A freak

Rey gazed at the almost 10-foot-wide crater in the ground, which was a result of Naruto limiting the effect of his Rasengan to the ground.

Initially, Rey thought about trying to break free from the chakra hand holding him, but feeling his reserve hit rock bottom, he exited sage mode and raised his hands in the air, saying,

"I give up."

Hearing his voice, everyone in the audience came out of their shock, and the students began talking amongst themselves.

"Hey, did you see that?"

"He used the Hokage's Rasengan!!"

"Look what it did to the floor!"

The students who had previously thought Boruto did a good job couldn't help but think otherwise after witnessing Rey's battle.



Naruto put Rey down on the floor, and the chakra hands disappeared.

"Quiet!!!" Shikamaru shouted, causing everyone to become silent.

"This round is over!!!" He said again.

"That was an amazing Rasengan," Naruto said as he looked at the crater before looking at Rey with a surprised expression.

"Thank you, Lord Seventh," Rey said with a smile on his face.

"Who taught you that?" Naruto asked as he walked towards Rey.

Rey was excited to hear Naruto's question, but maintained that same smile and answered,

"I learned it myself."

Naruto's footsteps stopped as soon as he heard Rey's answer, and silence descended through the whole arena as everyone who understood the true gravity of Rey's words looked at him with suspicion and amazement.



Currently, Rey was in the Hokage's office with Sasuke, Shikamaru, Konohamuru, and Kakashi.

Naruto had called Konohamuru and Kakashi to ask them if either of them had taught Rey the Rasengan, but to his surprise, they both denied it.

Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sasuke thought Rey was lying when he said he learned it by himself, but now they had no choice but to believe him.

"How did you do it?" Sasuke asked, looking at Rey.

Rey had already prepared a more believable story beforehand, so he looked at the Uchiha and answered.

"Actually, I have always wanted to learn it and have been practicing for about two months now, but it always resulted in failure."

Rey paused for a moment as he took a breath and continued.

"However, about a week ago, I saw something that gave me an idea, ultimately helping me succeed."



This time it was Naruto who asked, "What did you see?"

Rey scratched the back of his head as he acted a little embarrassed, but still answered.

"It may seem silly, but I saw some kids playing with water balloons and felt that it was just like the Rasengan. The balloon acted as a shell to contain the water inside, so I thought about making a shell of chakra to prevent the chakra inside from going berserk, and it worked."

Kakashi stepped in, asking, "How long did it take you to do that?"

"Three days," Rey said, causing a pin-drop silence to descend in the Hokage's office.

Everyone looked at him as if they had heard something ridiculous, but Konohamuru jumped in, stating,

"Boruto also took about a week to learn the Rasengan, but learning it without any guidance is a whole different thing."

"Is everyone in the younger generation a freak or something?" Naruto muttered, and everyone couldn't help but nod to show their approval.



" Lord Sixth, if you don't mind, could you help me a little with my lightning element training? " Rey asked as the conversation about the Rasengan ended.

Kakashi couldn't help but tremble a little at the troublesome request, as he didn't want to put time and effort into it and would much rather spend his days lazing around.

"Sorry, it's just that I have some other things to do," Kakashi lied through his teeth, making an apologetic expression.

Rey knew Kakashi's personality from the anime and expected him to say something like that, so he decided to show the card he had prepared beforehand.

"No need to be sorry, Lord Sixth. Even though I don't know you personally, your title of Kage is enough to tell me that you have been through countless battles, meaning you know very well that a single little factor can decide whether you live or die in a battle. So rejecting my request, even when knowing that a little thing learned from you could save my and my teammates lives, means you must have some really important business." Rey said before bowing and taking his leave, leaving everyone in the Hokage's office stunned.



After Rey left the Hokage's office, everyone's gaze landed on Kakashi, making his body shudder and his back wet with sweat.

No words were spoken; the intense gaze of everyone was more than enough for him to run out of the office and chase after Rey.

"Come to the training ground number two at 6 in the morning," Kakashi said as he appeared in front of Rey before disappearing from the location.

Rey couldn't help but smirk inwardly as he realized his plan had succeeded. He knew he would need to make a lot of effort for Kakashi to agree and even then, he would only do the bare minimum of teaching.

That's why he came up with that plan that would not only ensure that Kakashi would accept his request, but also put a decent effort in teaching him.



Rey arrived at his home and tried to open the door, but found it locked from the inside.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion and called out,

"Mom, are you home?"

Tenten's nervous voice sounded from inside in response.

"A-Are you alone?"

Rey found the question strange, but he answered truthfully,


Tenten asked another odd question,

"Is there anyone passing by in the front?"

Rey turned to look before responding,

"No, there is no one."



Tenten was quiet for a moment before saying,

"Only enter when I tell you."

Rey became suspicious and decided to ask Tenten to wait a minute and used his sage mode to check if there was anyone other than Tenten inside.

To his surprise, he found that she was alone.

He called out, "I am ready, Mom," remaining alert despite the lack of danger.

Soon, Rey heard the sound of the door being unlocked and Tenten called out,

"You can enter."

Rey cautiously opened the door, ready for anything, but the sight inside still surprised him and caused his brain to stop functioning.





A/N: Guys, I need your help.

I actually have another work named THE FALLEN HERO (R-18) by Vas_yl, which is currently under the screening process for getting contracted.

So, I need as many of you guys to add it to your library, So that it can get contracted

Ty and please do it.