I owe you one

" S-Sorry. " One thing that Rey didn't like was someone trying to be the alpha in front of him without having the power to back that up, not to mention that person being Sarada, whom he had already decided to make his woman.

Seeing her shoulders drop down and posture become a little submissive, Rey removed his hand from her shoulder and moved away from her to look at the drama going on the fighting platform.



On the fighting platform, Katasuke ( the head of the scientific department ) was going on about how useful the scientific ninja tool was.

" The capabilities of the scientific ninja tools are real!

Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to... "

" THOOOM!!! "

His words were cut off by a loud noise of something falling on the ground, Rey looked at the source of the sound and brows knitted upon the seeing the monstrosity standing there after the dust settled down.

" Hey who do you think you are?

This here is my scene... " Katasuke said and started moving towards that monstrosity of a man.

" No,

STAY BACK!! " Naruto shouted but it was too late, the guy raised his hand and punched the floor beneath him, causing cracks to appear on it, reaching all the way to the arena walls.

The shockwave created by the punch was so strong that it caused Naruto and the other people on the fighting platform to get pushed back.



Rey looked upward only to see a very large piece of roof above him falling down, he instinctively fired a lightning bolt containing almost all of his remaining chakra as he shouted.

" Run. "

The almost one meter long purple lightning bolt hit the falling roof and exploded, causing it to crumble into numerous small piece and powdered form.

Rey looked around and noticed how the older generations quickly reacted to the situation and protected majority of the civilian.

The shadow clone self dispersed just as the roof on his side started falling, causing Rey to get that chakra back and enter sage mode.

Rey's first instinct was to look at the enemy only to find another one on the fighting platform kicking Naruto, sending him flying into the wall and then absorbing all the jutsus thrown at him by Boruto.

In an instant Rey knew it was not his fight, So he decided it was better to focus on making a name for himself by rescuing as many people as he could.



Just as he looked around he noticed Mitsuki being hugged by a terrified little girl while Sarada standing on their side saying something to Mitsuki.

Just as he was about to look away, he noticed a slab of roof, big enough to crush her falling straight toward her.

Immediately, he ran toward her with all his strength, being in sage mode he was able to cover the distance almost instantly, enabling him to use his body as a cover to guard her.

Sarada didn't even have the time to react when she felt a hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her inwards.

" BAMM!! " Instantly the solid slab collided on Rey hand and broke into two pieces.

Although Rey felt a little bit of pain, his body strengthened by the senjutsu chakra prevented him from getting any serious injury.

Rey hadn't done all that without thinking, he could have easily used a jutsu to destroy that slab but he knew that would only result in Sarada taking it as a friend helping her out, but putting his life on the line for protecting her was a whole different thing.



" SARADA!! " Mitsuki shouted as he saw the slab falling, causing Sarada to open her eyes, her hands had instinctively wrapped around Rey as she heard loud impact of the slab hitting the floor.

She looked at the large solid pieces around her and knew what happened, her heart started beating faster as she tuned to look at the person who had just saved her life.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the person who had saved her was Rey, she didn't know why but she felt something in that moment that she had never felt before.

While Sarada was experiencing all that, Rey was looking at the person who had just arrived, That person was none other than Sasuke Uchiha and he was standing right in front of him.

Rey quickly analyzed the situation and knew that Sarada would have been saved even if he didn't interfere, It seemed as if Sasuke was originally planned to save her but Rey's involvement messed that up.



" Dad!! " Sarada said as she distanced herself from Rey, however Sasuke continued to eye Rey for a moment before saying.

" I owe you one." Sasuke said before looking at Sarada and continued.

" Take your friends and the little girl away and reach a safe location. " Sasuke said and then jumped into the fighting platform.

Rey's senjutsu chakra was almost used up, resulting in him being unable to stay in sage mode any longer.

Due to him using almost all his chakra into that lightning bolt previously, he was running fairly low on chakra, but he still able to act prevent himself from falling unconscious.

" Are you alright? " Rey asked as he looked at Sarada.

" I should be the one asking you that. " Sarada said as she looked at his arm.

" Then why didn't you? " Rey said, causing her to be stunned, not expecting such a question.

Rey however started walking forward as knew that shit was about to go down.

" Let's go or do you want to see me beat those guys up? " Rey said without looking back, missing the small smile that appeared on Sarada's face as she heard him trying to appear tough even though she could clearly see that he was exhausted.



As Rey, Sarada, Mitsuki with the little girl reached outside the arena, they noticed everyone running to get as far away as possible from the arena. As they reached a safe distance, Rey noticed the giant ball of destruction above the arena, he couldn't tell what that was but knew that if something of that scale hit the village, no one would be able to survive.

Deep down he knew that it would be taken care of, but that didn't prevent the feeling of powerlessness to crept inside him.

' I know this is not my fight.

It hasn't been even a month since I came here and I am already stronger than ever before.

But Why?

Why am I feeling that again? ' Rey thought, he knew that there wasn't anything he could do to save himself if the situation required, he knew that he was simply not powerful enough to even protect himself, not to mention protect anyone else.



Rey looked at the nine tails fox forming in the arena and preparing a tail beast bomb to fire at the giant ball of destruction which also looked like a tailed beast bomb but far greater in size, however Naruto and Kurama didn't fire the tail beast bomb, instead they enveloped their body around it as it exploded.

Rey wanted to summon Gamaki incase anything went wrong but he didn't have enough chakra to perform the summoning.

The attack exploded and even with Naruto minimizing its destruction, the shockwave caused by that was more than enough to fling Rey away, causing him to lose consciousness.



The next thing he knew, he woke up in the hospital with a worried Tenten and Sarada by his side.