Sakura Sensei

" So how Rey would feel toward you in the future majorly depends upon you.

If you push him away, he might have a change of feelings or he might continue to wait for you all his life.

However, if you accept his feelings and shower him with love and affection, you will be making his feelings even stronger for you. "



Tenten was even more confused about what she should do after hearing Tenten no.2's words, but she knew everything basically lead to two options like Tenten no.2 said.

Either she could reject him, hurting both of them as a result or She could accept him and show her the same love he felt towards her, making both of them happy.

Although her morals wanted her to reject those feelings as they were mother and son even if not related by blood, but she couldn't risk to loose Rey no matter what anyone thought.

" I will do it. " Tenten voiced with determination, causing a smile to appear on Tenten no.2's face as she said.

" You will not regret it. " Tenten no.2 said and then disappeared from Tenten's view.



The next day Rey woke up and as usual after taking a bath, he headed downstairs for breakfast. Tenten as usual, was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, giving Rey the opportunity to see her big voluptuous ass early in the morning.

Rey noticed that unlike the day before where she continued to do her work as if she didn't want to bother about it, now she was trying to stand in positions where Rey could have a better look at her, which to an extent surprised Rey. He remembered her saying that she would accept his untold feelings in the dream, but he didn't think she would try something like that from the get go.

' Is she trying to seduce me?

But why? ' Rey couldn't understand Tenten's reason behind doing that, but after thinking for a few moments he arrived at a guess.

' Is she doing this because she thinks it makes me happy? ' This was the only answer Rey thought was possible.



Rey once again showed the bulge in his pants, but instead of looking away instantly, Tenten stared at it for a few seconds before sitting on her seat.

While eating breakfast Rey reminded her about him going to the busty Sakura's house for the test, Making her wish him the best of luck.

After their breakfast Rey was the first one exit the house as he made his way towards Sakura's residence.

Reaching Sakura's house, he rang the doorbell and waited outside.

Soon he heard someone's footsteps and the perky Sarada opened the door.

Seeing Rey at the door, she was a little taken back, but remembering the details of previous day, she said.

" Hey Rey. "

" Hello Sarada. " Rey replied.

" Sarada, who is it? " Suddenly Sakura voiced from inside.

" It's Rey, Mom. " Sarada replied, causing Sakura to come to the front door.

After exchanging a few words with the perky mom and daughter pair, Rey alongside Sakura left the residence and headed towards the location where Sakura usually taught Sarada.



Sakura couldn't help but be shocked when she tested Rey's Chakra Control, Initially she didn't want to believe what she saw, but even after trying out different methods the result still remained the same.

' His chakra control is almost on par with mine.

No, it's even greater than mine. ' Sakura thought as she stepped toward Rey and said.

" You can stop now. "

Hearing Sakura's voice, Rey stopped the task and turned toward her.

Seeing the flabbergasted expression on her face, he knew that he had performed far better than she expected. Rey didn't even try to hide hide his chakra control because he knew that would not help him in any way, but by showing exceptional chakra control he would not only become Sakura's student, he would also get a boost in his reputation.

" You meet all the requirements to become my personal student.

But I will ask you again.

Are you sure you want to be my personal student? " Sakura voiced in seriousness, causing Rey to nod and say.

" I am absolutely sure, Aunt Sakura. "

Hearing his voice, a small smile appeared on Sakura's face as she said.

" It's Sakura Sensei from now on. "



" Rey to be honest.

Your chakra control is exceptional, ever better than me and Lady Tsunade. " Sakura said and seeing Rey listening to her attentively, She continued.

" But that doesn't mean you can start performing medical ninjutsu now.

First, you need to learn a large amount of specialized knowledge about Chakra control, Human body, medicine and herbs. "

" Understood, Sakura Sensei. " Rey said, causing Sakura to nod and continue.

" Now let me tell you the four rules that every Medical-nin must follow.

No medic ninja shall ever stop medical treatment until the lives of their party members have come to an end.

No medic ninja shall ever stand on the front lines.

No medic ninja shall ever die until they are the last of their platoon.

Only those medic ninja who have mastered the Strength of a Hundred Technique of the ninja art Creation Rebirth are permitted to discard the above-mentioned rules. "



" You don't need to bother about the fourth rule for now.

Just focus on the initial three rules and No Matter What, YOU MUST FOLLOW THEM. " Sakura said seriously.

" This faithful student of yours shall do as you ask. " Rey said as he bent on one knee and looked at Sakura in all seriousness.

Sakura initially surprised by his actions couldn't help but smile as she said.

" Good, but no need to be so dramatic. "

" As you say RESPECTFUL SENSEI. " Rey voiced as he stood up, but he still stood in attention position with his chest out, making Sakura burst out laughing.

Rey wasn't doing all that without any reason, he had chosen this approach to conquer Sakura. He knew that if he tried to act mature and cool in front of her, he couldn't possibly outdo Sasuke. That's why he decided to be the opposite, like instead of acting mature and indifferent, he would act funny to make her laugh, of course he would act mature and cool when the time required.