Talk with Inner Self

Do you know what I felt all these years, seeing you hurting yourself? "

" Every day, I thought you would stop that nonsense, but you didn't. "

" I always hoped you would pull yourself together, but you let me down. "

Every sentence of Neji, caused her eyes to tear up even more until she finally couldn't take it anymore and slumped down on the floor as she started crying.



Seeing Tenten crying helplessly, Rey knew his plan was working and he pressed on.

Neji crouched down near her and held her shoulders as he said.

" I am not saying these things because I am angry, I am doing so, because I want you to realize that what you did was wrong. "

" I-I am s-sorry. " Tenten muttered as she tried to stop her tears.

" Actually, I didn't plan on interfering at first, but I couldn't hold myself back anymore. " Neji said as he sat down next to her.

" You know, the life a Shinobi is always in danger, No one knows if they would be dead or alive the very next moment. " Neji stopped for a moment and seeing Tenten stop crying, he knew she was listening, So he continued.

" You could have lost Rey today. " Neji voiced, causing Tenten's body to tremble as she knew what he said was right.



" Say Tenten, What would you do if Rey expressed his feelings to you. " There was a pin drop silence for almost a minute after he asked the question.

" I-I don't k-know. " Tenten muttered.

Hearing her answer a smile lit up on Rey's face because he knew that she only had a little more resistance left as she didn't just outright reject the proposal.

" Well, you know, We the Hyuga usually marry our cousins and in some cases even our own sisters to maintain blood purity. " Neji said as he stood up.

" While you and Rey are not even blood related, not to mention that Rey already knows you are not his biological mother and sees you as a woman. " Neji said as he started walking away from Tenten.

Tenten looked at Neji and seeing his figure slowly disappearing, she knew that the time was up.

" Try not to make me worry again.

Goodbye. " Neji said with a smile on his face and then disappeared from the area, leaving Tenten alone in the area.



Rey knew that his task was complete, but he continued to observe Tenten to see what she would do once left alone as that would be a big factor for his next step.

Tenten continued to sit in her initial position for almost 5 minutes with her eyes closed, probably thinking about the situation.

Suddenly she opened her eyes with a look of determination on her face as she said.

" Inner Self or whatever, Come out. "

Rey was slightly surprised at her actions, but that didn't stop him creating another Tenten.

" So, You have finally found out whether I was telling the truth or not. "

Tenten didn't reply for a few moments and she continued to look at Tenten no.2 before finally saying.

" Although there is a possibility that the Neji that I just talked to, is one of your tricks, but that doesn't change the fact that what he said was right. "

Tenten no.2 smiled at her words and said.

" Well, as long as you understand your wrongdoings, it doesn't matter what you think. "



" What do you think I should do? " Tenten asked, causing a smile to light up on Rey's face.

" It's not that complicated.

You know that sooner or later, Rey will tell you about his feelings and you would only have two options.

One would be to reject him, causing a strain in your relationship, Not to mention that fact that if you do so, you are rejecting the person you love and would be bound stay alone for the rest of your life and in the case you do find some other man you would be hurting Rey.

The other is accept his proposal, that way you both would be happy. " Tenten no.2 voiced.

Rey knew that he had to make Tenten choose what she wanted to do, otherwise there would always be a doubt in her mind that she was forced into that relationship.

" But Rey probably doesn't even know what love means?

What if he doesn't feel the same after some time? " Tenten said with a uncertainty filled voice.



" You are wrong about that.

Initially just like every mother and son, Rey loved you as a mother, but after finding out you are not his real mother, he started looking at you as a woman, who not only was beautiful but also cared for him, making those feelings of familial love change into a lover's love. " Tenten no.2 voiced, causing Tenten's to frown as she thought about the her words.

" As for the feelings changing after some time?

I can agree with you on that. " Saying that Tenten no.2 paused and seeing Tenten looking at her, she continued.

" It's only normal for feelings to change if the person that you love doesn't love you back.

Take Naruto and Sakura for example. Do you think Hinata and Naruto would be together if Sakura accepted his feelings instead of chasing Sasuke? " Tenten no.2 paused for a moment to let Tenten understand her words and then continued.

" On the other hand, sometimes the feelings of a person doesn't change no matter how much it hurt the person.

Like Sakura, who even when hurt constantly by Sasuke, continued to love him until he accepted her feelings. "



" So how Rey would feel toward you in the future majorly depends upon you.

If you push him away, he might have a change of feelings or he might continue to wait for you all his life.

However, if you accept his feelings and shower him with love and affection, you will be making his feelings even stronger for you. "