Why don't you sleep in my room?

" As you say RESPECTFUL TEACHER. " Rey voiced as he stood up, but he still stood in attention position with his chest out, making Sakura burst out laughing.

Rey wasn't doing all that without any reason, he had chosen this approach to conquer Sakura. He knew that if he tried to act mature and cool in front of her, he couldn't possibly outdo Sasuke. That's why he decided to be the opposite, like instead of acting mature and indifferent, he would act funny to make her laugh, of course he would act mature and cool when the time required.



After ending the little test, Sakura and Rey went back to her residence from where she gave him a lot of books and scrolls containing basic information about the human body, herbs, medicine and told him that it was his first task to learn all the information inside them and then come to her for next step.

While Rey was making his way towards his home, he noticed people looking at him with gratitude and expectations in their eyes.

Seeing that he smirked inwardly and thought.

' Seems like the work done by the shadow clones is paying off. '

He had seen the footage of the fight recorded by Katasuke's assistant being aired on televisions last night and formed a plan that would play an important factor not only in his reputation, but also in getting closer to Sarada.

As Rey reached his house, he noticed a man standing in front of the house gate.

" Can I help you? " Rey said, reaching near the man.

The man looked toward Rey upon hearing his voice and an excited look appeared on his face as he started talking.



The man finally left after explaining the situation to Rey, apparently he was invited to do an interview which would be aired to the whole village for his heroic actions. Rey couldn't control a devilish smile from appearing on his face as soon as he entered the house. He knew that something like this would happen and that's why he had already initiated his plan using shadow clones the previous night and now he already had an idea how the interview would proceed, giving him the perfect opportunity to use it to his advantage.

Rey then entered his room and created two shadow clones and alongside them started reading the books given by Sakura.

He continued to do so until it was time for dinner, before finally dispersing the shadow clones, causing their chakra and the learned knowledge to return to him.

' Even though learning this way is faster, but I also get mentally exhausted sooner and need to take more breaks. ' Rey thought, but knew that it was still better than doing it all by himself which would take him far longer.



Rey then had dinner with Tenten as usual, which included giving her a sneak peek to the bulge in his pants and gazing at her fine body. Rey told her that he became a personal student of Sakura and about the interview, causing Tenten to smile happily and congratulate him.

After the dinner Rey and Tenten both went to their respective room to sleep.

Like usual Rey waited for almost an hour before making his way downstairs, but instead of going into Tenten's room, he went towards the dining table and sat on the chair near it.

He then picked a spoon from the table and dropped it on the floor, causing its noise to resound in the house.

Picking up the spoon he waited to see if Tenten came out or not, He then repeated the same process until he heard the sound of her footsteps from her room.



Tenten woke up upon hearing some noise coming from the kitchen and decided to check on it. As she stepped out of her room, she saw Rey sitting at the dining table appearing to be lost in his thoughts.

Although she was surprised to see him awake that late in the night not to mention on the dining table, but that didn't stop her motherly instincts to kick in and she immediately moved closer to him.

" Rey, Are you okay? " Tenten asked in a worried voice as she placed her hand on Rey's shoulder.

Rey acted as if he didn't notice her previously and became startled by her voice.

" Y-Yes, I am okay. " Rey said with an fake smile on his face.

Tenten immediately noticed that he was lying and asked again while sitting down on the chair next to him.

" Rey, Tell me the truth. "

Rey made a hesitant expression at first, but then took a deep breath and said.

" It's just that I am having trouble sleeping from the last 4-5 days and since yesterday I haven't slept at all. "



" Is there something bothering you? " Tenten's asked in a worried voice, causing Rey to shake his head and say.

" It's just that I feel like an enemy would appear to hurt me while I am sleeping. " Rey voiced nervously.

" Why didn't you tell me sooner? " Tenten asked.

" I didn't want to make you worry. " Rey answered, causing Tenten to start thinking about the situation and it only took her a few moments to arrive at a solution.

" Why don't you sleep in my room until you feel better? " Tenten suggested, feeling that Rey was a little shaken by the recent otsutsuki attack.

" W-What? " Rey muttered in confusion.

" Since you are afraid of someone harming you when you are asleep, It's better to sleep near an experienced ninja who can protect you. " Tenten said with a motherly smile on her face as if she was dealing with a kid.

Rey instead of feelings bad for her thinking of him as a kid, smirked inwardly as that was what he planned from the starting. Right now Tenten was only thinking like a mother trying to help her child, Making it easy for Rey to start the final phase of his plan.

" B-But wouldn't that bother you? " Rey asked hesitantly, causing Tenten to shake her head with a motherly smile on her face.