Meeting Kawaki

The next day was Rey's day off from all the training as his mentors said it was better to give the body time to recover. So, Rey planned to spend the whole day with his sweet Tenten, but unfortunately she could only accompany him till 10 in the morning as she and her friends planned to go shopping that day.

Rey didn't stop her as he knew she also wanted to hang out with her friends, So he also decided to go out to pass his time.

As Rey was roaming in the crowded streets of Konoha, he noticed a similar silhouette of someone and a smile appeared on his face as he made his way towards it.

The silhouette was of none other than the cute little Uchiha, who had just stopped at a food stall.

" Uncle, give me one custard filling taiyaki. " Sarada's sweet voice resounded in Rey's ears as he reached near her.

" Same for me. " Rey voiced as reached beside her, his voice making Sarada turn her head in his direction.



" Hey Sarada. " Rey said with a warm smile on his face.

Sarada's eyes shook a little in surprise, but she quickly recovered and replied with a beautiful smile.

" Hello Rey.

You seem to be quite busy nowadays. "

Sarada and Rey hadn't met since the day he sparred with Naruto and Sarada knew from her mother that Rey was training under Kakashi.

Rey noticed the redness on her cheeks and the restlessness in her eyes and knew that it wouldn't be long before Sarada would completely end up in his grasp.

" Well, I am doing whatever I can to keep up the promise I made to you. " Rey voiced as he looked directly into Sarada's eyes.

Sarada lost focus for a moment as she gazed into Rey's eyes, but recovered quickly and asked in confusion.

" P-Promise? "

Rey looked taken back by her question, but still answered.

" Don't tell me you forgot.

Didn't I say that I will watch your back while you take care of the village? "



Sarada's eyes widened and heart started beating faster and faster as the scene of Rey's interview started playing in her mind.

' W-Why is he always s-saying these w-weird things? ' Sarada thought inwardly, but didn't know how to reply to Rey.

Fortunately for her, the stall owner passed their food to them, causing her to sigh in relief.

Suddenly, She noticed the person she looked up to and voiced, causing Rey to turn his head back.

" Huh?

Lord Seventh? "

Hearing someone calling him, Naruto looked toward the source and upon recognizing the person, voiced happily.

" Ah!


Rey! "

Rey bowed a little and greeted the Hokage, causing him to nod with a small smile.



" It's so unusual!

To run into you here, So early in the day, Lord Seventh. " Sarada voiced.

Naruto then gave a reply, but Rey's mind was focused on the person standing behind Naruto. Rey felt like he had seen the boy somewhere and Naruto saying the name of the boy was all the help Rey needed to remember.

" His name is Kawaki.

As you know, he is the VIP

So I will be chaperoning him around the clock. "

' Kawaki!

That dude Boruto was fighting in the beginning of the series?

What is he doing here? ' Rey looked normal on the outside, but his mind was a complete mess, numerous questions floated inside his mind and the more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became.



As Rey's mind was analyzing the situation, Naruto ordered two taiyaki for himself and Kawaki. Rey knew that he needed more information to find out what was going on, for all he knew Kawaki could be an enemy in hiding now or he could be a normal kid, but very well become the enemy like Sasuke did in the Naruto series.

Rey quickly came up with a plan and decided to wait for the right time.

Naruto talked with Rey and Sarada about their training while waiting for the taiyaki, obviously he didn't ask Rey about wood element as he knew it was meant to be a secret for some time.

Rey sneakily pulled out a small seed from his pocket, which was a tracker created through wood clone, he had learnt through Yamato that these seeds only reacted to the creator's chakra, so it was impossible to tell them apart from any normal seeds.

" It's ready, Lord Seventh. " The cook announced, causing Rey to start his plan.

" I will get that. " Rey said before anyone could move and calmly took the two taiyaki's from the cook's hands.

Using his body as cover, Rey sneakily put the seed inside Kawaki's taiyaki and with a smile passed it to both of them.



Kawaki looked at the taiyaki with a suspicious face, not because he felt something wrong it, it was because he had never eaten a taiyaki before, but after seeing Naruto take a bite, he also proceeded to eat.

" This is super good!! " Kawaki said with a surprised expression, causing Sarada to ask if he had never eaten taiyaki before.

Rey also didn't stay behind and started small talk with Kawaki, but he didn't drop his guard against him as he knew nothing about him.

However the small talk came to an abrupt halt as a kid about 7 year old accidentally crashed into Kawaki while playing with his other friend.

A sudden silence descended in ther area and the air around Kawaki changed instantly. Rey saw Kawaki's right hand immediately taking the shape of a monstrous claw and heading towards the kid. Time seemed to slow down for Rey as adrenaline rushed through his body and instantly he moved toward the little kid. Thanks to the small distance between him and the kid, Rey got there in time and used his left hand to push the kid aside. Ducking beneath the claw, Rey followed up with his new killing jutsu ' Chidori ' directly headed to Kawaki's stomach.

Kawaki's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered and used his left hand to intercept Rey's blow.



Rey, who was smirking inwardly, thinking that Kawaki's hand would be pierced by his chidori, couldn't help but be bewildered as the chirping sound died down the instant it came in contact with Kawaki's left hand and under Rey's bewildered gaze his jutsu was absorbed by Kawaki's left hand.

' Damn it, He can also do that!! ' Rey thought as he backed away a little and planned his next attack.

Just as Rey and Kawaki were about to follow up with their next strike, Naruto appeared in between and separated the two of them.

" Enough!!! "