
Right now Rey was sleeping beside Tenten on her bed with his hand holding her hand, which was suggested by Tenten to help him sleep better.

Rey accepted the offer happily and intertwined his fingers with hers. Tenten continued to check on Rey for almost half an hour before finally confirming that he was asleep, only then did she closed her eyes with a sweet smile on her face as she tried to sleep.

Rey was really asleep because he planned to use his dream implant ability just before Tenten woke up instead of using it at night.

Rey woke up around 4 in the morning and looking at the beauty sleeping beside him, a smirk could help but form on his face.

' It's time to start the final phase. ' Rey thought as he activated the dream implant ability.

Rey also changed the dream, this time he didn't give Tenten any free will meaning she would experience whatever Rey wanted without having any control over her actions.

Inside the dream Tenten woke up feeling something hard pressed between her thighs, moving back and forth repeatedly.

Opening her eyes, she looked down only to see a dick peeking out her thighs repeatedly. She looked back and found the culprit was none other than Rey, who had taken advantage of them sleeping together and was now thigh fucking her.



Tenten didn't know what to do, even when she tried to move away her body didn't listen to her. The thigh fucking continued for about 5 more minutes before Rey grunted and unloaded his cum in between her thighs.

Tenten immediately got up from the bed and questioned.

" W- What are you d-doing? "

Rey grabbed her hand and pulled her back on the bed with him above her, using his body weight to hold her in position.

" I can't hold myself back anymore. " Rey muttered with desperation oozing out his voice.

Tenten opened her mouth to speak, but Rey put his hand over it, preventing her from talking.

" In the last fight I could have lost my life and the same goes for every mission I go on.

You know I wasn't afraid of death, even when I took the risk of stabbing Momoshiki, but I was afraid that I would never be able see you again. " Rey said as he caressed her cheeks with love and affection.

" So, I decided to tell you how I feel even though I know that this could ruin our family, but I don't want to stay quiet now and regret it later in my death. " Rey paused to look at Tenten and then took a deep breath before saying.

" Tenten, I LOVE YOU! "

Saying that Rey used the system and gave Tenten free will to see how she would respond.



Although due to not having any free will inside the dream, Tenten couldn't speak or move her body, but that didn't stop her from thinking freely.

Hearing Rey's words, Tenten couldn't help but be overwhelmed with emotions, There was a little doubt in her mind even after talking with Neji and her inner self, but hearing Rey's words all the doubts and questions vanished from her mind. Now, she was sure that morally wrong or not, this was the best choice for Rey and herself.

As soon as she realized that, her motherly love for Rey transformed into an even greater form ' Incestuous love ' which was a combination of both motherly love and lover's love.

" Kiss me~ " Tenten female instincts took over and she voiced with tears dropping down her eyes. She had never felt so free in all her life, She always carried the burden of becoming a strong kunoichi from her childhood, not to mention the burden after Neji's death, but now she felt as if all that had been lifted from her shoulders, making her feel the sensation of doing whatever she wanted without caring what the others thought.



Rey then continued the dream with Tenten making out with him freely from her own will. As they continued, Tenten finally told him about her feelings in between their intense session, making Rey pound her cunt even harder. After finishing the intense lovemaking session, Rey took away her free will and changed the dream once again and this time Tenten found herself breastfeeding a baby and by her side was Rey looking at the baby and her lovingly.

As she breastfed the baby, she and Rey talked about what to name their baby.

Rey then continued to show her different scenes in which she alongside her baby and Rey spent time laughing and living a happy life.

Rey had planned this after thinking about it a lot as he knew that this was the final step and also the most crucial step.



Rey ended the dream after he had done his job and opened his eyes in the real world, he immediately knew his plan had worked perfectly, as he could see the tears of happiness dripping down her eyes from experiencing those beautiful moments in the dream.

The system notified him that Tenten would wake up in 10 seconds, So he moved closer to her and put his arm on her waist as he closed his eyes.

He thought she would wake up from his touch, but was surprised to find out that she didn't.

After the 10 seconds went by, Tenten opened her eyes and it took her a moment to realize what was happening.

' So, It was just a dream. ' Tenten couldn't help but feel sad that it was just a dream, but looking at Rey's face just a few inches away from her, a beautiful smile blossomed on her face.

She continued to gaze at Rey's face with that smile for a few moments, before doing something that even Rey didn't expect.

" I love you. "

Tenten muttered softly before leaning forward and taking possession of Rey's lips.

Rey froze for a moment, feeling the softness of her lips, but he quickly recovered and his brain went into overdrive as he started thinking.