Boruto would lose, Rey knew that he was going to win as he had one of the greater power, THE PLOT ARMOR.

And as he expected, Boruto threw a shuriken which bent abnormally at the last point and directed hit the bubble that Yurui was blowing, causing it to explode directly on his face.



Everyone in the participant section was shocked by Boruto's ability to bend that shuriken but Rey knew that Boruto must have used the scientific ninja tool. Rey himself would find it difficult to bend a shuriken that much even when using chakra to assist the bending. If Boruto used another shuriken to change the direction by colliding them, Rey could find it believable but without that it would need a whole lot of practice and Rey knew Boruto would much rather use shortcut than focusing all his time on bending a shuriken.

" The winner is Konoha's Uzumaki Boruto. " Lee announced, causing everyone in the audience to start cheering.

The next match was between Sarada and Wasabi, which ended pretty quickly much to Rey's displeasure. He wanted to see those perky asses in action, but Wasabi made the wrong decision to enter in close combat with Sarada which resulted in her being flying into the wall with a single punch.

Sarada like her mom, possessed monstrous strength, which was more than enough to send someone like Wasabi flying into the arena wall.

The other matches of Block A then continued, which ended with the victory of Shikadai and Araya in their respective matches.



Then the matches of Block B started, the first match was between Rey and Tarui. They both entered the fighting platform once their name was called and took their fighting position.

Rey didn't know much about the ability of the female kunoichi, So decided to prepare his trump card just in case.

He created a shadow clone before the match and made it go on the roof of the arena and enter sage mode there, So that he can disperse it whenever he needed to enter sage mode.

However there he found something interesting, he noticed that there was another Araya on the rooftop and it didn't take him long to figure out that he was a puppeteer considering that he was also from the Sand, which was also famous for their puppeteers.

He also noticed that Araya started behaving weirdly upon seeing him, but after a few minutes he calmed down and minded his own business.



" Match Start. " Rock Lee shouted and immediately Tarui started rushing towards Rey, who stood at his initial place as he decided it was better to act with caution rather than rushing straight into the opponent who he knew nothing about.

As Tarui was rushing towards him, Rey looked whether she had any weapon or not and seeing her rushing without a weapon seemingly trying to enter hand to hand combat with him, a plan immediately formed in his mind and he took a fighting stance waiting for her to come closer.

Just as Tarui reached the appropriate distance, She threw a punch at Rey, causing him catch it with his own hand.

Tarui didn't mind that and immediately followed up with a kick to his face but before she could even reach halfway she felt Rey tightening his hold on her fist and he mouthed.

" Burst technique. "

That was a simple technique which vent electric chakra from his entire body, causing anyone that touches or attacks him to receive electrical shocks and burns. He wouldn't be able to move while in this state.

Although these shocks and burns were supposed to be minor, when put enough chakra with perfect control almost any jutsu can do wonders.



Immediately a large amount of purple electric chakra to vent out of his body, shocking Tarui.

Rey didn't try to save his chakra and used almost all the chakra remaining in his body after forming a shadow clone into that jutsu, causing it to do real damage to Tarui.

Due to the electric chakra shocking her body, she couldn't move even when the jutsu started burning her skin.

Rey however stopped the jutsu midway as he saw that she had passed out, he then gently held her unconscious body in his arms and looked at the referee Lee.

" The winner is Konoha's Rey. " Rock Lee announced causing everyone in the audience to start cheering.

Rock Lee then appeared beside Rey and took the unconscious Tarui to the medical-nin to get her some treatment.



As Rey returned in the participant section, he noticed Sarada looking in his direction with a competitive gaze, Rey knew that his little conversation at the hokage office with her team was bearing its fruit, implanting a competitive feeling inside Sarada.

Rey smiled at her, causing her to move her eyes away and focus on the next matches.

The other matches then continued, resulting in Mitsuki's and Shinki's victory in their respective matches.

" The First stage is completed.

Now we will begin with the second stage. " Rock Lee announced as the big screen inside the arena displayed the matches for Second Stage.

Block A now included Boruto vs Shikadai, Sarada vs Araya while Block B held Rey vs Shinki, Mitsuki vs Namida.

Rey had seen the match of Shinki vs Cho-cho and knew that he was an fearsome opponent, but that didn't mean that he could not be defeated.