Weird situation

Rey knew that his actions against Katasuke weren't meant to happen and that's why he wasn't sure whether he would be able to make it out of there alive if he didn't do anything.



Rey remembered the feeling of powerlessness and forced himself to act, he already had the Secrecy skill on to hide his intent as he sneaked behind Momoshiki, but Momoshiki's instincts were still able to kick in just when Rey attacked with his kunai, directly aiming for the heart. However with him being injured and exhausted he wasn't quick enough, resulting in the kunai entering from his back, piercing his heart and coming all the way to the front.

Rey felt a emotion which he had never felt before, it was strange yet very addicting, wanting him to get lost in it. However, he pulled himself back and quickly tried to get as much distance between them as he possibly could.



Blood flowed out through the gaping hole in Momoshiki's chest as he slowly turned to look at the perpetrator responsible for that. The figure of Rey running away from him made his anger skyrocket and he coughed up more blood.

" I-I WILL KILL YOU " Momoshiki shouted as he raised his hand slightly, causing a few more chakra pills to appear on his palm.

However to his surprise Rey looked back at with a smirk, but before he could understand anything Gamaki's Sasumata landed on his body, causing him to be flattened on the ground. And without any delay Gamaki raised his sasumata again and struck him again and he continued to pummel Momoshiki's body again and again until the only thing remaining was a pool of his blood with his crushed muscles and bone fragments floating in it.



Rey had taken everything into consideration when he formed his plan, he guessed that Momoshiki might have more of those chakra pills and if he didn't do anything soon, the chances of him surviving would decrease even more.

That's why he decided to attack before Momoshiki could get back to full power, however if Momoshiki had eaten those chakra pills before he could attack, he had given Gamaki instructions to grab him and if possible the others and reverse summon himself alongside them to Mount Myoboku, as for Boruto, he was already inside Gamaki's mouth from the beginning.

However due to Momoshiki thinking he had already won the battle, he got careless and that resulted in his heart getting pierced by Rey's kunai.

And as soon as his concentration was disturbed, the weird snake like creatures vanished, giving Gamaki the perfect opportunity to deal the final blow.



Rey looked at Gamaki who had finally stopped and after receiving a nod from him, indicating that the task was done, Rey sighed in relief and looked Naruto and the others.

The Shadow paralysis jutsu and the black rods had vanished as soon as Rey pierced Momoshiki's heart, interrupting his concentration. However the wounds from the black rods were still there, resulting in them unable to control their bodies for a few moments in which Gamaki dealt the final blow.

The first one to stand up was Naruto and he then helped the others to stand up. Rey instead of making his way towards the kages, moved toward Gamaki who had let Boruto out from his mouth.

Reaching Gamaki, Rey raised his hand and understanding his intentions Gamaki lowered his head, causing Rey to smile as he caressed Gamaki's head.

" You did great. " Rey said, he knew that Gamaki was different from the other toads he had seen in the anime and by spending time with him during his training at Mount Myoboku, Rey knew Gamaki's personality very well.

Gamaki trained harder than every other toad in Mount Myoboku daily, always trying to do his best despite the situation and a few words of appreciation were more than enough for him to consider that all the hours of training were not wasted.

Rey really liked that kind of simplicity and truly considered Gamaki as his companion.



" Now go and take some rest. " Rey said, causing Gamaki to nod and then dissappear.

Rey then turned around and saw everyone talking amongst themselves, As he reached near them, everyone stopped talking and turned toward him.

Naruto was the first one to approach Rey and he placed his hand on his shoulder.

" What you did was very dangerous, Rey.

One mistake could have cost you your life.

Although it worked in our favor, Try not to do something so risky next time. " Naruto said with serious expression on his face, meaning business, causing Rey to nod in reply.

Seeing him nod, the serious expression on Naruto's face faded and a look of gratitude appeared as he said.

" Thankyou. "

Rey nodded again and then looked at Sasuke who had also appeared next to Naruto.

" It seems like I owe you again. " Sasuke said as he looked at Rey with a subtle smile.

Rey was about to answer but the Raikage spoke first.

" It's not only you, We all owe the kid. " He said while smiling and everyone nodded in response.



" Boruto.. " As they were talking, Naruto suddenly voiced, causing everyone to look at Boruto who was standing near the pool of Momoshiki's blood.

As Rey was looking at Boruto, he noticed Naruto moving towards Boruto but then he suddenly froze.

" You!

Momoshiki!! "Hearing that name, Rey quickly tried to turn his eyes towards Boruto.

But to his surprise, he couldn't move his eyes and when he tried to turn his head and look at the others, he found out that he also couldn't move his body.

' What's happening? ' Rey's mind went into overdrive as he thought about the weird situation but couldn't figure out what was going on.

" Shoot! Dad!

He's still.. " Rey heard Boruto's voice but couldn't do anything, he was sure that he saw Momoshiki die right in front of his eyes, but hearing Boruto's words he didn't know what to believe.



Rey continued to struggle to get control over his body but couldn't no matter what he tried.

However after around a minute everyone started moving again and Rey was also able to move his body freely. But to his surprise everyone acted like they didn't even hear Boruto, causing him to think about the issue and finally drop the plan of asking Boruto about the weird situation.

Even though he didn't ask Boruto, he knew that something surely had happened between Boruto and Momoshiki and seeing Boruto look at his right hand just as everything returned to normal, Rey's knew that he had to take a look at his hand.

Soon Sasuke opened another portal to the village and while everyone was entering inside, Rey sneakily looked at Boruto's right hand and even though it looked normal, the black colored square shaped tattoo on Boruto's palm didn't escape his eyes.

Initially he thought it might be some sort of injury but seeing the perfect shape and color of it, he dropped that option.

Rey knew that there wasn't a tattoo on Boruto's palm previously, meaning he had only gotten it now.

' Did he awaken some kind of power or something? ' Rey thought as he stepped into the portal, making a note in his mind to think about it later.