Chapter I ,,The beginning''

Grisha Efron was killing time at school, he looked from time to time at the old and ugly teacher in front of him and then at the clock and said to himself "What am I doing here?"

The teacher looks at him and mockingly says, "Look at the clock, look, you'd better get your hands on a book, maybe you'll change your destiny as a normal person." Danil, the teacher's favorite, also throws a reply ,, I don't really think so, you can't change the destiny of some animals with just some intelligence '' The students looked at Grisha with superiority, as if he wasn't even human. Grisha didn't say anything, but threw a threatening look at the teacher, the teacher turned to the blackboard and closed his mouth. ,,Only if I had a blessing, I would have crushed you all,, cursed Grisha under his breath.

The lesson was over and he was in a hurry to get to his part-time job. As he quickly left the classroom, in the corridors of the school, he collides with a muscular figure, about 193 cm tall, and falls 2 meters from the impact.

"God, please, anyone but Tayler", but his premonitions were correct, the one who was in front of him was Tayler Speed, the one who turned Grisha's student life into living hell.

"This dog has forgotten his manners, hasn't he? I guess I have to remind him." Tayler said as he clenched his fist and started throwing punches at Grisha.

"You're not allowed to beat up people without skills" says a girl named Alice from the crowd who hadn't raised a finger to help Grisha.

,,As long as I don't use my abilities everything is allowed ,haha!!" Taylor shouts. Grisha tries to fight back but a normal person's fist can't do anything against a Blessed one, his only option is to run away somehow, he notices a gap between Tayler's attacks and takes advantage of the moment to escape. Tyler watches him run away, wants to go after him but is stopped by one of his friends ,

"Let him ,he's just a weakling anyway,, Tayler agrees.

While Grisha was running, a lot of thoughts crossed his mind,,Why do I have to suffer because of these Blesseds, why can't I have a normal life? Why did my parents die? Why did The Great Change happen, if it hadn't happened everything would have been perfect. I swear I will get my hands on the Blessed abilities and take revenge on all the people who made my life a living hell.''

The Great Change, the event that radically changed people's lives. In the capitals of the world: Paris, Seoul, Berlin, Moscow, Beijing, Kyiv, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, Washington, London, the Gates appeared, exploring these Gates people discovered a new world exactly like the Earth, only in smaller proportions and of an unprecedented beauty, people thought it was a gift from God, but two months later it turned out that they were sorely mistaken.

Hideous, gigantic monsters like: orcs, goblins, cyclops, chimeras, dragons, werewolves, creatures found only in legends and myths began to roam from the Gates. The army tried to resist them, but it was in vain, when humanity was on the verge of destruction, the Blessed appeared, people who received God's blessing. With their help, humanity launched a counter attack and regained 50% of the occupied lands of monsters. The reclaimed lands became safe areas where there was still the danger of gates appearing, the lands that were left prey to the monsters became irreplaceable, non-fertile, completely destroyed areas. This event massacred 75% of the world's population including Grisha's parents who sacrificed themselves to save him.

The blessed established a new social order led by the persons who received blessings. The most powerful have created guilds that influence the whole world and hold all the power in the country. In order to suppress a little the power of the guilds, the Associations were created to supervise the guilds and the actions of the blesseds, but many of their crimes take place in the shadows and the Association cannot do anything about them.

After being beaten by Taylor and successfully got away from his grasp. Grisha does not go to his part-time job. He was walking the streets of Seoul completely demoralized. The shadow of the lanterns beat in front of him, his face under the lantern light was sad and pale. "What does it matter if I look good? What does it matter if I'm smart? What's the use of having a good physique if in this society none of these qualities bring me success or at least a normal life!?", says Grisha depressed and in his eyes the desire to end his days was seen .

On his way to the nearest bridge , he notices an advertisement that caught his attention. ,, So this ad says there is an artificial method to get blessings....hmmm and it works on normal people too ,I better try ,this might be my last chance to get a blessing ,last chance to get a better life! No more washing floors in stores or warehouses, no more of this meaningless life."

Reading the article, a frown suddenly appeared in Grisha's eyes. "How much? Five hundred thousand dollars just for an attempt that is likely to fail!?" Grisha stopped, sat down on a bench and began to plan his next move in his mind, ,,Even if it is a small success rate, this is the last opportunity I have, if I miss this chance I don't think I will I have another. "

The process of becoming Blessed is based on the fact that the unique abilitie of Margo Roth Spigelman will stimulate the human body, and if there is a chance to become Blessed, it will activate the process of awakening a Blessing and the experiment will be a success but it all depends on the influenced person, whether he has the capabilities to become Blessed or not.

With his heart in his teeth, Grisha goes the next day to the bank for a loan. After taking money, he goes to the Association to try his luck, in front of the association were hundreds of young people who hoped to change their lives, and at the head of the queue was Tristan Tzara.

The youngest son of a noble family of Blesseds , he being the only one in the family without a blessing came to change that. The family Tzara is famous for being on the front lines in the final phase of repulsing the hordes of monsters during the Great Shift. Grisha waits in queue seeing how from the association came out people who managed to reach their goal , but also some who could not activate the Blessing.

Tristan Tzara managed to obtain the Tzara family's special ability to control flames, and court reporters were announcing the birth of a new hero.

"It seems that luck never leaves some people," says Grisha contemptuously. After a few hours it's Grisha's turn, Entering the Association he is guided by a lady along the white corridors to the room where the Influence Process will take place. He opens the door, and in front of his eyes sees a lady of extraordinary beauty.

,,Welcome, to start the Influence Process it is only necessary to hold hands for 2 minutes, during this time you should become Blessed if you have the ability.

"I paid half a million just to hold hands for 2 minutes with a diva? With this money I could have lived a luxurious life..." Grisha sighs...

The two minutes pass but no sign of the Blessing. "Sorry, it seems you don't have the ability to become a Blessed" says the diva's assistant to Grisha as he was kicked out.

Grisha, completely demoralized and beaten by the game of life, drowns his tears in alcohol as he slowly staggers towards the bridge of the end.

Arriving on the bridge, he is ready to throw himself into the lake. "Now, I'm going to end this miserable and painful life, forgive me mother, father..." says Grisha with tears in his eyes.


But he doesn't manage to jump because a system notification appears in front of him.

[ Notification ]

|A wandering god wants to form a contract with you !!!
