
[ A/N: This chapter will be a little fast paced as I don't think some dialogs and events are important. ]



The next day Rey left his house to meet Kakashi at the fixed time, but his main motive was not to train this time, Instead, he planned to execute the plan he had prepared the previous day.

Reaching the training ground, Rey found Kakashi in his usual spot and a serious look appeared on his face as he neared him.

Rey didn't wait any longer and asked Kakashi to follow him to the Hokage office. Kakashi was surprised at the sudden request, but based on his little experience with Rey in the prior two days, he knew Rey wasn't the type to waste the time during their training session, So he nodded and they both went to the Hokage office.

After getting permission from Naruto, they entered his office and Rey started his plan.



Rey didn't beat around the bush and raised his hand, causing a small block of wood to form under the astonished gaze of Naruto and Kakashi.

Kakashi was the first to ask Rey how he did it, causing Rey to explain how he was practicing yesterday after their training session and managed to perform wood release.

Naruto and Kakashi were excited at first as they knew how rare the Wood Release was, but Rey quickly told them about his worries and asked them to keep it a secret from the others until he was strong enough to protect himself.

Kakashi and Naruto fully understood the situation and knew if that information got out, there would be many people to come after Rey to somehow find a way to access Wood Release.

Kakashi purposed the idea of asking Yamato to train Rey in secret until Rey could master Wood Release to an adequate degree.

Rey was happy inside as Kakashi made it easier for him to get Yamato as his mentor.

Naruto knew full well how it felt to be chased down by those power hungry people and agreed with Kakashi's offer.



Naruto then contacted Yamato and explained the situation to him. Yamato was replaced by another Jonin from his mission to keep an eye on Orochimaru and was summoned back to the Leaf Village.

It took Yamato three days to reach the Leaf village and during those three days Rey continued to train under Kakashi's guidance in the morning, then did a low ranking mission in the afternoon while flirting with Namida a little, making Wasabi jealous. He then trained under Sakura while presenting himself as mature and funny at the same time in the evening, but he didn't try to flirt with her even a little as he first wanted to earn her trust. After that he would spar with Tenten which would result in him losing and then finally taking his revenge by making her pass out in the bed.

Yamato and Rey finally ended up meeting on the fourth day after he had told Naruto about his Wood Release.



Rey easily bonded with Yamato due to his easygoing personality and started training his wood release under his guidance. The location of their practice was Mount Myoboku which was suggested by Rey as Yamato said it was better to train in forest and Rey didn't want to take the risk of someone seeing them by accident, So after talking with Fukasaku and Naruto they decided to let Gamaki take Yamato and Rey to the forest of Mount Myoboku and let them practice there whenever they wanted. Although Rey needed some convincing, he managed to make Fukasaku agree at last with the condition of Gamaki being present with them during their training session.

Thus Rey started giving his all in training, he would train his lightning, earth and water elements under Kakashi's guidance in the morning from 6 am to 9 am, followed by training his wood element under Yamato's guidance from 10 am to 4 pm, followed by training under Sakura for medical ninjutsu and finally sparring with Tenten when he reached home.

Rey used his shadow clones to complete the assigned low ranked missions, but he made sure the shadow clone didn't flirt with the ladies as he didn't want that.



For the next week nothing out of ordinary happened and Rey started getting used to that routine, he had already gained a lot in that week as he learnt Chidori and some basic jutsus of Earth and Water element from Kakashi, On the other hand his progress his Wood Release was exceptional due to his high affinity with nature energy alongside absolute chakra control, he absorbed all the knowledge from Yamato with ease and performed a few jutsus with took Yamato months to perform.

The first important jutsu Rey learnt was Wood Clone Technique, which created clones by using chakra to alter the user's own cells into vegetation. These clones were more durable than shadow clones and didn't disappear with a single hit and they could transmit information to the host constantly unlike shadow clones which could only do so after dispersing. Rey could also change the clone's shape into a seed and use it as a tracker, the clones also had the ability to merge with trees to hide, making with ideal for spying mission. The chakra division was similar to the Shadow clone technique, dividing the chakra of user into equal parts with the clones and once the clones dispersed the chakra would come back to the user.



Next jutsu was called Hand tool Manipulation jutsu which allowed the user to change the shape of his hand to form a shield, a key or any other small sized object of his imagination. These jutsus that required manipulation of his cells were easily learnt by Rey as he didn't hesitate to ask for Sakura's help in that field.

Although Rey learnt that Wood can also be manipulated to absorb and suppress the target's chakra even Tailed beasts, but Yamato planned to teach that to him later.

Currently Rey was working on Wood Clone Transformation jutsu which was basically using his wood clone and manipulating the cells inside it to look like someone else. Yamato had explained the basics to Rey and also showed him how it's done, making Rey start working on it.