Damn, he really is pathetic

" The First stage is completed.

Now we will begin with the second stage. " Rock Lee announced as the big screen inside the arena displayed the matches for second stage.

Block A now included Boruto vs Shikadai, Sarada vs Araya while Block B held Rey vs Shinki, Mitsuki vs Namida.

Rey had seen the match between Shinki vs Cho-cho and knew that he was an fearsome opponent, but that doesn't mean that he could not be defeated.



" Quarterfinal Match One

Begin "

The first match of the quarterfinals was between Boruto and Shikadai, the match started with Shikadai immediately using his shadow paralysis jutsu to try to capture Boruto who had already made four shadow clones and all of them were trying to get close to Shikadai while escaping the chase of his jutsu.

As the fight continued, Rey was surprised by the stupidity of Boruto, if he was finding it hard to get close to Shikadai he should have used long distance attack jutsus, but he was in his own world and kept trying to get close to Shikadai.

Although he succeeded in his task, he and his shadow clones were are caught by Shikadai's jutsu in the last moment. The shadow clone dispersed one by one, leaving only the real body caught in the jutsu.

" So it would be nice if you would give up graciously. " Shikadai said as he took out a kunai.

Just when everyone thought the match was over, almost 50 more shadow clones appeared one after another, circling around Shikadai.

Shikadai took a look around and finding no way out of the situation, he raised his hands and surrendered.

" I give up."

" Uzumaki Boruto you advance to the semifinals. " Lee announced causing everyone in the audience to start cheering.

" YAAAAY!!! "



Rey knitted his brows as he looked at the army of shadow clones on the fighting platform, although he didn't want to admit it, Now even with sage mode he was not sure that he could defeat the scientific ninja tool. Rey was sure that Boruto haf used the scientific ninja tool as he himself knew how much chakra it would take to create so many shadow clones, and he was sure that Boruto was not at that level yet. Although Naruto could create almost 1000 clones, it was only because he had access to the nine tails chakra.

Rey could understand why no one was skeptical of it as they in a way thought that being Naruto's son, Boruto could also do things that was beyond normal shinobis.

However to his surprise, Naruto himself jumped in the fighting platform.

" Dad, Did you see that?

I am in the semifinals! " Boruto said while smiling as he put out his fist toward Naruto.



However Naruto had other plans in mind, he grabbed Boruto's hand and raised it slightly upward, causing the scientific ninja tool to come in view.

" Boruto.

What's this about? "

Knowing he was discovered, Boruto lowered his head unable to meet the gaze of his father.

Naruto then explained how he had prohibited the use of scientific ninja tool as it defeat the purpose of chunin exam. Naruto then told Lee to announce Shikadai as the winner.

" Uzumaki Boruto has been disqualified for using a prohibited scientific ninja tool.

Thus, The winner is Nara Shikadai of the hidden leaf. "

Naruto then took off Boruto forehead protector as he said he was not worthy of being a ninja.

Rey didn't know why but he was finding the situation very interesting, he was also happy to see the look on Boruto's face, but then Naruto said something which caused Boruto to snap and he shifted all the blame to Naruto saying that it was his fault for not lecturing him earlier.



' Damn, he really is pathetic. ' Rey thought as he looked at Boruto acting like a true spoiled brat who wouldn't even admit his mistakes even when caught red-handed.

" Why are you smiling? " An angry voice caused Rey to come out of thoughts and look toward the source.

There he found Sarada looking at him with an angry expression on her face.

' Was I smiling without even realizing? ' Rey thought but his smile widened as he said.

" Don't you find it amusing? " Rey knew it was the perfect moment to lower Boruto's image in Sarada's eyes and he quickly thought of a perfect plan to do that.

Hearing Rey's words, Sarada became even angrier and she came face to face with Rey.

Rey looked at her kissable lips, but knew that it was not the time to get distracted.

" Why would it be amusing? " Sarada voiced in anger, but Rey didn't back down and said.



" Well, If you think about it, I have never seen my father and you also rarely see Lord Sasuke, but we are not using that as an excuse to cheat using scientific ninja tools. While Boruto even when caught red-handed is trying to put all the blame of Lord Hokage, who has nothing but the goodwill of him and the village in his mind. Why wouldn't that be amusing? " Rey said as he met Sarada's gaze, causing her to lower her eyes upon hearing his words. Even if she was angry she knew that Rey's words made sense and when the issue involved her idol- The hokage she had no choice but to side with Rey's words.

Seeing Sarada lower her gaze, Rey smiled inwardly and continued.

" I am sure you also miss Lord Sasuke but I haven't seen you causing trouble just to get some attention, not to mention using the prohibited tool even though he clearly knew it was wrong. "

His words caused Sarada to clench her fist but she didn't know whether it was from anger or helplessness, but she knew what Rey said was true.

Rey noticed that everyone in the participant section was looking at him and Sarada and looking at their expression he knew they all sided with his words.

And why wouldn't they, because what Rey said was nothing but the truth, any senile person could see Boruto couldn't face the consequences of his actions and was trying to shift the blame onto his father.



" I know he is your teammate and you should stand with your team, but that doesn't mean you have to side with them even when they are clearly in the wrong. " Rey said, causing Sarada to feel guilty for lashing out at him in anger without any reason.

Rey noticed her lowered head and knew that she was feeling guilty, but there was something that was itching him.

" And the next time you talk to me, Make sure to keep your tone in check! " Rey voiced as he placed his hand on her shoulder and leaned closer to her ear.

Sarada body trembled slightly as she heard his words, but in the end she could only lower her head more as she muttered.

" S-Sorry. " One thing that Rey didn't like was someone trying to be the boss in front of him without having the power to back that up, not to mention that person being Sarada, whom he had already decided to make his woman.

Seeing her shoulders drop down and posture become a little submissive, Rey removed his hand from her shoulder and moved away from her to look at the drama going on the fighting platform.



[A/N: Thanks for the support guys via patre0n or powerstones or comments etc, Even though I might not be talking about it all the time, but it really means a lot to me.
