Jigen's Arrival

And that's where the Wood element came into play. Yamato had explained to Rey how the wood release was famous for its ability to manipulate, suppress, and absorb chakra, as wood was a natural attractor of chakra and nature energy.

Rey had also confirmed this using Sage mode, which showed that the trees and plants were filled to the brim with nature energy.

The bigger the tree, the greater the amount of nature energy it contains. Thus, Rey had an idea that if he progressed in Wood Release to a certain extent, he would be able to absorb nature energy directly from those natural containers of natural energy and enter Sage mode instantly.



Rey was sure that a greater threat than Delta was looming over the Leaf Village, as there was no way the higher-ups of the Kara organization would just let the recent incident go.

And his worries came true when the head of the Kara organization, 'Jigen', came himself.

Rey was about to meet with Yamato for his training session when his wood clone hiding near Naruto's house contacted him, explaining the situation.

Apparently, Jigen had used his connection with Kawaki's karma to directly appear at Naruto's house through a spatial portal.

Rey had obtained a lot of information after spending some time with Boruto and Kawaki, and he knew that Jigen was the leader of the Kara organization. So Rey didn't know what to do.

He knew that going there would result in his death if he got hit by even a single attack of that level, and that's why he wanted to watch how things unfolded.

However, luck appeared to not be on his side, as he saw a familiar figure of Sarada heading towards Naruto's house."



Rey had seen far too much animes in his past life to know that something big was about to happen and it was time for team 7 to shine. Therefore, Rey resolved to follow Sarada, eyeing her shapely buttocks as they bounced in the air while he sprinted behind her.

Although Rey found the sight before him alluring, he didn't forget to create shadow clones and instruct them to start absorbing nature energy. Rey had no idea how events would unfold, but he was determined to not enter the fray without being adequately prepared.

Rey continued to receive updates from his wood clone regarding the happenings at Naruto's house. Essentially, Jigen had come to retrieve Kawaki, but Naruto, as usual, forbade it and engaged Jigen in combat.

Naruto initiated the physical altercation after a brief verbal altercation, but Jigen swiftly countered with a kick to the chest, followed by a single hand movement that impaled Naruto's body with several chakra receivers (black rods), causing him to collapse to the ground with a pained expression.



While Naruto was trying to get up from the ground, Jigen and Kawaki were having a verbal fight with each other.

Jigen was basically acting like a wannabe dad to Kawaki, saying how only he truly cared for him, but Kawaki was all about Naruto, saying that Naruto was much better than him.

Jigen then said something about Naruto, and Kawaki got so angry that his karma markings spread through his arm to his head, and a horn also grew on his head. But before Kawaki could show his abilities, Naruto appeared in front of him and kicked Jigen directly in the face, making his body crash into the room wall.

That kick seemed to have pissed Jigen off, as strange black markings spread through his whole body and the air around him turned sinister. 'I shall eliminate you, Uzumaki Naruto!' Jigen voiced."



"Seeing Jigen getting serious, Kawaki gave up and agreed to go with him if he agreed not to harm Naruto. Jigen agreed to his condition, but Naruto had other plans, and said it was his duty to protect everyone in the village.

Jigen, however, seemed to have had enough and, with a wave of his hand, formed a portal behind Naruto and disappeared from the location dragging Naruto along him, leaving Kawaki alone in the room, unable to do anything.

Rey reached Naruto's house alongside Sarada a few moments after Naruto's disappearance and acted like he didn't know what had happened.

"Master Ino was saying that there was an enemy attack.

Did Lord Seventh go off somewhere with them?

Answer me, Kawaki! " Sarada demanded.



As Sarada spoke, Boruto and Mitsuki arrived, followed by Shikamaru and a team of skilled shinobis. Without hesitation, Shikamaru used his shadow paralysis jutsu on Kawaki and ordered his men to set up a barrier around the area.

Meanwhile, Rey had reached the tree where his wood clone was hiding and covertly transformed it into a seed, just in case.

Shikamaru then ordered some of the ninjas to search the house and questioned Kawaki about the events that had transpired.

Kawaki described how his karma had acted strangely, and through it, a portal opened, from which Jigen emerged. As Kawaki spoke, Rey pretended to listen attentively but was secretly considering his next move.

According to Shikamaru, Sasuke was on a mission and his return was uncertain.

' It's probably time for Boruto and the others to take the spotlight and rescue Naruto. ' Rey thought as he began to contemplate a plan of action."



Rey's initial assumption was that the situation involved karma, as it had been a significant theme in the series thus far.

As he contemplated this, he had an idea.



Follow me for a moment. " Rey voiced, leading them to an empty room in the house.

However, Shikamaru, perturbed by the current circumstances, once again utilized his shadow paralysis jutsu on Kawaki to prevent him from moving.

" He will remain here under my supervision!" Shikamaru declared sternly, eyeing Rey. But Rey didn't back down and attempted to persuade him politely.

" There's no need to be so tense, Uncle Shikamaru.

Kawaki is already within your barrier, so there's no chance he'll simply vanish if you allow us a few minutes alone."

Yet, Shikamaru had already made his decision and shook his head before stating,

" I still cannot permit that. And it's Advisor, not uncle. " Shikamaru emphasized that he was currently fulfilling his duties as an Advisor, but Rey didn't like the way Shikamaru spoke.