
" I love you. "

Tenten muttered softly before leaning forward and taking possession of Rey's lips.

Rey froze for a moment, feeling the softness of her lips, but he quickly recovered and his brain went into overdrive as he started thinking.



This was something that Rey didn't expect Tenten to do this early and that's why he wasn't prepared for it.

'Should I just keep pretending to be asleep?

But It would just result in her taking more time to fall and would bring no benefits. '

Rey thought and made up his decision.

He opened his eyes and looked in Tenten eyes directly, causing her to be stunned for a moment before quickly pulling away.

" R-Rey? " Tenten muttered as she tried to sit up, but Rey's hand on her waist prevented that from happening.

" You knew, right? " Rey questioned as a serious look appeared on his face, making Tenten gulp down her saliva in nervousness.

" K-Knew w-what? " Tenten muttered as she stopped struggling to get out of the bed.

" How I feel towards you. " Rey said and what followed was a pin drop silence reigning in the whole room.



" Answer me. " Rey asked seriously, causing Tenten to instinctively answer.

" Y-Yes. "

Tenten felt sweat running down her back under Rey's gaze as she waited for him to continue.

" T-Then did you mean you l-love me as a m-man or a s-son? " Rey asked nervously, but still maintained eye contact with Tenten.

Tenten looked down upon hearing his question as countless thoughts ran through her head, Rey knew what she was thinking and didn't interrupt her.

Tenten took a few minutes to collect her thoughts and looked toward Rey, who had been waiting silently for her answer.

" B-Both. " Tenten voiced nervously.

Rey smiled inwardly upon hearing her answer, he already knew she would say something like that when he asked the question.

" Prove it. " Rey said, maintaining the serious expression on his face.



Tenten looked taken back for a moment before finally realized what Rey wanted, making her face beat red and heartbeat to fasten.

" Kiss me again. " Rey voiced, making Tenten gulp down her saliva and look down.

Tenten remained quiet for a few moments before finally looking up and muttering.

" Close your eyes. "

Hearing her embarrassed voice, Rey couldn't help, but find it cute and closed his eyes.

For almost 10 seconds he didn't feel anything, but just as he was about to open his eyes, he felt the same soft sensation on his lips.

However the sensation only lasted for a moment before he felt Tenten pushing his hand holding her away and running out of the room with an embarrassed face.



Seeing her running away in embarrassment like a bunny, A victorious smile appeared on his face and his body trembled with excitement.

It took him a few moments to calm down and he couldn't help but remember the sensation of her lips touching his.

' Even though she won't refuse if I try to force her now.

It's still better to wait until she gets comfortable with this whole situation. '

Rey then looked at the clock and finding just 2 hours remaining before the interview, he quickly got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

After getting ready, he ate breakfast with Tenten, who had finally calmed down as Rey didn't do anything out of ordinary, he followed the same protocol of staring at her fine body while she made breakfast and showing her the tent in his pants when she came to serve the food.



" Mom? " Rey said just as Tenten was about to leave for the shop.

" Hmm... " Hearing his voice, Tenten looked back to check.

" Can you close your eyes for a moment? " Raid voiced as he moved closer to her.

" Is there something wrong? " Tenten asked.

" Just trust me. " Rey said and Tenten didn't ask anymore and closed her eyes.

Just as she closed her eyes, Rey leaned forward and took possession of her cherry lips.

Feeling the warmth, Tenten opened her eyes, only to find Rey eyes staring into hers.

Rey took full advantage of her shocked state and nibbled on her lower lip before finally running out of the house, leaving Tenten frozen at the door.

As she finally realized what had happened her face became crimson in embarrassment, but a beautiful smile hung on her face as she touched her lips with her finger.



Right now Rey was inside the building where the interview was taking place.

" What do you think is the most important for being a Shinobi? " The woman interviewing Rey asked.

" Hard work and teamwork. " Rey answered.

" Can you explain? " The interviewer questioned.

" Teamwork is the main motive behind dividing shinobis into teams while hardwork is the basic foundation of being a Shinobi.

If you don't put enough work to stand equally alongside your teammates, Teamwork would do more harm than good.

So the most important thing is Hard work and then Teamwork. " Rey answered with a smile on his face.

" I see. "

" Lately everyone is talking about you being following the footsteps of the Fourth Hokage, Lord Jiraya and the Seventh hokage. Like you also have a toad as your summon, not to mention that you are capable of using sage mode just like the three of them.

So, Are you also aiming to be the Hokage? "



Rey smirked inwardly upon hearing that question and it was none other than him who had spread that opinion in the public. He knew everyone had seen the footage of the fight with Momoshiki, So he took advantage of that and used shadow clones to go to popular places like restaurants and cleverly spread that thought into people's mind which then spread like wildfire throughout the whole village.

" Well, To be honest.

Even though I look upto Lord Seventh and respect the Hokage position a lot, I don't think I am well suited for that.

I would much rather be someone who protects the village from the shadows." Rey said and then paused for a moment before continuing.

" However, I know someone who would become a great hokage one day. " Rey voiced, causing the woman interviewing him to raise a brow and ask.

" And who would that be? "

Hearing her question, A smile appeared on Rey's face and he looked at the camera and answered.

" Sarada, I am rooting for you.

So, do your best and take care of the village while I will watch your back and deal with the dangers from the shadows. "