Spar with the Hokage

Rey was now in the training grounds of the Academy alongside all the other students from his class, Shikamaru, Sai and Sasuke.

They were all present there for a speech and a little hand to hand combat lesson from Naruto.

After Naruto had delivered his speech and lesson, he had asked if anyone wanted to spar with him and Boruto was the first one to jump in and give it a go.

Rey also planned to take turn after Boruto as he didn't want to miss the chance to show the difference between him and the other students to everyone present there.

That's why he was observing both Naruto and Boruto very carefully, Boruto as usual started with his shadow clones and tried to hit Naruto with a Rasengan which was a little surprising for Rey because he didn't know that Boruto had also learnt that jutsu, but Naruto dispersed it with a simple wave of his hand.

As the spar continued Boruto used water style alongside lightning, causing Rey to knit his brows as he knew that Boruto could also use wind style, making him able to use three elements.

' He really is the protagonist after all. ' Rey thought and decided to also test his affinities later.



Naruto created an earth wall to block Boruto's water plus lightning attack and then used his hand to absorb the jutsus, causing everyone's eyes in the audience to be widened in surprised.

Rey also couldn't understand what had happened as he knew Naruto didn't have the ability to absorb jutsus throughout the series, Making him fell into thinking.

As he replayed the whole spar in his head, the only thing he found suspicious was that Naruto only used his right hand for absorbing Boruto's attacks, making him believe there was something up his prosthetic hand.

The fight with Boruto ended as Naruto cleverly detached his prosthetic hand and used it as a bait to sneak behind Boruto, ending the fight with a kick to the protagonist's body.

" Anyone else? " Naruto asked.

Rey raised his hand to show his response, causing Naruto to nod and gesture him to come.

" Don't hold back. " Naruto said seriously, looking at Rey.

" Don't worry Lord Seventh.

I think I will be insulting you if I don't give it my all. " Rey said, causing Naruto to nod with a smile.



The spar started with Rey immediately throwing two smoke bombs between him and Naruto, preventing the other party from seeing what he was doing.

Rey instantly created as many shadow clones as he could and tasked everyone except two of them to absorb nature energy.

The two shadow clones started running in a zigzag pattern through the smoke, but didn't approach Naruto.

Naruto like his fight with Boruto stood on his initial spot looking at the smoke screen in alertness, His eyes following the sound of the footsteps of the two shadow clones.

By using multiple shadow clones and dividing his chakra in smaller quantities, Rey significantly decreased the time to enter sage mode.

Just as the smoke screen was about to dissappear, the two shadow clones threw six shuriken each toward Naruto.

The shurikens initially followed a simple trajectory, but upon reaching near Naruto they changed their direction slightly and collided with each other, resulting in them changing direction once again and covering a larger area, making it harder for Naruto to dodge.



A small smile appeared on Naruto's face as he looked the unpredictable shurikens and much to Rey's displeasure easily evaded all of them with his superior speed.

However, just as Naruto reached a safe spot, a shadow clone appeared in front of him aiming to strike his chest with a Rasengan.

A surprised expression appeared on Naruto's face and he quickly used his right hand to absorb the Rasengan, but while he was doing so another shadow clone sneaked up behind him, aiming at his head with another Rasengan.

Naruto immediately answered with a kick to the chest, making the shadow clone dissappear, but the split second distraction was enough for the first shadow clone to complete his task, which was to strike the prosthetic hand of Naruto with a punch.

" Crack!!! "

Naruto looked toward the direction of the sound and couldn't help but be surprised as he found the shadow clone looking at him with a smirk.



Naruto looked at his hand for a second before grabbing the shadow clone's hand and asked with a surprised expression.

" How did you know!! " Before Naruto could even complete his sentence, he heard sizzling sounds coming from the shadow clone, making him lose the smile on his face and jump back while kicking the Shadow clone away.

" BOOMMM!!! "

The paper bombs attached on the shadow clones body exploded with loud bang, but Naruto's expression only became more serious as he looked at the black smoke.

Rey had used around 20 paper bombs on that shadow clone, making sure that the explosion would distract Naruto once again.

Suddenly Naruto instincts warned him about the danger from behind, making him turn his head back immediately.



Naruto looked behind only to see Rey in sage mode carrying almost a 2 feet big Rasengan, aiming directly at him.

Being an experienced fighter, Naruto could tell at one glance that the Rasengan was more dangerous than it looked, making him frown.

Rey had used almost 90% of his senjutsu chakra to create the Rasengan, making it as powerful as possible.

Even though Rey knew he had no chances of winning, that didn't prevent him from giving his best to see how did he fare against the rulers of the Shinobi world.

And Naruto didn't disappoint him as two big yellowish chakra claws came out of his body in an instant, one grabbed Rey while the other covered the Rasengan and quickly directed it the ground to minimize its destruction.

The chakra claw holding Rey, extended and took him away from the area of damage while the other limited the Rasengan's destruction to the floor only.