
Sasuke opened another portal to the village and while everyone was entering inside, Rey sneakily looked at Boruto's right hand and even though it looked normal, the black color square shaped tattoo on Boruto's palm didn't escape from his eyes.

Rey knew that their wasn't a tattoo on Boruto's palm previously, meaning he could have only gotten it now.

' Did he awaken some kind of power or something? ' Rey thought as he stepped into the portal, making a note in his mind to think about in later.



By the time they returned to the village, it was already evening time.

Tenten, Hinata, Himawari, Sarada, Sakura, Mitsuki, Shikamaru were waiting in the Hokage's office, praying for their success.

As soon as Rey appeared, Tenten hugged him while tears dropped from her eyes, making Rey feel that his decision to make her the main wife was correct.

As everyone calmed down, Shikamaru started asking about the details while Sakura started healing everyone's injuries.

After Naruto finished giving the details, everyone's eyes fixated on Rey, who had no choice but to smile awkwardly under their gaze.

Hinata was the first to approach Rey and thanked him, followed by Sakura, Sarada and even Himawari.

Rey humble and respectful way of talking caused his image to soar even higher in their mind as not only he was powerful and daring at such a young age, he was also respectful and humble.



" Rey, if I am not wrong, you also had a backup plan ready if you failed. " Suddenly Shikamaru who had been thinking about the matter, voiced.

Everyone's focus once again shifted to Rey as they waited for him to answer.

' It seems like he really is as intelligent as they showed in anime. ' Rey thought and then spoke.

" If I had failed to deal a deadly attack due to any reason, I had asked Gamaki to grab everyone and then reverse summon himself alongside us to the land of toads. As I wasn't sure whether I would succeed or not, I had already asked Boruto to enter Gamaki's mouth just in case anything went wrong and he had escape. "

As Rey explained his plan, everyone couldn't help but take another look at Rey. Although it wasn't anything that no one could think of, but to plan that far ahead in that short interval of time, not to mention in middle of a battle was something that only a few people could do and everyone present there understood that, making Rey's image in their mind to rise to new levels.



Soon the ladies along their children left for their respective home while the Kages, Sasuke and Shikamaru stayed behind to discuss some matters.

Hinata alongside Boruto and Himawari parted ways first as their house was on opposite side, leaving Tenten, Sakura, Rey and Sarada to make their way home together.

As they reached the point where they would splitup, Rey said.

" Umm... Aunt Sakura?

There is something I need to ask you."

Hearing Rey's words everyone turned to look at him with curiosity in their eyes.

" What is it? " Sakura asked, causing Rey to match her gaze and a serious expression appeared on his face as he replied.

" Actually I want to become your personal student. "

His words caused everyone to come to abrupt stop, but Rey continued.

" I know the timing might be wrong, but I have actually thought about it and I know this is really what I need. "



There was a complete silence on the road for a few moments as Sakura observed Rey carefully, She could tell by his face that he was serious about the matter and a serious look also appeared on her face as she said.

" Tell me, Why do you want that? "

Rey had already prepared for such a question and answered.

" Well to be honest, the reason behind it is pretty selfish.

I want to get stronger. "

Sakura's eyes continued to look at him for a few more moments before saying.

" Come to my house tomorrow morning and I will test if you have what it takes to be my student. "

A smile appeared on Rey face as he heard her words and then voiced in excitement.

" Thankyou, Aunt Sakura. "



" I am tired. " Rey muttered as he tried to get up from comfortable embrace of his bed. Tenten and Rey had returned home almost two hours ago and after quickly eating some food, they both decided to get some rest.

Rey would very much like to get some sleep but knew that it was a crucial time for him, forcing him to get up from the bed.

Rey took out a few hooded jackets and placed them on the bed, he then performed a few hands signs, causing 2 shadow clones to appear.

" You know what to do, right? " Rey asked and the shadow clones nodded to show their response, picked up a jacket each and got out of the window to perform their task.

Seeing them fade into distance, A smirk lit up on Rey's face and he also exited his room and made his way towards Tenten's room.

Seeing her burst into tears as soon as he returned, he knew that he could speed up his plan a little.

Like always Rey first checked if she was asleep or not with sage mode and then entered her room sneakily.

He then touched her hand with his finger as he thought about activating the dream implant ability, causing the usual system screen to pop-up. Closing the screen, Rey found himself in the usual pitch black environment and started the dream.



Inside the dream, Tenten found herself standing in front of a friend that she had lost a long time ago.

She unconsciously started walking toward him as she muttered nervously.

" N-Neji? "

However, Neji continued to stand in his place with a smile of his face.

As soon as Tenten reached near Neji, she burst out in tears and hugged him.

After a few minutes when Tenten finally collected herself and stopped crying, Neji said as he stopped the hug.

" Are you okay now? "

Hearing his words, Tenten stepped back a little as she wiped her tears and nodded.

" Tenten, I know you have a lot of questions, but I don't have much time here, So I will directly get to the point. " Neji said with a serious look of his face, causing Tenten to be surprised but she still nodded.

" Good.

First things first, I am not just a dream, but the real Neji." Neji said and then stopped to look at Tenten and seeing her focus all her attention on him, he continued.



" Tenten I know what happened after my death and I also know what stupidity you have done all this time. " Neji voiced and the disappointment in his voice caused Tenten's body to tremble as she lowered her head.

" Seeing you like this, I feel like everything I have done to help you was for nothing. " Hearing his harsh words, Tenten's body trembled even more as she voiced.

" N-No, It's not..."

" Quiet!! " Neji didn't let her finish and cut her off with a disappointment and anger filled voice.

" Do you know what I felt all these years, seeing you hurting yourself? "

" Every day, I thought you would stop that nonsense, but you didn't. "

" I always hoped you would pull yourself together, but you let me down. "

Every sentence of Neji, caused her eyes to tear up even more until she finally couldn't take it anymore and slumped down on the floor as she started crying.