Rey's Plan

"Sorry, you can't get rid of my dark clouds with mere wind.

It's already eating away at your body, so escape while you can...

Mitsuki, child of Orochimaru," Boro said.

However, Mitsuki didn't give up and performed a few hand signs, causing lightning to transform into a snake shape and attack Boro.

Boro responded with a water-based jutsu, creating a water wall to defend against Mitsuki's lightning snake. Although the water barrier managed to deflect the lightning attack, Mitsuki had already followed up with another attack. His hands transformed into snakes and coiled around Boro's both hands, preventing him from moving, while another small snake bit into Boro's hand, injecting its deadly poison.



Boro kept his smirk in place and launched himself into the air, rotating his body mid-air and pulling Mitsuki along with him. Mitsuki crashed to the ground, his hold on Boro's hands loosening. Boro landed a few meters away from Mitsuki and examined the poison spreading through his arm, but instead of showing any fear, he simply smirked and performed his strange hand sign. In an instant, Boro's arm was completely healed, with no trace of the poison or any other damage remaining. Meanwhile, Mitsuki was struggling to control his body due to the effects of the black mist, barely able to stand on his feet. The mist seemed to be sapping his strength and will to fight, making him an easy target for Boro. Sarada seized the opportunity and punched the ground beneath her, causing cracks to form. She then lifted a giant chunk of solid earth and threw it at Boro, who was about to attack Mitsuki. Boro quickly jumped back to avoid the attack, giving Sarada and Mitsuki the chance to rescue Boruto and Kawaki.



"Why did you run off?" Kawaki asked as he watched Sarada lay the unresponsive body on the ground.

"Are you abandoning Lord Seventh?!" he added, impatience etched on his face.

Currently, they were all hiding in a small cavity behind a few small boulders, trying to figure out their next move.

"You idiot!" Sarada exclaimed.

"We would have been wiped out if we had stayed."

Boruto, however, was not interested in their conversation. His focus was fixed on Rey, who seemed deep in thought.

"Why?" Boruto muttered, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Why did you come here if you don't even want to help?!" Boruto said angrily, looking at Rey.

Rey came out of his thoughts and looked at Boruto with a small frown.

"It's common sense to not charge at the enemy when you don't know the first thing about his abilities," he said calmly.

Boruto was still not convinced and was about to retort, but Rey cut him off.

" It's not the time to fight amongst ourselves. " he said firmly.



"Boro was doing some strange hand signs every time he took a direct hit. " Rey said, turning to Kawaki.

"Even though I'm not sure, I think it might be related to his regeneration abilities."

"You know him better than any of us, Kawaki," Rey continued.

" Do you have any idea about it? "

Kawaki knitted his brows and thought about Rey's words.

" I think it might be that he's protecting his core by doing that. " he muttered after thinking for a few moments, looking at Rey.

"Core?" Boruto asked, confused.

" Everyone in Kara has their body remodeled by this guy named Amado, including me. " Kawaki explained.

" Amado is a genius, but even his technical skills have a limit. " He continued.

"How sure are you?" Sarada asked.

"I'll swear to it," Kawaki said confidently. "That level of regeneration is impossible without a giant core. That's Amado's shortcoming."



" I think it's worth giving it a try. " Rey said as he looked towards everyone.

" What's the plan? " Sarada asked, causing everyone to look at Rey.

" Our main objective is to rescue Lord Seventh, not to kill Boro. " Rey began.

" Boruto and Kawaki aren't in a condition to move, and Mitsuki is also unstable due to the black mist. So, I will act as bait and lure Boro away while Sarada sneaks in and grabs the sealing container.

Then you guys will open a portal back to the village and give me a signal." Rey said as he performed a few hand signs and created some shadow clones, preparing to enter sage mode.

" We can't allow that.

It's too risky! " Sarada said, looking at Rey with a worried expression.

Rey didn't know if she was worried for him as a team member or something more, but seeing her like that made him happy and strengthened his desire to make her completely his own.



" Don't worry, I'm stronger than you think.

And I also have my own ways to deal with him. " Rey said, trying to assure Sarada.

Although she was still against the plan, Rey convinced her by explaining that they didn't know what was happening to Naruto inside the seal, and every second wasted was a risk to Naruto's life.

" Wait a moment." Mitsuki said before Rey could go out to confront Boro.

Mitsuki then explained that he had trapped some of the black mist, and tasked Sarada with focusing on it.

According to him, Sarada's Sharingan could act like a microscope if she focused hard enough. Sarada did as he told her and, as Mitsuki released the trapped black mist, Sarada's facial expression fell and she said.

" I saw it clearly.

They are viruses. "

' The hell!! ' Rey thought. He knew how small viruses were from his previous life, yet the Sharingan could see them clearly.



Rey had a guess by observing the effects of the black mist, but he wasn't sure if it was a jutsu or some other entity.

" That's why my Karma couldn't absorb it! " Kawaki said, explaining that the Karma could only absorb energy like chakra, but couldn't absorb physical matter.

" So, Karma can absorb a water jutsu created by chakra, but can't absorb water from the river? " Sarada asked, causing Kawaki to nod in reply.

' Interesting! ' Rey thought as he heard the limitation of Karma.

Mitsuki then prepared the antidote for the black mist through his abilities, which were strange to everyone except Rey, who had also received basic training in making antidotes from Sakura.

" Now that we all can fight without worrying about the black mist, we should change the plan. " Sarada said after everyone took the antidote that Mitsuki had prepared.



" No, our first priority is to rescue Lord Seventh. " Rey said, causing everyone to look at him.

" Also, Boro thinks that Kawaki, Boruto, and Mitsuki are down due to his viruses, and we should use it to our advantage. But with you guys able to move, the plan has become a little easier.

So, here's what we'll do. "