Chapter II ,,The mysterious notification,,

,,WOW, Wtf is this?" asket Grisha as he looked at the floating blue window that had suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

„A wandering God ?, what could that mean , as far as I know there is only one God, the one who offered the Blessings. But if there exist an another God, then maybe I still have a chance to become a Blessed." said the red-haired boy while a flame of hope rose in his eyes.

He wanted to accept the offer but he couldn't touch the window with his finger, an old man passing by looked with a confused look at Grisha who was standing on the bridge railing and was waving his finger in the air like an idiot.

„It seems that young people today are more mentally unstable than old people, maybe they should put those phones away." says the old man as he walks away.

„Maybe it's being controlled by my mind , let's try something else.", wondered Grisha.

After several unsuccessful attempts...

„Oh, looks like it worked!"

|Congratulations !!! |

*Grisha Efron,you have successfully accepted the offer proposed by The Wandering God , it's time to get strong!*

Suddenly a lot of data appeared before his eyes.

*Host name:Grisha Efron

[HP 10/10]

*Level: level 1

*Skills owned: 0


*Agility:5 +

*Intelligence:9 +

*Speed:6 +

*Stamina:6 +

*Mana power: 1 +

*Undistributed stat points: 0

He was shocked, these were data about him, looking through the Status Window suddenly the Quest tab opened:

*Daily Quest:Do 50 push-ups [0/50]

Do 50 squats [0/50]

Do 50 sit-ups [0/50]

Run 5 kilometers [0/5km]

Reward : Instant Level Up ; +5 undistributed stat points.

Penalty : If the Daily Quest is not completed a level will be subtracted from the subject.

*⚠️Warning ⚠️: You are too weak to receive other Quests, the subject needs to develop his muscle mass and endurance in order not to die in battle.The subject will receive his Main Quest after finishing the Daily Quest every day for a week .*

„Even the system agrees with the fact that I'm weak😭 ", complained Grisha.

„It's already very late but I think I'll try to do this, I don't know what will happen to me if the only level I have is deducted ."

After some time of walking ...

„It would be best to do the exercises here" says Grisha when he arrives at the park in front of his small apartment in Seocho-Gu.

He started by doing push-ups, reaching 40 he felt that he no longer had the strength to continue, but his desire to fulfill his dream was so strong that it gave him the strength to finish , after much struggle and whining he completed the 50 push-ups, sit-ups and squats.The only thing left for him was to run the 5 kilometers, which was easy for him because he was already used to running from Taylor.

*You got 5 stat points*

[↑Level up ↑]

„Nice, now I can try to put some points in strength , maybe it will help me get stronger."Grisha opens the Stat window again through his mind, learning the way to navigate through the system took him some time but he eventually learned that. While putting the points Grisha felt a change in his body, he felt much stronger and tough.

„Hahaha,with the help of the system I am sure that I will be able to become much stronger even to become the most powerful Blessed it's not just a dream anymore." told himself ambitiously Grisha .While due to fatigue he fell asleep on the park bench...

After a few hours of good sleep...

„HEY,HEYYY, WAKE UP !!!" shouted Colt the bald old man in a sports suit who worked with Grisha washing floors in stores or warehouses , he was a sensitive old man and understood the boy's situation. He is one of the only people who generously gave him financial and moral help.

„Hey, wake up, you're going to catch a cold!"

„Oh, old man, I don't know when I fell asleep here".

„Come on, wake up Sleepyhead, we have to go to work "

„I'm not coming to work today and for the next few days either , don't worry yourself I know what I'm doing.

„Okay, it seems you have a plan in mind, if something doesn't go well you can always come to me, I'll help you somehow . "says the old man confidently, hoping that everything will be fine with the boy.

The boy entered his small apartment, which had no bathroom, his bed was a mattress and the furniture was old and worn, but despite these things it was clean and tidy, there was not a trace of dust on the tables and cupboards and the floor was shiny.

After changing his clothes and eating some instant noodles, he threw himself on the mattress and started looking for information about the Gates because completing them will be his first goal after finishing the training. he opened his old and used phone and searched for information about the monsters in the Gates.

List of Monster Ranks:

Rank E (the weakest): goblins ,slimes.

Rank D: Stone Golems,zombie, skeleton,wolf, spider.

Rank C: giant zombie, fire skeleton, spider queen,werewolfs,Dungeon Mutated Hyenas (Jackals)

Rank B: mutated zombie, shadow knight, ghost , lizard man,necromancer.

Rank A: Orc , lich.

Rank S: Dragon, Lava Golem , giant caterpillar.

After getting more information about the Gates and what is inside of them, he went out to the park and started to do the Daily Quest again.To his surprise he managed to do everything much easier.He gets stat points again and levels up.

„Now that I have five stat points it would be good to invest them two each in Stamina and Speed and 1 point in Intelligence."

He spent the last five days doing the Daily Quests and learning about the Gates and their clearing strategies.

„49... and 50!.Uhhh, with this I finished the seven days of Daily Quest, now I will invest the last five points in Intelligence and that's the end of my training."

Said Grisha while wiping his sweaty forehead, looking at him you hardly recognize the old Grisha ,the person we see right now had a muscular body that you don't gain in just seven days, but with the help of the system it was possible.

< System Notification>

*Congratulations on completing all seven Daily Quests!!

Reward:Assassin Skill Book [Rare]

[Accept ] [Decline]

„Wow!? , a skill book!? Even a basic one costs up to millions of dollars, and this is a Rare!?of course i accept."

Grisha received the Skill Book .

„Now let's see what we get"

The book opened before his eyes, did a spin in the air and disappeared .

„This is all? was i fooled!?"

At that moment a notification appeared in front of him.

*The subject has aquired the Shadow Summoning skill.

Shadow Summoning-the ability to summon a shadow and give orders to it. Costs 2 MP to summon a shadow and the current maximum number of summons is 4 (The maximum number of summons will increase as the subject increases its intelligence).The shadow's power is equal to 50% of the summoner's power.

„It seems that investing 10 stat points in mana power was a good choice , now let's try it.".

„Shadow Summoning!!! " screamed Grisha, and four shadows his size appeared in front of him.

„I have obtained a pretty good skill, it's a bit similar to the skill of the A-rank Blessed Andrew Drate or The Necromancer.".

„With this, passing tomorrow's exam will be a piece of cake. Maybe I'll even get a rank higher than E or D, but I shouldn't expect too much."

*Host name:Grisha Efron

[HP 10/10]

*Level: level 8

*Skills owned: Shadow Summoning lvl 1[ Rank C]



*Intelligence:15 +

*Speed:10 +

*Stamina:10 +

*Mana power: 11 +

*Undistributed stat points: 0