Can we do it?

" And who would that be? "

Hearing her question, A smile appeared on Rey's face and he looked at the camera and answered.

" Sarada, I am rooting for you.

So, do your best and take care of the village while I will watch your back and deal with the dangers from the shadows. "



Rey didn't care about the title of the Hokage that much, although that could give him access to all the forbidden jutsus, he could do that even with Sarada being the hokage as he was sure that she would have fallen by that time.

And as he thought the perky Uchiha right now was covering her face with a pillow while looking at the live interview on the television.

She couldn't help but remember Rey using his body to protect her during the otsutsuki invasion and her heart started beating faster as she felt the same weird sensation that she felt in the arena when Rey saved her.

" I-Idiot... " Sarada muttered as she continued to look at Rey's face with unexplained feelings.

Rey knew that the seed of interest inside Sarada was slowly but surely converting into a seed of love and would sooner or later grow into a full fledged tree.



Rey returned to his house as Hanabi had given him a leave for a week, telling him to rest at home and spend time with his family as she had seen Tenten's state after Rey left with Sasuke and the others to rescue Naruto and decided it was better for Rey to spend time his Tenten.

As for going to the busty Sakura's residence, She had told him to come only after memorizing all the given books and scrolls, So that wasn't an option.

Considering that, Rey went back home and created three shadow clones and started memorizing the information given in the books.

While Rey was reading the book about Human body, he couldn't help but think about Rock Lee and Guy Sensei, those two stood at the pinnacle of pure bodily strength. Rey also had plans about training his body, but he knew that it was a long process and he knew he had to prioritize gaining power in a short period of time to not get killed.

' But I can still do some training even if I can't train under the best for now. '

Rey made a mental reminder to start doing some weight training and continued with the prior task.



As he was looking at a diagram of a human hand, he recalled the square shaped mark on Boruto's hand.

' What was that? '

Rey continued to think about the mark and couldn't help but remember the weird markings on Boruto and Kawaki that he had seen in the first chapter of the manga.

' Is it like the seal on Sakura's and Tsunade's forehead, which extend to the whole body when used? '

The more Rey thought about it, the more his brows knitted.

' I can't be sure, It might just be some sort of tracker for all I know.

But one thing is sure, it means more trouble. '



For the next five days Rey mostly remained inside his house, learning new knowledge about the human body, herbs and medicine.

His progress with Tenten was also going smoothly, he had bought food from the restaurant and set up a dinner date on the night of the interview, making it the first date experience for Tenten.

Rey also changed the dreams that he showed to Tenten during the night and in the morning, now they basically focused on passionate sex, which left Tenten frustrated and by the second day she started going into the bathroom as soon as the dream ended to pleasure herself and satisfy her needs.

By that point Rey discovered that during the 10 second given to the user after ending the dream, The target doesn't wake up even if you touch them. So, Rey started using it to his advantage.



As Tenten woke up in the morning of the third day, she found Rey gently fondling her breasts with his dick poking her ass. She froze as she realized what was happening, making Rey start playing with her nipples.

Initially Tenten continued to act like she was asleep, but as the pleasure increased, she found it harder to prevent herself from moaning. So, she acted as if she was about to wake up, making Rey remove her hands.

By that point kissing had became even more frequent, Even though Tenten was embarrassed about it and never initiated it, She still responded actively once their lips met.

Tenten also took a two day break from her shop as they decided to spend some more time together. In those two days, Rey and Tenten cooked together and spent most of their time watching TV and taking with each other while holding hands.

Even though Rey was spending all the time in those two days with Tenten, he still had shadow clones working in his room, trying to complete the task given by Sakura.



On the fourth and fifth day, Tenten continued to find Rey touching her assets when she woke up, but she continued to act asleep until she was about to moan.

By the fifth day saying ' I Love You ' and kissing each other had become a normal thing, even a few touches here and there were also allowed. Rey didn't try to cross the limit as he wanted her to get comfortable with his touches and that new lifestyle.

On the night of the fifth day Rey decided it was time to completely conquer her, So he made his move.

After showing her a dream containing almost two hours of intense passionate sex, resulting in her getting horny, he said as soon as she woke up.

" Mom? "

Tenten was about to get up from the bed to go to the bathroom to take care of her little sister, but hearing Rey calling her name, she answered nervously.

" Y-Yes, Rey. "

" Can we do it? " Rey asked as he moved his waist and poked Tenten's ass with his rock hard member.