Connecting the dots

Rey, who was smirking inwardly, thinking that Kawaki's hand would be pierced by his chidori, couldn't help but be bewildered as the chirping sound died down the instant it came in contact with Kawaki's left hand and under Rey's bewildered gaze his jutsu was absorbed by Kawaki's left hand.

' Damn it, He can also do that!! ' Rey thought as he backed away a little and planned his next attack.

Just as Rey and Kawaki were about to follow up with their next strike, Naruto appeared in between and separated the two of them.

" Enough!!! "



The matter quickly died down with Naruto coming into play, Rey also decided not to continue, So he checked on the kid with Sarada and decided to take his leave.

Sarada also accompanied him and they started moving towards her residence. Rey quickly organized his thoughts and asked Sarada about Kawaki. Although Sarada was hesitant at first to share the mission details, but when Rey said he was worried about Boruto because of the mark on his hand, She decided to share the details, but on the condition that he wouldn't tell anyone about it.

Rey promised, making her explain how her team came across Kawaki while he was fighting an enemy and how they brought him to the village when he passed out.

" So the mark is called Karma, apparently it can spread to the whole arm of the bearer and Boruto somehow used it to protect you guys from Kawaki's attack by absorbing it.

Kawaki's body is something like a scientific ninja tool itself and he is called a Vessel and is being chased by an organization called Kara and he kept mentioning Jigen to stop chasing him. " Rey voiced to confirm if everything he learnt was correct.

" That's all I could understand from Kawaki's words. " Sarada confirmed.



Rey couldn't help but be surprised by how much information she picked up in between a battle and said.

" You really are impressive. "

Hearing his voice, Sarada looked at him and their eyes met, she felt her mind going blank for a moment before she came out of reverie and turned her head away with an embarrassed expression.

' A vessel huh! ' Rey couldn't help but remember a special someone from Naruto and the more he thought about it, the more positive he got about his guess.

' Isn't it similar to Sasuke's case from Naruto?

Is Kishimoto really using the same plot in Boruto? '

Rey thought as he felt he had reached a possible answer, he felt that the storyline was somewhat similar to Naruto's in Boruto as Orochimaru called Sasuke a Vessel, Jigen or Kara called Kawaki a vessel.

Orochimaru gave Sasuke the cursed seal, Momoshiki gave Boruto the karma and Jigen possibly gave Kawaki the karma.

The cursed seal gave instant power boost to Sasuke, The karma gave power boost to Kawaki and Boruto.



With Rey's encounter with Momoshiki, he was sure about one thing that the otsutsuki only cared about getting more power. Momoshiki's attack could have easily destroyed the whole village if Naruto hadn't protected them. So there was no way he would just give Boruto such a power without getting anything in return.

Rey knew that it couldn't be that all these things that were similar to the Naruto series were just a coincidence.

' There is the also the fighting scene of Boruto and Kawaki just like ending fight of Naruto and Sasuke. '

' Akatsuki was after Naruto in the series and now Kara is after Kawaki? '

' Kishimoto is trying to milk the same storyline as much as possible. ' Rey thought and started planning his steps ahead.

Rey knew that he couldn't give this information to anyone as he knew it raise many questions and would also put Sarada into trouble for sharing mission details, So he decided to keep the information to him.



After dropping Sarada to her home, Rey created a wood clone and tasked him with keeping watch over Kawaki. The best thing about wood clone was that once it merged with a tree, there was no way one could find it. Rey had tried using Sage mode to find Yamato's clone which was merged with a tree, but to his surprise he couldn't until he got close enough and really focused on it. That's why Rey specifically gave instructions to the wood clone, which would make sure that he was not caught and then went back to his house to start training as he knew that there was no way that the mysterious organization would just let Kawaki stay in Konoha.

For the next four days, Rey continued to keep an eye on Kawaki through his wood clone while continuing his daily routine of training.

Rey learnt a few things about karma and Kawaki as his wood clone followed behind when Kawaki and Boruto trained.



Apparently Kawaki could use his karma at will while Boruto needed Kawaki's help in activating it.

While using Karma not only would their physical prowess increase, the strength of their jutsu also increased, somewhat like Sage mode.

Rey also learnt that Kawaki could change the shape of his right hand at will, making it a claw or shield or anything he wanted, but he never used his left hand which contained the Karma to do the same.

They could also absorb any ninjutsu using their karma, although Boruto had yet to learn that.

And just as Rey expected someone ultimately came for Kawaki during the fourth day when Kawaki and Boruto were sparring while Naruto and Himawari were watching them.



Everything was going fine until Naruto suddenly stood up and said.

" Listen up, you three.

An enemy is headed this way.

Boruto, Take Himawari and run.

Right away. "

However, those clear words were still not enough for the dumb Boruto and he asked.

" What do you mean, An enemy? "

" I suspect they are after Kawaki.

I will fight them here.

Now go, Boruto!!

Hurry up!! " Naruto explained and this time Boruto nodded, but before he could even move a step, the enemy landed in front of them.