

Delta!! " Kawaki voiced in horror as the enemy landed in front of them.

The enemy was a woman named Delta who had long, curly, blonde hair and light purple eyes with yellow eye-shadow, with vertical lines running through her pupils and irises. She wore a black cloak with a pink inner colour, a turquoise outfit with long white high-heeled Shinobi sandals.

" From your expression, It seems you remember how sublime my punishment can be, Hmm.. Kawaki? " Delta voiced with an emotionless face, making Kawaki's body tremble in fear.



Rey was currently with Yamato in Mount Myoboku, training his wood element, but he was notified about everything happening there by his wood clone.

Rey could tell just by the initial punches thrown in the fight that even if he was present there, he wouldn't be able to do anything, So he decided to stay put and watch how the things unfolded.

However the pure stupidity of Boruto and Kawaki forced him to take the matters into his own hands.

The wood clone that was hiding in a tree far away in a relatively safe area, came out of the tree slightly and did a few hand sign causing another wood clone to be formed.

The original wood clone then went back into the hiding spot while the newer wood clone sneakily made his way towards Boruto and the others.

Although Rey knew he could get in trouble by showing himself there, he was sure he could make many excuses for it.

' How the hell is this dumb bitch the protagonist? ' Rey fumed as his wood clone reached near Himawari, Boruto and Kawaki.



" Shouldn't you be taking Himawari away instead of watching the fight like idiots? " Rey's wooden clone voiced as it sneaked behind Boruto and Kawaki.

Boruto, Kawaki and Himawari turned their head around in shock and fear, but seeing the familiar face of Rey they calmed down a little.

" Let's go. " Rey said, not waiting for them to say anything dumb again, but how could he win against the protagonist.

" But I can't leave dad alone here! " Rey couldn't help but want to smack that idiot right then, but he managed to keep his emotions in check.

" Look, if you think you can help Lord Seventh in this level of battle instead of being a hindrance, You can stay here, but I am taking Himawari to safety. "

Himawari was the only reason that Rey decided to step in, he knew that she would be safe with Naruto being there, but he didn't want to take the risk.

Saying that Rey's wooden clone picked up Himawari in a princess carry and sprinted away from the area, quickly followed behind by Kawaki and at last Boruto also.



While the wooden clone was taking Himawari to a safer location, the other wooden clone hidden inside the tree was watching how the battle unfolded.

Just as Boruto and the other reached some distance away, Delta looked in their direction, apparently wanting to chase behind them, but Naruto quickly got in front of her and punched her in the face as he said.

" You gotta deal with me first!! "

Delta backed away a little and looked angrily at Naruto as she voiced.

" Fine, I will kill you first!!! "

With Naruto now able to fight without any distraction, the battle that initially looked in Delta's favor quickly shifted to Naruto's favor.

Although both Naruto and Delta seemed evenly matched, but Rey could tell that Naruto wasn't fighting at full power and as he expected Naruto was trying to get information out of Delta during the fight, but Delta was far too clever to slip something up.



As the fight continued both fighters amassed small injuries on their bodies, but Naruto was quickly healed due to Kurama's help, making Delta more and more desperate and finally she performed a deadly attack which was her shooting laser like beams from her eyes.

However, Naruto managed to dodge that attack and seeing that Delta was capable of seriously hurting him, he finally became serious and finished the fight with a Chou Chou Odama Rasengan ( Super Super Giant Rasengan ) which overpowered even Delta's jutsu absorbing ability and rendered her unconscious.

Naruto stood there for a moment before walking toward the unconscious Delta, but just as he was about to touch her, Delta's body started trembling.

Naruto's instincts warned him at that point about the danger, making him jump away from her position instantly.

" BOOMMM!!! "

Delta's body self destructed, causing a giant explosion and shockwaves that even shook the tree in which Rey's wood clone was hiding at quite a distance away, but due to the tree being far from the explosion site, it stood its ground.



Nothing major happened for the next week other than the police department being on high alert in case any other intruder tried to sneak in. Rey was called by Naruto after the incident and was praised for keeping his calm and acting appropriately in the situation. Rey also noticed that Boruto was also acting a little different towards him, earlier they could be called just normal friends, but now Boruto would always come running to Rey whenever he saw him and ask him to join them while they were having fun.

Rey also didn't reject the offer and would join them whenever he had a little time, he had also increased the intensity of training even more after seeing what the members of Kara were capable of.

Rey was still keeping watch on Kawaki through his wood clone and learnt that Naruto had taken him as his student and was teaching him Ninjutsu. Rey could understand why Naruto was so fond of Kawaki as he was seeing his younger self in Kawaki.



Rey hadn't forgotten about the Sage mode and was trying to reach a level similar to Hashirama in that and although he wasn't sure about his plan, he knew was getting closer to it. Rey had no idea how Hashirama did it and that's why he was trying to create his own method.

Rey started with the basics of Sage mode, which was mixing nature energy with chakra to create Senjutsu chakra.

Rey knew the time required to enter sage mode was the time it took to absorb the required amount of nature energy and he planned to shorten that absorbing time.

Rey realized that his initial approach was wrong as even if he fastened his absorption rate of nature energy by training in it for a long period of time, even then he would not be able to enter sage mode instantly as his Chakra reserve would also increase in that time.

Their was a limit to how much faster a body could absorb nature energy from air and that's why Rey planned to absorb nature energy from something that was already brimming with nature energy.