
"If it isn't Kawaki!

Oh, joy!

To get to run into you here!" the man exclaimed, causing Kawaki's face to contort into an unpleasant look.

Rey could tell just from that look that this man was a bad news.



" Kawaki, is that Jigen? " Boruto asked, studying the middle-aged man standing in front of them.

" No, that's Boro, " Kawaki answered, a hint of caution in his voice.

" He's another inner member of Kara, and in some ways, he's even more dangerous than Jigen. "

" Where's Lord Seventh? " Kawaki inquired, trying to get some information out of Boro.

However, Boro seemed more interested in talking about the changes he had noticed in Kawaki.

" Are you deaf?

I'll have to ask your corpse if you don't answer me," Kawaki shouted, his patience running thin.

Boro simply shrugged and picked up a circular container by his side.

" The Hokage is inside," he said nonchalantly.

" Not that I have any idea what's going on in there or whether he's even alive. "



Boruto's eyes narrowed in anger at the mention of his father.

" What did you do to my dad?! " he yelled.

Boro merely shrugged and tossed the container at Boruto.

" Check for yourself, Uzumaki Boruto. " he said with a sly smile.

Boruto tried to open it, but the seal seemed to be too strong for him to break.

Boro chuckled and explained that only Jigen could unlock the seal, and if anyone tried to force it open, the contents inside would be damaged.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the container, wondering what secrets it held. But when they looked back at Boro, he had vanished without a trace.

Rey and the others scanned the area, trying to locate him, but Rey's instincts told him that danger was lurking beneath them.

"Jump!" he shouted, leaping into the air.

"Beneath us!" Mitsuki also sensed the attack and warned the others, causing them to jump just in time to avoid the incoming danger.



Just as Rey and the others leapt out of the way, the ground beneath them cracked and a light greenish viscous liquid bubbled up from the ground.

"This liquid... it's acid!

Be careful not to touch it. " Sarada warned, confirming Rey's suspicion.

"You bastard!" Kawaki yelled, using his Karma to absorb the acid surrounding the container.

Rey watched the scene unfold with intense focus, but he refrained from acting. He knew nothing about the enemy's abilities and he knee he didn't have the same plot armor as Boruto and the others. Instead, he decided to observe and then act. Kawaki approached the container to check on it, but Boro used the opportunity to attack him again with the acid. This time, it was Boruto who stepped in front of Kawaki and absorbed the attack with his Karma.

Seeing this, Rey couldn't help but think that he should also have Karma, but the thought of becoming a vessel for an Otsutsuki quickly killed that desire.



Boro tried to provoke Boruto by challenging him, and Boruto, being Boruto, charged straight towards Boro.

Sarada shouted, trying to stop him from acting recklessly, but Boruto didn't listen and launched a Rasengan at Boro's stomach.

To Rey's surprise, Boro simply did a hand sign and stood there smirking, not even trying to avoid Boruto's attack. The Rasengan struck Boro directly in the stomach, sending him flying into a small boulder. But instead of a pained expression, a smirk appeared on Boro's face as the injury from Boruto's Rasengan healed in an instant. As everyone marveled at the speed of Boro's regeneration, Kawaki sprinted ahead of Boruto, urging him to follow and unleash a powerful attack that would leave Boro unable to regenerate.

Rey watched as Boro smirked and repeated the same hand signs, waiting for Kawaki to attack. Kawaki transformed his right hand into a massive claw and, using all his momentum, slammed Boro into the boulder with such force that it broke.



Without hesitation, Kawaki picked up Boro and slammed him onto the ground, yelling,


"On it!" Boruto replied, running towards Boro's body on the ground with a Rasengan in hand.

Boruto leaped into the air and Kawaki also let go on his hold on Boro and placed his hand on Boruto's back.

" Do it!! " Kawaki voiced and with their strange karma resonance, the Rasengan in Boruto's hand grew bigger, almost 10 times its previous size.

" Haaaahhh!! " Boruto shouted as he hit Boro with the gaint Rasengan.

The gaint Rasengan shredded Boro's whole upper half into shreds before continuing onto its path and finally vanished after obliterated a massive boulder.

" Yeah!! " Boruto voiced in excitement, but that didn't stay for long as the half obliterated Boro's body twitched a little and with an unbelievable regeneration speed became fully healed in a matter of seconds.



" Damm it!! " Kawaki yelled and sprinted toward Boro again.

But before he could reach Boro, his body froze and he fell to the ground.

Boruto wasn't faring much better, as his body suddenly gave out and he fell to his knees, looking around in confusion.



heh, that's what you get for charging in recklessly, fools!"

Boro stood up, showing no visible injuries, and sneered at Boruto and Kawaki. Rey and the others finally noticed the black mist that had been creeping around Boro.

Kawaki tried to remain calm, but panic set in as he was unable to absorb the black mist using his Karma.

"Boruto, Otsutsuki Momoshiki's Vessel!

Thanks to you, the time limit that was urgently pressing on our plans might as well have been lifted.

I am eternally grateful.

I will take you back along with Kawaki and treat you with care," Boro muttered as he crouched beside Boruto.



Rey furrowed his brow as he looked at the black mist and was about to make his move to rescue Boruto and Kawaki, but Mitsuki beat him to it.

He jumped next to Boruto and used his 'Wind Style: Break Through' jutsu to clear away the mist and hit Boro.

Boro was sent sliding back by the jutsu and the black mist cleared for a moment, but it quickly returned.

"Sorry, you can't get rid of my dark clouds with mere wind.

It's already eating away at your body, so escape while you can...

Mitsuki, child of Orochimaru," Boro said.